Eauijhkuu Here.
I have a question that probably shouldn't be on this board...but since we're pretty much masters of Evasion, I thought some people who played THF would certainly have a strong understanding of how this all worked.
The dilemma involves items and assessories that give bonuses to combat skills and traits. Whenever you check your stauts, you can see the increase of your combat skills and their levels. The more you attack an enemy with your weapon, the higher the weapon skill grows. This occurs with Evasion as well - The more you get hit, the better your evasion becomes.
So how does all this Combat Skill gear apply to Evasion in general?
It's been a while since I've actually tested it, but from what I can remember - Using an item that will increase Dagger skill +5 directly affects the Combat Skill.
That doesn't seem to ever be the case with Evasion + gear, like Emperor's Hairpin or Scorpion harness. Both add +10 to Evasion, but they don't seem to register a +10 boost to the Evasion Combat Skill, which theoretically causes me to assume that Evasion + on equipment doesn't necessarily mean a + to Evasion, but rather a penalty to opponent's Accuracy rating.
So here's my Question:
How important is combat skill Evasion VS Evasion that comes from Equipment or AGI?
And is Evasion + from Gear its own seperate stat, or does it just simply counter modify opponent's Accuracy?
Eauijhkuu Here.
I have a question that probably shouldn't be on this board...but since we're pretty much masters of Evasion, I thought some people who played THF would certainly have a strong understanding of how this all worked.
The dilemma involves items and assessories that give bonuses to combat skills and traits. Whenever you check your stauts, you can see the increase of your combat skills and their levels. The more you attack an enemy with your weapon, the higher the weapon skill grows. This occurs with Evasion as well - The more you get hit, the better your evasion becomes.
So how does all this Combat Skill gear apply to Evasion in general?
It's been a while since I've actually tested it, but from what I can remember - Using an item that will increase Dagger skill +5 directly affects the Combat Skill.
That doesn't seem to ever be the case with Evasion + gear, like Emperor's Hairpin or Scorpion harness. Both add +10 to Evasion, but they don't seem to register a +10 boost to the Evasion Combat Skill, which theoretically causes me to assume that Evasion + on equipment doesn't necessarily mean a + to Evasion, but rather a penalty to opponent's Accuracy rating.
So here's my Question:
How important is combat skill Evasion VS Evasion that comes from Equipment or AGI?
And is Evasion + from Gear its own seperate stat, or does it just simply counter modify opponent's Accuracy?