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Theif vs Other jobs

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  • #16
    Re: Theif vs Other jobs

    Originally posted by Omniblast View Post
    The first thing that caught my attention to this thread is the aparant mis-spelling of Thief. That is all.
    I phail at spelling ; ;
    Any way i could correct it or a mod to change it? x.x didn't noticed til i got home, lol....
    Adventures of Akashimo Hakubi & Nekoai Nanashi


    • #17
      Re: Theif vs Other jobs

      The only time I remembered having alot of trouble finding pts was pre-30. After that, it seemed any PT w/a NIN wanted me. lol

      I only played THF to 60, but I remember my pts never being in the less than 4k range and I had a very good experience playing THF. I always wondered if THF could perfrom well in Merit PTs endgame or suffer from getting invites, but I remember pt wa friend of mine when I played as RDM and him hitting 1-1.3k w/Shark Bite due to DEX/AGL + STR gear and a Martial Knife. The Knife wasn't so hot for DE, but for SB it was priddy kewl.

      Donno if other gears will alter this amount of DMG of if this is the pinnacle of THF dmg or not..... anyone care to enlighten? lol


      • #18
        Re: Theif vs Other jobs

        THF doesn't need anything else. THF is a pretty high priority in parties that have a COR; NIN WAR THF COR BRD RDM is pretty much gangbusters.

        Pre-60 THF sucks because you have to have intelligent party members. Post-60 THF is a lot better, because all they have to do is not be overtly stupid.

        But that's not a fault of the job, per se.

        BTW, base Double Attack rate is 10%, base Triple Attack rate is 5%.

        P.S. Feint is overpowered (but in a fun way)

        Centurio X-I 1/1 - Celphie 1/1 - Deadly Dodo 0/2 - Doppleganger Dio 0/1 - Jaggedy-eared Jack 0/7 - Joo Duzu the Whirlwind 1/1 - Leaping Lizzy 2/16 - Mimas 0/1 - Odqan 1/9 - Orcish Wallbreacher 0/1 - Ose 1/3 - Sagittarius X-XIII 1/1 - Serpopard Ishtar 3/6 - Silk Caterpillar 1/2 - Tom Tit Tat 0/2 - Trickster Kinetix 0/2 - Valkurm Emperor 6/10 - Wyvernpoacher Drachlox 1/1


        • #19
          Re: Theif vs Other jobs

          honestly in the burn pts, i totally gave up in using SATAWS, its pointless, i just tell the whm or rdm to haste me and i'm good to go, i easily throw w/ yellow curry as thf/nin 1600~1900 on SA+DE, who knows how much it would be once i throw AC in, i dig the dmg i do w/ SA alone so w/e, maybe i'll try thf/war one day, we'll see what's up. ;p i'm still missing some end game gear so i'll prolly end up throwing nicer dmg on those flies w/e.

          if you're in a burn pt, eff SATA, that's all i'll say, you'll have fun anyways, throw 5 merits in SA, and watch the fireworks go!
          Last edited by Nitsuki; 02-05-2007, 12:06 PM.
          Windurst Rank: 10
          Zilart Mission: 17 (Suppanomimi: O)
          Promathia Mission: CoP complete (Rajas Ring: O)
          ToAU Mission: 18



          • #20
            Re: Theif vs Other jobs

            Originally posted by Omniblast View Post
            The first thing that caught my attention to this thread is the aparant mis-spelling of Thief. That is all.
            I find it funny when people misspell a word when they correct an apparent misspelling.

            i Am ThE bLaCk MaGe.
            I cAsTs ThE sPeLlS tHaT mAkEs ThE pEoPlEs FaLl DoWn.


            • #21
              Re: Theif vs Other jobs

              Sad truth is people develop a slavish loyalty to jobs that are hard to break. THF isn't alone in this, as DRG, PUP and BST are right there with them. For them, people filter out pet damage and only look at the players damage and judge them on that.

              Being able to solo my EXP is fine by me, keeps me in the money, but getting PTs is somewhat difficult for others that may not want to go the solo route. There is the occasional burn PT and DRGs do fare better there, but when people see WAR/NIN they want that. They were the same way when RNG was the top DD - many who are so slavishly loyal to WAR now were scoffing them and calling WAR and even MNK "just subjobs" roughly over a year and half ago. Now they're levelling it.

              THF can do well, all those jobs can do well. People are just stuck on their "standard" and "safe, fast and efficient" EXP even when other jobs can contribute well. I'm a COR and I pretty much have to show people I can be every bit as good as a BRD at my level in EXP/Merit because there are many who simply do not believe that. Some don't want me to pull, but when I start, the EXP doesn't stop. Even if I do get killed, I will keep the chains if I'm raised quickly.

              We can adjust jobs til the cows come home. People may shift loyalties, but it will always boil down to "safe, fast and efficent EXP" and cookie-cutter party set-ups. And other jobs will be left out.


              • #22
                Re: Theif vs Other jobs

                Pre level 30 thief was my hardest job to get an invite for. (Will beg, steal, exc for pt in that range of it). After level 30 there are 2 jobs I get invites for when not seeking. Whitemage and Thief. I took it to 46 with war as my sub and am taking a break from it to up ninja so I have the extra option in xp. Thief isn't broken in my opinion it's wonderful. Damage dealer+hate tool rolled into 1. With a pt willing to work with you you deal nice damage spikes and instead driving the tank and whm crazy your actually helping the tank staple hate. (Normally closing skillchain on the pull then have the tp for the next fight or one after in some pts). Note as I haven't taken thief to 46 my observations are normal xping without any notes on merit or even 50+ where I'm told things change a bit.

                BTW I get a kick out of the way the survey is worded I have to agree it's broken and needs fixing, indicate it needs work, but isn't worth fixing, or answer that I don't care. Where's the choice I'm playing thief and loving it how it is?
                1. Yes, please yes
                2. No, thf will always be lolthf
                3. Umm... no sides?


                • #23
                  Re: Theif vs Other jobs

                  I am personally battling this right now, hitting endgame after two long years of dealing with the ignominous ironic differences that come with how valuable a thief is to any endgame LS.

                  I have to admit though, I'm flattered to think that all I'm good for in Sky runs and Dynamis runs is to increase the likely hood that someone else's AF will drop. I'm a luck charm!

                  While SAMs sub my main and do massive damage that I am unable to keep up with at all, due the large restraints based on ACC and ATT. If I can't hit the mob, I don't TP. If I hit the mob but don't do any damage, I get no TP. So basically...wth am I doing? You're just there for TH.

                  It's almost as though we're stuck in a rutt; We want to be good, but we can't be good with the cards that we're dealt with. Or, in order for us to be good, requires us to unlock Pre-said Mandu or relic weapon, which most of us can't afford or spend the time and money acquiring because we have lives and other things to take care of rather than wasting 150 million gil for a chance to prove how awesome we really can become.

                  So yeah, when we hit for our 'tickles' and our 'lols', as my LS mates will claim, it's totally awesome that that defines what THF is all about.

                  I just honestly wish some other subjobs were acceptable to the table. But it seems THF/NIN is the way of life for most people. This isn't necessarily SE's fault either; Most people blame SE for the new areas being unfriendly to Nukers, when that is not totally the case. People just set a precedence that the only areas worth LVling in are all located in Caedavre Mire.

                  THF will probably always be at the low rung of the ladder just because it's always been, and will always continue to be, until we actually have our own exclusive gear that rivals that acquired from Sky runs that actually put us on a level to compete with other Melees.
                  "Vacation. Alienation. Japanamation. Manga. Kanga. Naked Lunch. Hawaiian punch!!"


                  • #24
                    Re: Theif vs Other jobs

                    This is my first post on this website and im gonna risk getting badly burned but...

                    I believe the main reason ppl think hey look a thf lfp lets wait for a war, is because allot of thfs really do not do justice to the job, a simple equip macro on your SA can boost your damage by 200+, using a haste build for tp (with acc gear and att gear as needed depending on mobs) can help you keep up with even a good equiped war/nin

                    i do not have homam, or hecatomb yet, and i will not say that my thf is by any means normal, i have farmed for countless weeks to get the millions i have spent on Haste gear, SA gear, Good Daggers (Blau + Misericorde+1) and all the money i have spent on food

                    but ina caedeavra mire party, i feel giddy evry time i get compliments on how ive changed someones opinion on thiefs, an average war/nin can do great in a tp burn, but a thf that stays on top of her game can show up all but the best war/nins and Mnk/Wars

                    i only have 4 merits, and no god gears or sea gears, but getting off my Ta and SA+WS evry chance i get i parse about 40% of dmg in my parties, and sometimes when we link ill solo the link (if the rdm can silence it first, -ga's = thiefs bane)

                    thief really is an IQ job anyone can spam rampage for 700-1k dmg, but a good thf can spam dancing edge for 600-800 on the same mobs or add sa and push that to 1100+, and sharkbite just eats Jnuns alive, my highest SATASB so far is 1788 and my highest SATADE is 1537, my highest SA + WS is DE for 1258 on an imp and i average 900-1.1k SA+DE on imps

                    even tho most parties dont support thfs endgame with a SATA partner or a SC Partner we spike dmg for some of the best dmg in the game, our DoT may be low but we offset that with faster attacks, a good war/nin can do 400-600 with a double attack on both attacks in one turn, a thf can do the same with both triple attacks i average 50-70 per hit in caedeavra, most wars seem to be around 110 per hit which is around my crit dmg

                    really thf doesnt need another boost for xp parties, i would really love to see a new JA that would help us on HNM tho, 0-8 dmg to gods in sky is pitifull and yea we do turn into just a good luck charm, maybe SE could give us a trait that gave us a damage boost against larger opponents, our job is to find and exploit the weak points, and against higher defence mobs we should be able to pierce the defences,

                    ok umm sorry for the rant

                    ~Konoko 75THF, 70COR, 42NIN, 37 RNG~
                    ~~Diabolos Server~~


                    • #25
                      Re: Theif vs Other jobs

                      Hmm, maybe we should get a JA thats called Exploit Strike. Allows our next hit to ignore oppents Defenses, Shadows, Phalanx and Stoneskin. Works just like Assassin's Charge in the merit group <.< >.>; lol worth a shot?
                      Adventures of Akashimo Hakubi & Nekoai Nanashi


                      • #26
                        Re: Theif vs Other jobs

                        maybe a trait that allows us to ignore a % of opponets defence past a certain point, like if def > certain # our strikes ignore a % based on how great the difference

                        also would be nice if SE would fix mug -.-;; turn it into an extra steal or somthing please!!!! its useless except ona few nms where u can steal a few K

                        and umm a Job Trait for PT Average IQ+10 would be nice >.>;;
                        Last edited by Konie; 02-24-2007, 10:12 PM.


                        • #27
                          Re: Theif vs Other jobs

                          the Poll needs a 4th selection for "Thief is great the way it is".

                          The addition of the merits has really made the job worthwhile as a main job at 75.


                          • #28
                            Re: Theif vs Other jobs

                            But thats once it get to 75, what about the struggle to get up there? I mean invites drop at 60, espically when theres a thf seeking and a dd/thf, most parties i had always goes for the dd/thf over thf no matter who it is(always different). Espically sam/thf, which is in my opinion a bit broken.
                            Adventures of Akashimo Hakubi & Nekoai Nanashi


                            • #29
                              Re: Theif vs Other jobs

                              How do invites drop @60? 60-70 was the only time on thf I leveled fast, did 10 big levels in like 3 weeks back in like August. (Haven't accomplished shit since then but w/e) DE puts up great numbers, esp for those levels. SB doing 1500 then 1500 Light is awesome, and at 68 you get harpes. The 60s pwn't.

                              fk yes


                              • #30
                                Re: Theif vs Other jobs

                                Did you not read my statement on /thf? 60 is when DD jobs can use SATA subbed for more numbers than the average them. Even at my best at 75, I can barely get passed 1k. While a sam/thf or drg/thf can easily do that. Pre60, thf held control of SATAing. And 60's for me was the slowest time for invites.
                                Adventures of Akashimo Hakubi & Nekoai Nanashi

