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Let's talk about Harpes

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  • Let's talk about Harpes

    So I was totally into getting a Harpe at 68, it was only about 4 mil which wouldn't have taken too long to save up for at all. However; thanks to our favorite update the 3 Harpes sold the next day went 6 mil>7 mil> 8mil, doubling in price. Hoplites went up a few hundred thousand too lol. Can anyone post some screen shots of window parses off these knives? Currently in mainhand I have a darksteel kukri+1 (It has the same damage as cermet+1, so I never switched it =/ ) which has 23 base damage. Harpe was 29, and I was like wow what an upgrade this will be. Harpe is now 35. A 12 base damage increase is huge, esp for Thf. High levels, please tell what you think and whether or not this stuff is worth it. I'm thinking prices may drop when people notice most daggers are still in proportion to what they were. Not in this case though, Harpe used to be only 2 damage higher than Hoplites, now it is 6. Haha feel free to talk aboout how fun Perseus' is too, I won't be getting one for a long time. ; ;

    fk yes

  • #2
    Re: Let's talk about Harpes

    I'd say just go with Hoplites Harpe until Harpe goes back down in price. The way I see it the current Harpe prices are a waste and Hoplites is only 3 dmg below Harpe so it's not too bad =/


    • #3
      Re: Let's talk about Harpes

      one thing i'll say is, just go for the hoplites til you see the harpe's price go down like in the previous post, but the damage difference between my old hoplite's w/ the new one is like night and day, remember the new hoplite's base damage is the same as the old mandau (level 5 relic dagger) so of course you're getting some disgusting results.
      Windurst Rank: 10
      Zilart Mission: 17 (Suppanomimi: O)
      Promathia Mission: CoP complete (Rajas Ring: O)
      ToAU Mission: 18


