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Thief: Beginning

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  • Thief: Beginning

    I just wanted to make a little note for the new THFs out there on what you should do to get from 1-20 in less than a week. I did it in 6 days... which i think is great. so here i go, hope this helps.

    When you start off, use a dagger. If you can, pick up meat mithkabobs. Continue using a dagger from lvl 1-7. at lvl 7 see if u can pick up a BeeStinger. if you cant, blind dagger helps alot too. Also at level 7 Get Self bow and Bone arrows... they go a long way. When you hit level 7-8, pick up a sapara (sword). That is what i used and it seemed to work well.

    Level 11, get yourself the full doublet set EXCEPT... the head. stick with compound eye circlet, which is only like... 4k (kujata).
    Also if u can... stay updated by having both a sword and a dagger, so u can skill up both.

    Level 14 is the big time level. Definatly Pick up Battle gloves. And Balance Rings(HQ). there 14k a piece but its definatly worth it. This especially goes out to you elvaan THF's.

    15 is another big level. at 15 if you need to, go practice your positioning with Sneak Attack. Knowing how to do that well will definatly get you a party. When you do get a party, Use sneak attack every minute. As soon as u can use it again, use it. The reason i told u to carry a sword is because SA doesnt stack well with Elemental WS's, so Fast Blade owns here untill Viper Bite.
    at 17 pick up lizard armor and a fire sword for level 18. Then your on your way to twenty ^^ good luck and tell me how u like this guide.

    Gil Sellers Suck Ass!
    And you, wich Final Fantasy character do you resemble?

  • #2
    sword is better for soloing low levels IMO, fast blade will speed up your kill in a way bee stinger can never do. I personally will stick to sword until early 30s where I can learn viper bite and switch to main dagger. Or if the PT doesn't care what you use, you can switch to dagger to skill it up.

    the +3 attack level 10 bastok/sandoria gloves aren't bad. By the time you hit level 10 you probably will have enough conquest points to grab one (rank 1 1k point?)
    There are painters who transform the sun into a yellow spot,
    but there are others who with the help of their art and their intelligence
    transform a yellow spot into the sun.

    - Pablo Picasso


    • #3
      it's cute.
      A for effort.

      ... but you don't need mithkabobs, meat jerky will work just as well (and it's cheaper -- from tavern NPCs).

      edit: aiya Jei, 67 already?

      Thanks Yyg!


      • #4
        well this is what i did... and a couple things about what u said neibhor... i dont know to much about food so thanks with that. and the other poster... i forget your name... but the added dex you get from beestinger even tho its only one, really helps at that level. and u are right, sword skills own untill 33 but wasp sting is invalueable at times. in any case... thanks for reading this. ^^
        and yes... i used the sandorian mitts at 3 that raised my attack plus three... for got to addd that

        Gil Sellers Suck Ass!
        And you, wich Final Fantasy character do you resemble?


        • #5
          Well this is good for starters... that start out with at least 10k .
          Blm.75 - Whm.56 - Mnk.58 - Rdm.48 - Nin.37 - War.37 - Drk.37

          Merits - 98
          Goldsmith - 85.2


          • #6
            I personally feel /MNK (For Martial Arts JT, hey any delay down is good stuff ^^) or /NIN would be better until 33.

            Because Hand to Hand weapons are better damage before and after SA. Not to mention SA + Combo is nice.

            Either way H2h and Sword are good things to have giving your PT more flexibiliy with SC (Distortion or Fusion).

            What's really great is when you have your WHM MB with Banishga for 106 damage ^^ Of course only if MP allows


            • #7
              I was a big fan of the whole Thf/Mnk thing from 1 till 32. I always got nice numbers. But, anyone just starting out, it's probably not really a viable idea since when you do get to 33, you won't have your dagger skill ready for viper bite. It's more for people that will have capped sword and dagger forever anyway.


              • #8
                Yes, good point ^^


                • #9
                  If THF is your first job, you probably can't /nin until 30. So if the PT doesn't request you use fast blade, you can use dagger for your skill.

                  martial arts is pretty powerful until around level 10. from 10-15 it's a pretty bad weapon choice to solo with The only real use is for > combo skillchain which barely anyone use it anymore. Which makes /mnk not so useful these days.
                  There are painters who transform the sun into a yellow spot,
                  but there are others who with the help of their art and their intelligence
                  transform a yellow spot into the sun.

                  - Pablo Picasso


                  • #10
                    Well i just think it's great to allow your PTs to have a higher chance of SC with Fast Blade or Combo. Any extra damage is good damage to me ^^


                    • #11
                      HI, I'm trying to level up thf, right now im a level 7 thf but when i start partying i want to know what my job in the party will be. i dont want to get a party and have no idea of what my obligations are.


                      • #12
                        Hate control, but that doesn't happen until 30+ when you get Trick Attack. For now, you are regular Joe Melee. You'll probably be asked to pull so have a ranged weapon handy.

                        Thanks Yyg!


                        • #13
                          1-15 is easy to do in 1 day. I would sub either war, whm, or brd. Get yourself a sword(dagger just has too low dmg). I would suggest Wax Sword+1, then Bee Spatha+1. Bring your gear with you and you can solo to 15 in no time, and it goes very quick with /brd. Just take easy prey after easy prey and a DC if you bring some nice +Str/+Atk food.


                          • #14
                            THF cant use Longswords ie Spatha

                            Warrior TP Warrior WS


                            • #15
                              Originally posted by Tokitoki
                              THF cant use Longswords ie Spatha

                              thats basically what I did for any job though, just get a sword a thf can use then

