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What macros for thief?

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  • What macros for thief?

    I've only recently began to explore the possibilities of having gear swapped out for SATA attacks. I could use a few hints on how you set up your equip macros to swap out accuracy gear for dex/agi gear, and also, briefly, how you use them:
    Up until now, these are the macro's I've used (and they're not many):

    ctrl+0: map

    ctrl+1: sata
    /p >Fuidama<
    /ja "Sneak Attack" <me>
    /wait 1
    /ja "Trick Attack" <me>

    ctrl+3: ws
    /p {Thief} Fuidama & Viper Bite -> <bt> <- TP[<tp>]
    /ja "Sneak Attack" <me>
    /wait 1
    /ja "Trick Attack" <me>
    /wait 2
    /ws "Viper Bite" <bt>

    ctrl+8: puller
    /p <call14>Ranged --> <t>
    /range <t>

    alt1: 10s
    /p Fuidama 10s - TP[<tp>]
    /wait 10
    /p Fuidama ready! TP[<tp>]

    alt+2: 20s
    /p Fuidama 20s - TP[<tp>]
    /wait 10
    /p Fuidama 10s - TP[<tp>]
    /wait 10
    /p Fuidama ready! TP[<tp>]

    alt+3: 30s
    /p Fuidama 30s - TP[<tp>]
    /wait 15
    /p Fuidama 15s - TP[<tp>]
    /wait 15
    /p Fuidama ready! TP[<tp>]

    Kutch, the white mage
    Stratsky, the Thief
    Dust, the Red Mage
    Leviathan server

  • #2
    Re: What macros for thief?

    Personally I have the following type of macros

    1) SATA
    2) SATA + WS
    3) Swap Equip for SATA
    4) Swap Equip for TP gain
    5) Swap Equip for RNG accuracy
    6) Pulling
    7) TP report ( SATA is ready)
    8) TP report ( SATA is NOT ready)
    9) Steal
    10) Hide
    11 Utsusemi
    12) Flee
    13) Recast of all JA of THF

    I don't bother with telling the PT when I'm doing the WS cause they should be paying attention, if not then I don't want them in my PT because of their lack of comitment which may cause who knows what chaos. Plus enough spam in the PT window as it is already.

    I also don't tell the PT how much longer until my SATA is ready, I just let them read it from my TP report, they should at least be intelligent to figure out when my SATA AND TP is ready (once again it goes with my thinking that my PT is paying attention).


    • #3
      Re: What macros for thief?

      Originally posted by Zempten
      Personally I have the following type of macros

      I don't bother with telling the PT when I'm doing the WS cause they should be paying attention, if not then I don't want them in my PT because of their lack of comitment which may cause who knows what chaos. Plus enough spam in the PT window as it is already.

      I also don't tell the PT how much longer until my SATA is ready, I just let them read it from my TP report, they should at least be intelligent to figure out when my SATA AND TP is ready (once again it goes with my thinking that my PT is paying attention).
      Thanks for the macro tips. As for information to the PT, I too had the same attitude as you at my early 30's (Thief is 52 now), but I find that giving the PT exactly the information they need (such as time to next SATA and when I'm starting WS with call) makes them far more precise, as well as nullifying all issues with people running their WS thinking that sata is up. They know exactly how much time is left until SATA is up again, and also rarely, if ever miss my WS's.

      I have an alternate macro set for when I play with friends and people that I know, where I skip these announces alltogether.

      Now all I need is to find (affordable) armor to give me acc, and I'll give it a go with changing dressage.

      Kutch, the white mage
      Stratsky, the Thief
      Dust, the Red Mage
      Leviathan server


      • #4
        Re: What macros for thief?

        Here's what my Pull macro looks like, I do three equip swaps before pulling:

        /equip R.ring "Ranged Accuracy Ring of moment"
        /equip L.ring "Ranged Accuracy Ring of moment"
        /equip hands "Agility Gloves"
        /p {Ranged Attack} > <t>! 準備 OK? <call14>
        /ra <stnpc>
        /p <lastst> {Pull back.} {Ready!}

        Equipment swaps for SATA, takes up one Macro for just the /equips. I then have 3 different Macros for SATA + WS, SA, and TA, possibly doing /equip swaps on TA macro once hit level 60 and obtain Assassin. My SATA + WS macro looks like this and doubles as my pre-charge SATA macro as well:

        /ja "Sneak Attack" <me>
        /wait 1.5
        /ja "Trick Attack" <me>
        /ws "Viper Bite" <stnpc>
        /wait 1
        /p ーーーーー必殺ーーーーー {Viper Bite}!

        When I want to precharge, I just hit the cancel key so that the Weaponskill portion of the macro and my "doing weaponskill" party message does not show up.

        My TP report looks like this:
        /p ☆☆☆☆☆☆ <me>'s TP: <tp> <call14> ☆☆☆☆☆☆
        /recast "Sneak Attack"
        /recast "Trick Attack"
        /echo Do SATA Equipment Swap and Prepare for SATA if Ready.

        Avatar picture obtained from NamcoXCapcom Subarashiki Shin Sekai Community


        • #5
          Re: What macros for thief?

          I tried not to spam my screen with /p these days. my Thf macro is something like this

          1- sata not ready.... TP is....
          2 - sata is ready.... TP is....
          3 - recast SA, recast TA. just to easily check time
          4 - ready for skill chain <call>
          5 - TA
          6 - SA
          7 - WS

          1 - I found ....
          2 - pulling
          3 - /range
          4 - range gear
          5 - melee gear
          6 - SATA gear

          flee, hide, steal, also macro somewhere in the empty slots.
          utsusemi is in my ninja page right next to this one.
          There are painters who transform the sun into a yellow spot,
          but there are others who with the help of their art and their intelligence
          transform a yellow spot into the sun.

          - Pablo Picasso


          • #6
            Re: What macros for thief?

            My thf macros are like this

            (note: not spelling accurate)

            /ja "Trick Attack"
            /equip ear(1+2) "Drone Earring"
            /equip waist "Merc cpt belt"

            /ja "Sneak Attack"
            /equip ring(1+2) "Deft Ring"
            /equip head "Emp pin"

            Str/att gear swap
            /equip head "Walk mask"
            /equip ring(1+2) "Puissance Ring" (when i get acc rings I might swap them in instead)
            /equip ear (1+2) "Beetle Earring+1"
            /equip waits "Swordbelt" (That'll get switched for a life belt at 48)

            Then I have my VB macro, my TP macro and my /ra macro. When I pull I more often then not have enough time to type 'incoming' or in case of a jp pt (|Fishing|) <t> which is more then enough to let the pt know I got a mob on my tail.

            I also have one macro for my Steal, , Mug, Hide, Flee, SA and TA recast timers. No point in cluttering up your macro boxes with a /recast for each ability >_>
            "I have a forebrain, my ability to abstract thoughts allow for all kinds of things" - Red Mage 8-Bit theater


            • #7
              Re: What macros for thief?

              This is not completly in this subject but for fun put yoink in your steal macro


              • #8
                Re: What macros for thief?

                /wait 1.5
                Hmm, I was always under the impression that decimals didn't register with the /wait command. Or at least, they didn't when I tried testing it a long long time ago.

                Anyway, this is what I can remember of mine while typing from work >.>:

                1) SATA + WS
                2) SATA (no WS)
                3) /p SATA: {Ready!} <tp>
                4) /target <bt>, /recast timers
                5) Swap SATA
                9) Swap RNG rings, /range <t>, /wait 4, Swap ATT/ACC rings
                0) /map, /clock on

                4, 9, and 0 I have on every macro set. Just used to it now.

                3) /p SATA: WAIT!
                4) /ma Utsusemi
                5) Swap ATK/ACC
                6) /p SATA @ 20s
                7) /p SATA @ 10s
                8) Swap SATA, /p {Skillchain}: GO! <tp>
                9) /p {Found it!}: <t>

                I don't give TP report on 3.
                If I have TP ready, but SATA still recharging, I use 9 to let my partner know I want to go w/o SATA.

                I lose out on a bit of RACC by compressing RACC/Ranged and re-swap to original into a single macro. I dunno, is this being lazy?

                Sometimes I stack "Steal" and/or "Mug" to some of these macros so I don't have to think about doing it manually. I'm only 35thf on my Elv and 26 on Taru, so I don't have "Hide" yet. When I need to "Flee," I hit it manually. I only have it macrod on my NM camping set.

                Double Post Edited:
                Btw, anybody know how to make those big X's and O's I see in people's search comments so often?
                Last edited by Tomatoes; 09-07-2005, 04:13 PM. Reason: Automerged Doublepost
                Tomatoes & Tomatopotato @ Pandemonium
                My Taru Blog / Wiki Page

                Play golf? Check out my items.


                • #9
                  Re: What macros for thief?

                  for SATA WS i will only tell my PT that i have TP when i use SATA too.
                  WS without SATA is.. nahhh you know.. ^^
                  and for melee i won`t use <BT>, maybe for a macro like this,
                  /target <bt> (as tank for fast flash/provoke when i was laggy ^^)
                  /attack <bt> (erm, normal melee)
                  /lock <bt> (for mage, so all my other macros will work without <bt>)

                  so my macros are...

                  /p found it <t> <call>
                  /equip l+r ear with RACC equip

                  /ra <t>
                  /p fishing <t>
                  /wait 6
                  /equip l+r ear with fight equip

                  /equip l+r ear w. RACC equip
                  /ra <t>
                  /wait 6 (with bow, for xbow wait 4)
                  /equip l+r ear with fight equip

                  dex gear for SATA

                  fight gear for TP (mostly acc)

                  recast of THF JA

                  /ja "Sneak Attack" <me>
                  /wait 1
                  /ws "Viper Bite" <stnpc>

                  TA the same

                  SATA without VP

                  SATA with VP

                  WS macro telling i`m ready with SATA and VP

                  another SATA ready macro to tell a melee to try to take hate,if tank has hate problems

                  steal/mug/hide somewhere too



                  • #10
                    Re: What macros for thief?

                    Btw, anybody know how to make those big X's and O's I see in people's search comments so often?
                    1) open text input bar.
                    2) hit tab
                    3) scroll down to [Controller]
                    4) scroll UP (its faster) to {X button} or {O button}
                    5) backspace out the 'button', thus negating the Auto-Translate, but leaving the 'X' and 'O'

                    *if your chat line is too long already, and the whole {X button} wouldn't fit to begin with, it wont let you use it*

                    *note: (you pry know this) you can't add Auto-Translate to the middle of a pre-existing line. It just go at the end.
                    Alauna >> : yea.. what do TC majors do, anyways?
                    >> Alauna : we are capable of doing lots of things, but aren't really experts in anything :-p
                    Alauna >> : oh, so your a RDM?
                    >> Alauna : yeah...


                    • #11
                      Re: What macros for thief?

                      i put sneak attack and trick attack as two separate macros cause lag sometimes makes it so that you hit before you can get trick attack activated
                      TaruKabob <Can I have it>


                      • #12
                        Re: What macros for thief?

                        these are the macros on the set i use durring EXP pts

                        ctr.1- steal macro
                        /ja Steal
                        ctr.2- fuidama macro
                        /ja Trick...
                        /wait 1.5
                        /ja Sneak...
                        /p {Trick Attack}&{Sneak Attack} ›››››› <t> ‹‹‹‹‹‹
                        ctr.4- weapon skill macro
                        /ws Shark... etc.
                        ctr.7- coffer picking macro
                        /item Thief Tools...
                        ctr.9- flee macro
                        /equip feet "Rogue's Poulaines"
                        /ja Flee...
                        ctr.0- tp macro
                        /p <call14>{Thief}TP » » » [<tp>·{Dancing Edge}/{Shark Bite}·<tp>]

                        alt.1- found macro
                        /p {Found it!} ›››››› <t><pos> ‹‹‹‹‹‹ · ¿OK?
                        alt.2- ranged macro
                        /p <call9>Ranged ›››››› <t> ‹‹‹‹‹‹¡Get ready!
                        /shoot <t>
                        alt.3 + 4- STR and DEX equipment
                        switch 8 pieces of equip. to STR and DEX for fuidama and for ws
                        alt.5 + 6- ACC equipment
                        switch those 8 back to ACC for TP gain
                        alt.0- SC ready
                        /p ¡{Thief} is {Ready to start skillchain!} » » » [<tp>·{Light}·<tp>]


                        • #13
                          Re: What macros for thief?

                          Thanks everyone, I'm starting to get the hang of it now, to summarize, here are my macros after these posts:

                          CTRL line
                          1) SA+TA (no announce)
                          2) Equip Steal armor
                          3) SA+TA+WS
                          4) Equip WS Gear (max dex+agi)
                          5) Equip TP Gear (max accuracy)
                          6) TA+WS
                          7) SA+WS
                          8) "Found it" <t > are you ready..
                          9) /ranged <t >
                          0) Map

                          ALT line
                          5) Recast for all stuffs
                          7) Invisible
                          8) Flee
                          9) Stat announce
                          0) Attack bt

                          And here are the details:

                          1) /ja "Sneak Attack" <me>
                          2) /wait 1
                          3) /ja "Trick Attack" <me>

                          CTRL + 2
                          1) /echo ">STEAL<"
                          2) /equip hands "Rogue's armlets"
                          3) /equip head "Rogue's bonnet"
                          4) /equip feet "Rogue's poulaines"

                          ALT+4 (I need this extra one because theres not enough room to swap all out)
                          1) equip feet "Bounding boots"

                          1) /p <call3> Fuidama + Weapon skill
                          2) /ja "Sneak Attack" <me>
                          3) /wait 1
                          4) /ja "Trick Attack" <me>
                          5) /wait 2
                          6) /ws "Dancing Edge" <t>

                          1) /equip back "Nomad's mantle"
                          2) /equip hands "Rogue's armlets"
                          3) /equip waist "Royal Knight's belt"
                          4) /equip ring1 "Deft ring"
                          5) /equip ring2 "Deft ring"
                          6) /equip body "Black Cotehardie"

                          1) /equip back "Amemet mantle"
                          2) /equip hands "Battle Gloves"
                          3) /equip waist "Lifte Belt"
                          4) /equip ring1 "Venerer ring"
                          5) /equip ring2 "Sniper's ring"
                          6) /equip body "Scorpion Harness"

                          1) /p Trick Attack + Dancing Edge --> <t>
                          2) /ja "Trick Attack" <me>
                          3) /wait 1
                          4) /ws "Dancing Edge" <t>

                          1) /p Sneak Attack + Dancing Edge --> <t>
                          2) /ja "Sneak Attack" <me>
                          3) /wait 1
                          4) /ws "Dancing Edge" <t>

                          1) /p <call14> Found it <t> - ready!?

                          1) /p <call2> /range ---> <t>
                          2) /range <t>

                          Rest is more less irrelevant

                          Kutch, the white mage
                          Stratsky, the Thief
                          Dust, the Red Mage
                          Leviathan server


                          • #14
                            Re: What macros for thief?

                            Personally, I don't like stacking SATA + WS, because sometimes you get into a bind, someone casts a spell on you, or something, and your SATA gets screwd up because of your low delay on daggers. Also, 2 second wait time? That's Crazy, with haste, you may not be able to pull that off >.>, unless you time it perfectly. I know with my 0 wait time (spaming ctrl 1, no party announce), I still even miss it sometimes because of my dagger delay.

                            to each his own I guess.

                            Also, for WS Dancing Edge, don't you want to use as much Acc Equipment as you can, with a side of dex/agi for SA or TA? (Agi prob. for TA)?
                            -Baka Inu!
                            Nejiko - Mithra Current: [ 70 THF / 35 NIN ]
                            Basic Jobs: [ 70 THF / 20 MNK / 11 WHM / 18 BLM / 22WAR / 05 RDM]
                            Advance Jobs: [ 04 BST / 37 NIN / 02 SMN / 05RNG / 07 SAM / 07 PLD / 00 DRK / 31 BRD / 00 DRG]
                            Aht Jobs: [07 COR / 00 BLU / 00 PUP]


                            • #15
                              Re: What macros for thief?

                              Originally posted by InuTrunks
                              Personally, I don't like stacking SATA + WS, because sometimes you get into a bind, someone casts a spell on you, or something, and your SATA gets screwd up because of your low delay on daggers. Also, 2 second wait time? That's Crazy, with haste, you may not be able to pull that off >.>,

                              unless you time it perfectly. I know with my 0 wait time (spaming ctrl 1, no party announce), I still even miss it sometimes because of my dagger delay.)
                              Never had a problem with either of those. Both the SATA + WS and the TA + WS work flawlessly. It may happen once in 50 times that it fails to activate, mostly due to severe lag, but luckily, computer lag isn't an issue for me. When farming in Castle Oztroja with friends, it may occasionally happen that the ws is interrupted by some AE stun or so, but it is so rare, and happens not only to me, but to everyone, that I don't see this as a separate thief issue.

                              Originally posted by InuTrunks
                              Also, for WS Dancing Edge, don't you want to use as much Acc Equipment as you can, with a side of dex/agi for SA or TA? (Agi prob. for TA)?
                              Well, as you can see, I have equip swap macros that I use before steals & ws's. And I can honestly tell you that with dex&agi gear on, I get far more damage done from DE than with acc gear.

                              Kutch, the white mage
                              Stratsky, the Thief
                              Dust, the Red Mage
                              Leviathan server

