"Thief is useless in Promyvion. I'm sorry." 
This was the main reply that I got when asking an old linkshell if I could tag along for the missions. Ok. No big deal. That can be understandable in a sense that my job isn't a suitable fit for these kinds of missions. So I decided to be the team player and hop along as the good ol' faithful WAR/NIN. Me being a natural born tanker - I have no problems fitting into my role.
Surprisingly enough, Even with 2x WAR/NIN, SMN, WHM, RNG, and BLM, we still wiped in Promyvion Dem at the NM of the area. This is after EVERYONE used their 2-hours. A sad shame that the SMN's two hour missed because the NM moved out of range. Too bad the WAR/NIN couldn't keep hate off the other team mates. Too bad everyone ignored the spawns the NM was laying that went after our mages. Too bad no one came with any Ethers or Potions. Too bad our leader thought that only 3 anima would have been sufficient enough for us to succeed a promyvion.
And you know what, this setup isn't a bad setup, honestly. If everyone knows exactly what they're doing, You should be able to do this without any trouble with only 3 animas. It's that simple. I honestly felt that if I could stick hate onto the WAR/NIN, things would have went alot smoother. That if we actually had a very awesome SC to make while keeping hate directed onto one tank, that we could have very well handled had the BLM MBed, or the SMN MBed with his two hour.
The only factor that I saw in this case that caused us to wipe was an ill strategy and a lack of preparation.
...Which brings me to my point. Why the heck do people think that THF isn't useful in Promyvion?
We don't seem to be great at much of anything when it comes to mission runs and parties, because players assume that we can be 'easily replaced'. Yes, Please underrate us in this series of missions as well, as though we already haven't been underrated enough.
Please help me to understand why this is so. List your complaints or successes; I'd like to know each and every single one that you have against inviting a THF into Promyvion,or the reason that you saw it fit to invite a THF into promyvion. Not to be arguementive at all, but rather to understand why the heck PTs overlook such a useful VIP when it comes to things such as Promyvion?
For those of you who have actually completed Promyvion with THF, raise your hand and explain the reason that you were able to accomplish it. It would mean a great deal.

This was the main reply that I got when asking an old linkshell if I could tag along for the missions. Ok. No big deal. That can be understandable in a sense that my job isn't a suitable fit for these kinds of missions. So I decided to be the team player and hop along as the good ol' faithful WAR/NIN. Me being a natural born tanker - I have no problems fitting into my role.
Surprisingly enough, Even with 2x WAR/NIN, SMN, WHM, RNG, and BLM, we still wiped in Promyvion Dem at the NM of the area. This is after EVERYONE used their 2-hours. A sad shame that the SMN's two hour missed because the NM moved out of range. Too bad the WAR/NIN couldn't keep hate off the other team mates. Too bad everyone ignored the spawns the NM was laying that went after our mages. Too bad no one came with any Ethers or Potions. Too bad our leader thought that only 3 anima would have been sufficient enough for us to succeed a promyvion.
And you know what, this setup isn't a bad setup, honestly. If everyone knows exactly what they're doing, You should be able to do this without any trouble with only 3 animas. It's that simple. I honestly felt that if I could stick hate onto the WAR/NIN, things would have went alot smoother. That if we actually had a very awesome SC to make while keeping hate directed onto one tank, that we could have very well handled had the BLM MBed, or the SMN MBed with his two hour.
The only factor that I saw in this case that caused us to wipe was an ill strategy and a lack of preparation.
...Which brings me to my point. Why the heck do people think that THF isn't useful in Promyvion?
We don't seem to be great at much of anything when it comes to mission runs and parties, because players assume that we can be 'easily replaced'. Yes, Please underrate us in this series of missions as well, as though we already haven't been underrated enough.
Please help me to understand why this is so. List your complaints or successes; I'd like to know each and every single one that you have against inviting a THF into Promyvion,or the reason that you saw it fit to invite a THF into promyvion. Not to be arguementive at all, but rather to understand why the heck PTs overlook such a useful VIP when it comes to things such as Promyvion?
For those of you who have actually completed Promyvion with THF, raise your hand and explain the reason that you were able to accomplish it. It would mean a great deal.