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Theif vs Other jobs

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  • #31
    Re: Theif vs Other jobs

    Maybe if they made some kind of JA Trait where, say, the power of SATA was enhanced at LV60 by Thief.

    Yes, there is Asassin, but I'm talking like... a damage modifier or bonus... that would suddenly make other meree jobs that sub thf still good, but thf not so much worthless.

    Really, having SATA on a job after 60 is quintessentially like a WHM having RDM sub at LV 80 and casting Refresh.....


    • #32
      Re: Theif vs Other jobs

      Originally posted by Shinhiryu_Kage View Post
      Maybe if they made some kind of JA Trait where, say, the power of SATA was enhanced at LV60 by Thief.
      Yes, there is Asassin, but I'm talking like... a damage modifier or bonus... that would suddenly make other meree jobs that sub thf still good, but thf not so much worthless.
      Really, having SATA on a job after 60 is quintessentially like a WHM having RDM sub at LV 80 and casting Refresh.....
      That's what I'm hoping for, but with more of the lines, "close to worthless for other jobs doing this compared to the impossible power of thf " /end semi-sarcasism.
      Note on the last statement, it'll be lvl 82 for refresh there =P and i doubt the rdms would take that soo nicely with their fast invites dropping over whm's having the trump card of rdm
      Adventures of Akashimo Hakubi & Nekoai Nanashi


      • #33
        Re: Theif vs Other jobs

        I wish there were some kind of exclusiveness to THF's performance. But it seems that even with the SA bonuses and the TA bonuses, and the job traits that we're still lacking; Just got through w/ a PT and two SAM/THF basically dominated hate control while tossing around damage that was in the 1.2K range at rates I couldn't keep up with.

        It's slightly discouraging when other jobs can do the exact same thing as us pretty much. That's why we're completely overlooked in alot of aspects of things. Especially when it comes to parties.
        "Vacation. Alienation. Japanamation. Manga. Kanga. Naked Lunch. Hawaiian punch!!"


        • #34
          Re: Theif vs Other jobs

          Originally posted by Eauijhkuu View Post
          It's slightly discouraging when other jobs can do the exact same thing as us pretty much. That's why we're completely overlooked in alot of aspects of things. Especially when it comes to parties.
          Pretty much nail on the head on the point I'm trying to make with giving thf some boosts and/or making TA esclusive to Thief only.
          Adventures of Akashimo Hakubi & Nekoai Nanashi


          • #35
            Re: Theif vs Other jobs

            i think what really hurts thf to be honest in merit pts is that the most used camp are in the mire. This is no flame but a thf w/o sata is useless if you cant spike your damagthen its horrible now mix that fact with some of the 75 thfs on my server and ya thats why i say ill just pass on the thf.

            now since nyzul isle came out i have used a few more thfs and they did great really help when you cant get sata blocked by amneisa (^.^) b

            over all thf is solid th no matter how well they make it no one will be happy lol and if they over do it every one will be thf lol.
            [FFXI Journal][Pld][War][Nin][Drg][Rng][Brd]



            • #36
              Re: Theif vs Other jobs

              Originally posted by Shinhiryu_Kage View Post
              Maybe if they made some kind of JA Trait where, say, the power of SATA was enhanced at LV60 by Thief.
              Yes, there is Asassin, but I'm talking like... a damage modifier or bonus... that would suddenly make other meree jobs that sub thf still good, but thf not so much worthless.
              Really, having SATA on a job after 60 is quintessentially like a WHM having RDM sub at LV 80 and casting Refresh.....
              Isn't the modifiers already Dex(SA) and Agi(TA)? You don't get the modifier while thief is subbed.

              And the white mage would have to be 82 to cast refresh. Could sub Corsair though.


              • #37
                Re: Theif vs Other jobs

                Originally posted by Drive View Post
                Isn't the modifiers already Dex(SA) and Agi(TA)? You don't get the modifier while thief is subbed.
                That's not the point though. Other jobs can easily do more damage without having Dex/Agi modifiers that it doesn't matter for them when using SATA WS. An isnane sam can easily out do or match my best thf/war SATA Berserk Assassin's Charge Warcry Hide DE(forget atm current record), Evis(1566) or SB(1404*need to check when I log in at home*). That kind of damage comes only once every 15 mins. 5 min bursts are usually in the 900-1100 range, normal SA and/or TA ws falls around 300-800.

                Note: My damage records only applies to mobs that are VT or higher and its the only damage I can accept for numbers to compare with.

                DRG, SAM, DRK, WAR and MNK have far more consistent bursts on SATA that bests the 5 min bursts and can in extremem merit parties best/surpass the damage. Also to tie in with the SATA modifiers, thf also has to work with WS mods too. Dancing Edge is DEX(30%) and CHR(40%) with damage modifiers by tp of 1.1875 for 100%, 200% and 300%. Shark Bite is 50% DEX with dmg mods of 2 for 100%, 2.5 for 200% and 3 for 300%. Evisceration has a 30% DEX mod. DMG by tp is a solid 1 on the board.

                Now compare that to the modifiers for:

                Tachi Gekko/Kasha 75% STR, 1.5(100%TP), 2(200%) and 2.5(300%)

                Wheeling Thrust 50% STR, 1.75(100%, 200%, 300%)
                Impulse Drive 50% STR, 1(100%) 1.5(200%), 2.5(300%)

                Asuran Fists STR10%, VIT10%, 1(!00%, 200%, 300%)
                Dragon Kick STR50%, VIT50%, 2(100%), 2.5(200%), 3(300%)

                Don't post yet, time is up for me to finish this post at school, gonna add DRK and WAR's after I get home.
                Adventures of Akashimo Hakubi & Nekoai Nanashi


                • #38
                  Re: Theif vs Other jobs

                  Well I'm not going to look at your numbers because that is not why I posted. Someone said thief needed a SA and TA modifier but there already is one. Now if SE wants to make the modifier better it is up to them.


                  • #39
                    Re: Theif vs Other jobs

                    I'm just stating the numbers to compare the difference between this all. Most of the listed ws modifiers have higher tp based dmg modifiers and stat based modifies 50% or higher. SATA makes the ws that the dd/thf would miss normally guarentee that it'll hit for the one hit wonders. Multi hit ws all hits are maxed to land. Also, majority if not all of the DDs have an advantage due to being DD's need STR and ATK gear, which is the base of thier stats modifiers for ws.
                    Adventures of Akashimo Hakubi & Nekoai Nanashi


                    • #40
                      Re: Theif vs Other jobs

                      You guys need to ditch the sushi D:

                      fk yes


                      • #41
                        Re: Theif vs Other jobs

                        I only use sushi when /war. /nin, /drg and sometimes /war, I use Roshi Jinpachi with Tonosama Riceball or Meat mithkabobs. <_<; not everyone can afford to use Curry. Also, 711, what's your base, dd and ws stats for atk, dex, agi, str and chr? w/o using food, and with what sub?
                        Adventures of Akashimo Hakubi & Nekoai Nanashi


                        • #42
                          Re: Theif vs Other jobs

                          Originally posted by Akashimo View Post
                          Multi hit ws all hits are maxed to land.
                          I thought Sneak Attack only promises the first hit to land(and crit) not all the hits after. I'm pretty sure of that.


                          • #43
                            Re: Theif vs Other jobs

                            Originally posted by Drive View Post
                            I thought Sneak Attack only promises the first hit to land(and crit) not all the hits after. I'm pretty sure of that.
                            Had to double check myself on TA itself.

                            Edit: And here's my records on ws with thf, Dancing Edge 1404, Shark Bite 1291, Eviscretion 1566, Vorpal Blade 656
                            Last edited by Akashimo; 03-06-2007, 01:20 PM.
                            Adventures of Akashimo Hakubi & Nekoai Nanashi


                            • #44
                              Re: Theif vs Other jobs

                              Try Hedgehog Pie, it's pretty good. Nice ATK and it has +5 to accuracy along with other stats.


                              • #45
                                Re: Theif vs Other jobs

                                Originally posted by Zempten View Post
                                Try Hedgehog Pie, it's pretty good. Nice ATK and it has +5 to accuracy along with other stats.
                                I've considered that after going to a party on my monk char with it. Thing is, price.
                                Edit: @.@ just checked prices after reading, woot curry is in exp spending range :D 9k, sweet.
                                Adventures of Akashimo Hakubi & Nekoai Nanashi

