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Question and Rate me

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  • #31
    Re: Question and Rate me

    Acid bolts are great. I've stopped using anything but crossbow because of them. Especially if you are relying on ACC food instead of ATK, they help a lot it seems. However, I dont see much point in always keeping the mob debuffed with them. Just usually one on the pull, and one before skillchain is good enough imo.

    Double Post Edited:
    Also forgot to say...acid bolts can erase and remove certain "defense up" ability of mobs. Specifically, defense up abilities of crabs, crawlers, orc, quadav, and yagudo.
    Last edited by ibroyles; 07-09-2005, 10:18 PM. Reason: Automerged Doublepost
    Typho - Elvaan - San d'Oria - Rank 10 - Titan

    THF - 75 | RNG - 55 | NIN - 38 | WAR - 27 | WHM - 20 | SAM - 16 | MNK - 14 | BLM - 10


    • #32
      Re: Question and Rate me

      Well. . . the thing is with regular meele I hit around anywhere from 0 to 15 and I seem to miss. Acid bolts allow me to hit for 50 to 60 and they are indeed useful against the crawler's constant cacoon. What I'm afriad of is that I'm neglecting potential damage of my SATA / SATA +VB. However, if I'm doing good with my VB then I'm doing good damage both during SATA and thru regular meele......I hope I'm not being confusing.

      Can anyone tell me how much SATA VB is usually doing at Lvl 40? I'm doing around 400 atm

      Nothing on AH sold so I can't try full meele out ; ;


      • #33
        Re: Question and Rate me

        I dont remember exactly how much i did but it as around there. Then at 46ish on exorays i was doing around 500 because they have less def ^^

        Warrior TP Warrior WS


        • #34
          Re: Question and Rate me

          Okay, well I'm going to ask around THFs at my level how much their viper bite is usually doing ^^


          • #35
            Re: Question and Rate me

            One more thing, I've been looking at some equipment ahead of time for my THF.......and I'm really not finding much.....Do you think anyone could be so kind as to advise a few items that would be good for a THF?


            • #36
              Re: Question and Rate me

              Rings: Deft, Snipers, the other HQ dex rings
              Earrings: Spike or HQ atk, Drone
              Gloves (you're elv right?) RSE for Elv and hume, Battle gloves
              Head: Emp, Mrc Capt
              Neck: Spike
              Ranged: Long Boomerang, Power Crossbow, some other corssbow at lv 63 name slips my mind
              Body: Mrc Capt, Brigadine, Cotehardies, Assault Jerkin
              Back: Nomads (+1), Amemit (+1)
              Waist: Mrc Capt, Ryl Knt, Swordbelt, Life belt
              legs: RSE for Elv, AF, War
              feet: Leaping, AF, Winged

              Warrior TP Warrior WS


              • #37
                Re: Question and Rate me

                Okay well VB was doing 466 last night on crawlers when they didn't have their defense boost on. This was with the Marauder's Knife and a Archer's Knife. I noticed that before I was doing in the 420 range with 2 Archer's Knife and I was getting TP a bit quicker.

                Alright ^^ Thanks Toki for the guide ^^ Yes, I'm a elvaan THF.

                I was thinking about using the Marauder's Knife (+2 AGi and DEX) and the Calveley's Dagger (+3 DEX) when I hit 42. I'm very inclined to stick with this just because the DEX and AGI is so tempting, but I've overheard the screm for Harpe later on and I know about accuracy issues later on as well, which I guess could be fixed with a Bone Kinfe +1. So I'm not sure how long this combo is going to last me

                I'm going with the Thug's Zamburak for the +1 AGI and +2 Ranged Accuracy

                Yep, I got the Emp. Hairpin and I'm hoping it'll last me to 70 where I can swap in Optical Hat for TP gain and switch back to Emp. Hairpin for SATA....or is there something better?

                Will Spiked Necklace last me forever? (Wow, sounds like a very good buy if so)

                Hm....the Drone is going to last forever for my SATA and I'm guessing I will swap in the +attack ones when I'm meeleing for TP gain?

                Yep got the Mercenary Captain's Doublet and the Brigadine looks good, however I'm wondering about the Brigadine offers +3 DEX, +1 AGi compaged to the Brigadine. Would the Brigadine +1 be worth it for the long haul until I can get the Cotehardies?

                Yep, Battle gloves for TP gain and RSE for SATA. This is going to last me forever right?

                Yep, got the Deft(2) and Snipers (2), but I'm a bit confused. I remeber in a previous post you mentioned that at 60 I would need to focus on AGI as well. So for my rings should i be concentrating on DEX+ rings? or AGI+ rings?

                Check ^^

                A bit confused on this one too. I have Life Belt, Swordbelt +1, and Royal Knight's Belt. I'm wondering if I am going to be doing Life Belt for TP gain and Royal Knight's belt for SATA? or Life Belt for TP gain and Swordbelt +1 for SATA?

                Okay ^^

                Wouldn't the Leaping Lizzy be better then AF since it offers DEX and AGI where as the AF only offers DEX

                I've noticed that in some of your suggestions that you went with attack (i.e: War set). Why? I mean how would I know what kind of balance I need between DEX, AGI, Accuracy and Attack? Is it because of a diminishing return for TOO much DEX or AGI?

                Thanks for alot of your help. I really appreciate it ^^ Sorry if you find me annoying and bothersome, I just want to make my way into the thieving world as a good THF is all.

                See you guys around ^^


                • #38
                  Re: Question and Rate me

                  For Weapon, you should upgrade your dagger frequently. Bone Knife +1 is a very good dagger to have and you can keep AF in sub. Also, at 48, I'd suggest a Hornetneedle for the low delay and the dex and agi boosts. It also has more damage than the AF dagger.

                  Head: Thats what i do currently so yes that works.

                  Neck: Spike lasts forever and if youw ant you can get specs or peacock for TP gain.

                  Earring: That's correct.

                  Body: If you have the moeny there is no reason not to, but it is expensive, at least last time i checked.

                  Hands: RSE will alst until AF, AF will last until Merman's Mittens

                  Rings: Concentrate on DE rings. I do not have AGI rings because, even though TA is now modified as SA is, the WS modifier on Shark Bite is DEX. If you want you can buy AGI rings for when you use TA onl, again I did not because with my setup I have +26 AGI.

                  Waist: I use Royal Knts for SATA, Life belt for TP, and Swordbelt for Shark bite for the extra atk.

                  Feet: Yes leaping is better, its what i use, but not everyone uses leaping. A lot of people switched out leaping for AF but i felt i wanted to keep teh boots.

                  Yes, there seems to be a diminishing effect of DEX and AGI, plus the fact that i already have so much DEX and AGI. Because THF have low atk and str, it is a good idea to have soem atk boosting items to use during WS and TP gain if you feel you have enough DEX and AGI. For example, my Shark Bite setup has about +38 atk, +32 DEX, and +24 AGI. Because i have a fairly large amount of DEX and AGI, i felt boosting ATK for better, more consistent damage would be a better idea.

                  Warrior TP Warrior WS


                  • #39
                    Re: Question and Rate me

                    Woudln't the WS also determine the balance of STR,DEX,AGI, Accuracy and Attack?

                    I mean Viper Bite is 2 hits if I'm not least it looks like 2 hits, but what about Dancing Edge? I realize that the first hit is the only one that is going to have SATA on it and the rest don't.....or am I wrong?

                    BTW, I was reading a thread along time ago where a guy ws able to zone and took a screenshot of where a person's craft/skills/or something was and there was like 5 or 6 empty spaces. He concluded that it might be "hidden" things. What I'm wondering is do you think that a THF's steal,mug is a hidden skill that goes up the more you use it?


                    • #40
                      Re: Question and Rate me

                      Just my bid for 50+ daggers, I used dual corsair's until about 60. I loved em.

                      As for the rest of the posts. The WS definitely determines what balance of gear you'll have on.

                      With Viper Bite, IIRC it boosts your ATKx2, so your ATK vs mob DEF will probably be maxed, if not close to max. Best to focus on DEX/AGI/STR, priority being respective of order listed.

                      With Dancing Edge, I believe you can get the best damage with ACC/ATK setup with a fair amount of DEX/AGI thrown in. You need that ACC so that all 5 hits connect. You are correct that the first hit is only affected by SATA, so that is counted as a "SATA critical," if I'm not mistaken.

                      Shark Bite, probably best to go with DEX/STR/ATK gear.

                      All this also depends on the level in which you are using the WS. So its all pretty situational at best. I.E. Dancing Edge against T-VT mobs, you wouldn't need ACC as much.

                      Pretty intresting theory about steal/mug. Hadn't thought of that yet. I seem to recall the thread you're talking about though. Hell I'm just now starting to enjoy being able to solo EP gobs which can steal gold beastcoin from. Exciting fights at my current level, would be nice if they are easier to steal though ^_^
                      Typho - Elvaan - San d'Oria - Rank 10 - Titan

                      THF - 75 | RNG - 55 | NIN - 38 | WAR - 27 | WHM - 20 | SAM - 16 | MNK - 14 | BLM - 10


                      • #41
                        Re: Question and Rate me

                        Okay ^^ Thanks for the clarification ^^

                        Hm. . . so far I've found I can solo up to Even mobs (Anticians) in the Altepa Dessert, which provide good exp and I can mug and steal Mythrial Beastmen coins ^^. I just do. . .

                        1) SATA
                        2) Acid and Bloody
                        3) Sleep
                        4) SATA + WS

                        I really am in love with the Acid, Bloody, and Sleep bolts........I don't know why but I'm really in love with them(I wish we could bind them though, I'm stuck with crafting them atm but it's okay since I get HQ every now and then). I'm looking forward to your way ^^

                        Hm..Corsairs....that drops from that NM in Castle Zhavel Keep (sp?)? I seem to remeber soloing it and selling that dagger ; ; Isn't the item rare? If not the +20 is good enough to offset the DEX and AGI I'm losing? My route for weapon choice was going to be. . .

                        Marauder's Knife + Calveley's Dagger
                        Calveley's Dagger + Bone Knife +1
                        Calveley's Dagger + Hornetneedle OR Bone Knife +1 + Hornetneedle

                        I guess a change is in order . . .

                        BTW for those DRKs that are so insistant on using their Scythes instead of a Great Sword (at least until Vorpal Scyth) I've found SATA Shadowstich works pretty well ^^ Not as good as Viper Bite, but it still works pretty well overall. If you think about it...

                        Shadow of Death -> Shadowstich + Thundaga MB
                        Power Slash -> Viper Bite + Blizzaga/Blizzard 2 MB

                        pretty much evens out ^^ I just thought it would be an interesting fact to share ^^

                        Oh and I'm finding it disheartening that somewhere on this thread people said they were breaking 500 at 45. I only once hit 500 and everything else has been in the 400+ at 43 ; ; Maybe I need to reexamine my gear or something.
                        Last edited by Zempten; 07-12-2005, 12:07 PM.


                        • #42
                          Re: Question and Rate me

                          Well another thing that's nice about corsair's knife, is the higher base damage on it. There was a great thread around here somewhere that talked about Lv50 daggers. Your best daggers(main hand) at that point will be either a Corsair's or Lust Dagger. Chalk it up to personal preference which one you use, but I used Corsair's(like I said earlier). As for off hand, basically use that for whatever dagger adds to the stats you feel you're lacking. Bone Knife+1 or Hornetneedle if you're having trouble keeping up with your SC partner. OR Corsair's if you feel your accuracy TP gain is fine, and you want to boost your damamge higher. Personally I think the +20 ATK(and extra 6DMG) would outweight the +5DEX +2AGI you would be getting with Marauder/Calveley combo. Don't get me wrong though, that's a GREAT setup for your level. Like most AF2 weapons, it's usefulness just dwindles shortly after you can equip it unfortunately.

                          Honestly, your damage sounds pretty standard for that level. It's really hard to go wrong with THF at those levels ^_^. If you really want to hit the high numbers, fight bats/flies when you have the chance. Turn your 450 damager hit into a ~600 damage hit.
                          Typho - Elvaan - San d'Oria - Rank 10 - Titan

                          THF - 75 | RNG - 55 | NIN - 38 | WAR - 27 | WHM - 20 | SAM - 16 | MNK - 14 | BLM - 10


                          • #43
                            Re: Question and Rate me

                            Alright thanks ^^ I'll give it a shot and see how things go ^^

                            I love this fourm, so many nice people who give nice suggestions ^^

                            Hm.I just talked to a tarutaru THF in my LS and he is 51 +18 DEX. I am 47 +32. Yet he says his highest SATA VB is 560 where as mine so far is 511..........1 levels makes that much of a difference?
                            Last edited by Zempten; 07-12-2005, 05:16 PM.


                            • #44
                              Re: Question and Rate me

                              Whats his base/+agi and what is your base/+agi?

                              Warrior TP Warrior WS


                              • #45
                                Re: Question and Rate me

                                Oh....I didn't ask ; ; I thought DEX was important at this level

