I have a 75 SMN so I am able to merit my inabilities. Right now my thf is at 49 and ive kinda put it on pause so I can make some cash and merit some abilities for thf. So far I have merited dagger twice so I have +4 dagger skill, and ive been skilln dagger on my smn so it will be capped for a long time on thf. I plan on maxing out merits on dagger, what I am curious about is this. What are some of your suggestions for merits? Should I concentrate on dagger so much?
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Re: Merits
There is no correct order to meriting the following abilities, this only comes down to what you personally want first.
Triple Attack
Those are the top three in not particular order. Myself... I went:
Triple Att. > Dagger > Crits because I wanted to hit more first then I worked on upping my damage as I improved my gear. Dagger and Trip.Att are the two meritted abilities that youll notice a huge difference with.
Other things to merit would be:
Sneak Attack
Also Consider Group 2 Merits when you get THF leveled.
Aura Steal
Assassin's Charge
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Re: Merits
i have capped dagger merits 8/8 and marksmanship 4/4 let me tell you I don't regret a single one of them
well I did regret marksmanship until the last patch, now i can actually hit stuff regularlyTeh Jobs - 75- nin (I spend more time at 74 =P ) / 50-pld / 55-thf (currently leveling)/ 48-rdm / 43-war / 43-rng / 35-brd / 37-blm /34-whm / 20-sam / 16-mnk
Teh crafts 81 Alchemy / 59 Woodcraft / 51 Cooking
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Re: Merits
Originally posted by net.drifter View PostTriple Attack
Sneak Attack
He'll have to get THF to 75 to merit them.Haggai
i Am ThE bLaCk MaGe.
I cAsTs ThE sPeLlS tHaT mAkEs ThE pEoPlEs FaLl DoWn.
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Re: Merits
I wouldn't mess with ementy...heck what if you wanted to tank later? Plus cutting it will decrese the hate transfer you get by using TA...I'd rater just leave that stat alone..Shadowneko's FFXI Newbie Guide 2009
(have fun MMO players ^^)
Jon Davies AKA: Shadowneko of Midradsomr...soon to be transferred to Quetzalcoatl
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Re: Merits
Originally posted by Shadowneko View PostI wouldn't mess with ementy...heck what if you wanted to tank later? Plus cutting it will decrese the hate transfer you get by using TA...I'd rater just leave that stat alone..
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