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Galka as thief
Re: Galka as thief
Oh sorry i was a bit unclear there..
I checked a stat calculator, and found that the stats of a galka is about the same as a hume... xD
Not a big diff to mithra also.. But have i missed something? I know that calculators can be inaccurate, but it shouldnt be that much wrong.. Right? xD
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Re: Galka as thief
Galka as anything works just fine. All races have thier good and bad traits, but to be honest, they don't matter...at all. My LS has pld and nin to tank just about anything, but 9 times out of 10 its the taru that is tanking because he has the better gear. The elvaan/hume tanks are just as good though too.
But like I said, he doesn't matter, one bit, at all, in anyway. Gear will effect you much much more than any base stats. And any stats you want to boost when you are 75 you can merit and increase them.
I've met great Galka whms, wonderful taru plds, so it doesn't matter.
The only thing that bothers me about taru races, is when i'm fighting flying mobs, I have a hard time seeing anything. The chat log covers me completly, and I'm looking up, so I see nothing but the mob. But thats just a trivial problem.
Play the race that looks good to you. You wanna be big and bulky, be galka. Wanna be a mix of hamster and Bruce Lee be a taru ninja. Want all the 1337 teenagers to hit on you, be a manthra. It's a game, play the char you think resembles you.
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Re: Galka as thief
Being a galka Thf is hard IMO...I gear up for DD and find it hard to get hate off me pre TA. So pre-TA i have to mix a lil Def gear in as well or go /nin so i have Utsusemi. From lvl 10+ i used thf/mnk for boost which helped alot for a DDer. Parsed a higher Damage output than thf/war and also used hand to hand weapons becasue of the Martial Arts trait from Mnk. Currently lvl 30 Thf/mnk
Keeping Purgonorgo Isle clothing optional sine 2004
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Re: Galka as thief
All thieves have that problem between 15 and 29. Sneak Attacks do a lot of damage and therefore cause a lot of hate, especially if you do one right at the start of the fight (but who wants to waste SA timer by waiting?) But it isn't a race issue - if anything, galka are better prepared to deal with it with naturally higher vit and hp.Defeated: Maat, Divine Might, Fenrir, Kirin, Cactrot Rapido, Xolotl, Diabolos Prime, Kurrea, 9/10 Dynamis Bosses (missing Tav), Promathia, Proto-Ultima, Proto-Omega, 4 Jailers, Apocalypse Nigh, 6/6 Nyzul Bosses
RDM90, PLD90, DRG90, COR90, SCH90, BLU54
All Nations Rank 10, ZMs & PMs Complete, AUMs Complete, Captain, Nyzul Floor 100 (5 Weapons, 4 WS), Medal of Altana, WotG Mission 15, 1/3 Addons Complete, 9/9 Abyssea Main Quests, 6/6 Caturae
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Re: Galka as thief
Galka STR should help play a role in giving a player an edge while playing Thief. I was thinking that their STR would help compensate in damage on WS's and DPS. Galkas may not have the DEX & AGL of a Mithra, per se, but the there's so many items that boost those stats a Galka is sure to hit the 100 mark easily by LV65+ something.
So, IMO Galka are great for Thief.
But then again, I mean... what race would really ever suck at thief? lol
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Re: Galka as thief
Just hit 30THF for my DRK sub. Galka definately does some nice damage when you get to the jungles. I flew through 25-30 in only 2 pts but it seemed that the tank in each had a voke ready to go after the SA. The mob would always turn to me, but either be voked right away or use 2 of my shadows then voked. If your tank just thinks about what he/she is doing, they should be able to get hate off you immediately, if your not using /NIN then you may take 1, 2 hits. One MNK that was in both pts said on the second night {Galka} {Impossible To Gauge} ^^. Any race can get good DMG out of SA or THF in general but a Galka + Good Sets of Gear will definately be consistent heavy damage. If you do have the hate problem pre 30 then just suck it up, Galka's have more hp than anyone. My DRK had more hp than level 75 characters at level 60. Taru's at ~50's >.>Change the swords to words and lift continents.
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Re: Galka as thief
I wouldn't go so far as to say it doesn't matter at all. I will say that Race matters so little that it should not be a concern. Any race can be any job in this game, what it comes down to is a combination of the right gear and player skill. Skill>Gear>Race.FFXIV Balmung Server
Tenro Matashi
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Re: Galka as thief
Thief is weird in that it works with mutliple subjobs. With that in mind know that you will gain some small advantage somewhere from each race. A Galka would work wonderfully as a THF.
Pick the race you enjoy and strive towards making your particular racial strength work for you.
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