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Treasure Hunter (another one, yes)

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  • Treasure Hunter (another one, yes)

    So, I know there's been tons of Treasure Hunter debates, pure data and etc. But I think all of them have said Lucky Egg helps. Negative. Taken from a KR FFXI BBS.

    방법 : 로란벟리� 있는 �로울러 300마리를 사냥해서 떨어진 연사� 갯수를 측쟕~
    (Strategy: Each set was tested by slaying 300 Berry Grubs in Rolanberry Fields.)

    (Treasure Hunter II + Thief's Knife + Assassin's Armlets [THlv4] = 136 drops)

    (Treasure Hunter II + Assassin's Armlets [THlv3, finishing hit] = 126 drops)

    (Treasure Hunter II + Thief's Knife [THlv3, finishing hit] = 128 drops)

    (Treasure Hunter II + Thief's Knife [THlv3, no finishing hit] = 113 drops)

    (Treasure Hunter II [THlv2] = 114 drops)

    (Treasure Hunter I [THlv1] = 110 drops)

    (No Treasure Hunter [Holding/Eating Lucky Egg both] = 82 drops)

    (No Treasure Hunter = 82 drops)

    통계�으로 95% 싟뢰구간까지 예측해보면
    (All in all, with 95% accuracy and my estimation...)

    1. トレ�ンII+盗賊ナイフ+AF2�手(トレ�ン4)�136個 ……45.3±5.6%
    2. トレ�ンII+AF2�手(トレ�ン3二刀��り)�126個 … …42.0±5.6%
    3. トレ�ンII+盗賊ナイフ(トレ�ン3二刀���)�128個 … 42.3±5.6%
    4. トレ�ンII+盗賊ナイフ(トレ�ン3二刀��り)�113個 … 37.7±5.5%
    5. トレ�ンII(トレ�ン2)�114個 ……………………………38.0±5.5%
    6. トレ�ンI(トレ�ン1)�110個 ……………………………36.7±5.5%
    7. トレ�ン��(幸���所�)�82個 …………………… 27.3±5.0%
    8. トレ�ン���82個 ……………………………………… 27.3±5.0%

    쟕�� 결과로 보여진다곟 나오네요.
    (The results come to this.)

    3,4번� ��� 나�프를 ��류로 착용핟경우 안핟경우를 �미하는 것 같습니다.
    ��보다 트럈쟸헌터1과 2� 차�가 그리 �지 않�듯 하지만,
    트럈쟸헌터가 아예 없는것과 있는 것� �당히 차�가 �네요.
    (#3 and #4 shows that the THF kill moves do indeed help. Also, I was pretty shocked that there wasn't much of a difference between TH1 and TH2. I know that there was leveling factor to consider, but it couldn't be done. Also, there is a huge difference in whether having Treasure Hunter or not helps the drop rate.)

    ※ 엟시 행운� 알� 루머였다는~
    (Lucky Egg rumor was false after all~)

    My thoughts: I noticed from other records that Lucky Egg seemed like it helped, but not according to here. I know luck itself takes a big role, so I guess we can't get exact numbers after all... :/
    Sony NW-E507 [wishlist]

  • #2
    It's a thorough test, but my own personal beef with it would be that they picked kind of a crappy mob to test it on.

    Most people understand that TH works like a percentage increase, so the most notable differences are going to be on common drops.

    To get a test with a lot of margin, the tester should really pick something like lizards who drop 4 things per kill, anyway, and see what TH does to them. If you pick a fairly rare-dropping mob, you're not going to see that large a difference and it's worse for testing, IMO.

    Otherwise, it's a nice read
    75 THF/NIN, WAR
    Bastok Mithra


    • #3
      I kind of agree with Ixaera. This seemed to be a fairly controlled experiment, as in the exact same mob was killed the same number of times, but...

      Question is, do berry grubs drop anything BUT silk threads? I assume the tester was too high for earth crystals. I cant think of anything else they drop.

      Perhaps a better test would have been Death Wasps, as the possible drops would have been Honey, Beehive Chips, and insect wings.

      That Lucky Egg rumor is everywhere. My friend got 5 spider web drops in an hour leveling BST waiting for me to get to Boyhada. After he logged, I killed a bunch of spiders, only got 1 web. He said it was because of lucky egg...
      FFXIV: ARR - Leviathan Server - 50 Bard, 47 Dragoon, 50 All crafts, 48 Botany, 48 Miner
      FFXI: Shiva Server


      • #4
        I'm still sceptical about the Lucky Egg thing. I think it's got to do more with some stats that's being changed. I've believed from start and still continue to believe that traits, abilities, etc... ability to work is related to the element they are assigned.

        Also in further belief to that I think that the days element as well as weather effect further effect those traits, abilities, etc... So since Gilfinder and the Treasure Hunter are both White, then I'd think they have some relation to CHR and the Light/Dark elements.

        If I can get myself a Light Staff and Dark Staff I can further try to prove that point. So far though when I've hunted for drops I've tried to push CHR up high as well as Light Resistance. When hunting monsters like Qudav's I've experienced the weakest possible giving me between 18-23 gil without any CHR + or Light Resistance and make a change to 20-28 with +12 CHR and +23 Light Resistance.

        Not only that but the drop rates of Lizard Tails, Shell Shields, Qudav Backplates, and other items seem much higher. I'll have to test it more, but I've even assisted players in getting their Kazham Keys, so far everytime I've gone as THF with all the +CHR and +Light I could get the Keys never took more then 30 min - 1hr. for a drop.

        That is a definate huge difference to the 6 hrs. it took to get mine. For me to test it better though I think I'll need to get more +Dark items similar to the Light Staff, I think that I might be countering the drop rate with the +Light and that it should probably be more +Dark I should be focusing on instead.

        Anyway that's my two cents, I do know that BSTs go for +CHR items and that they've started for Light Staves after a previous test suggesting that they improve Charm. So I'm curious if the person who's BST friend that got the extra drops wasn't simply because of that.

        Cheezy Test Result (I am nerdier than 96% of all people. Are you nerdier? Click here to find out!)


        • #5
          My friend and myself have the same gear. We usually duo together as BST, but on this night, we played at slightly different times. He wouldnt have had the Light Staff equipped when finishing off the spiders, he would have been using his axe. Thats what I did too. The only time I use light staff is for when I am charming (unless its mid-battle) Most BST's ditch the Monster Signa (if they had one) at level 51 for the Light Staff. I must say, I've noticed a HUGE difference in my success rate with Light staff. I can often charm VT mobs in an emergency if I need to, as long as that is equipped. Not sure if this would affect TH or not... I guess if it affects charm, there is a chance it affects TH as well. Interesting theory.
          FFXIV: ARR - Leviathan Server - 50 Bard, 47 Dragoon, 50 All crafts, 48 Botany, 48 Miner
          FFXI: Shiva Server


          • #6
            Lucky Egg food effect:
            HP +14
            MP +14
            Evasion +10

            And that's probably it ._.

            I don't believe it helps if THF finishes a mob, THF only needs to have hate.
            Linaaa (^-^) Levels [WHM:75|SMN:59|BST:54|THF:51|BLM:37|NIN:37|WAR:37|MNK:22|RNG:21|RDM:16|SAM:10]

            Guilds: Clothcraft: 92.1+3 - Leather: 60.0 - Goldsmith: 24.0 - Woodcraft: 6.1 - Cooking: 1.0
            Avatars: Carby / Garuda / Shiva / Ifrit / Ramuh / Leviathan / Fenrir (*^-^*)V ***
            NM's: killed lots, lots of drops, lost track.

            Live journal Linaaa LiveJournal ^^v


            • #7
              What about the other factors that come into play when getting drops? Namely the element day vs the monster being fought and also the moon phase. Were those taken into account?
              Hume/Male Mithra
              52thf/25nin 75thf/37nin
              Cactuar Hades
              LS: PhoenixDown/Impact/Arcadia


              • #8
                Originally posted by peet
                What about the other factors that come into play when getting drops? Namely the element day vs the monster being fought and also the moon phase. Were those taken into account?
                i aggree with you, if it is to be controlled, the same ele day, an moon phases needs to be takin into account. other wise you dont rule out those myths us players have come to believe.

                the best one i heard was looking at a monsters drop rate as a sort of a grid. say the berry grub has 21k slots apon this grid for various things. earth crystals, beastmen seal, silk thread, an finally empty. now its my guess that these squares are broken down into effected sections. section 1, 2 an 3, so a mob conning ep or higher allows all 3 sections. you kill it . it speeds thru section one till it either lands on a crystal or empty space. tallies section 2 to see if any seals are dropped, an finally section 3 to see if any silks are dropped. now approch this same mob at a higher lvl. an you seem to automatically lose section 1 an 2. leaving you to only calculate section 3. of around 7k sqaures. now adding in the variables like t.h 1 or 2. just removes a small number of empty spaces. to me it seems like this always made the best sence to me.

                another thing i have noticed, is the number of players do effect the number of drops. an actually factor in the total number of empty spaces. you can compare a bsts drop rate vs a pts drop rate in the same area. i believe when this happens sector 1's grids either become a fire crystalx1, fire crystalx4. or that it may just calculate a base number for a if it lands on a crystal it drops that base number. but if it lands on empty. you get nothing,. for section 2 or 3. the number of players slowly reduce the empty spots. it may not be by much, maybe a real small %,

                i think lucky eggs, monkeys tail, 4 leaf mandy bud are just names. like our horse shoes, an our rabbit feets., they are not really lucky. but put in our faith. an hope. they do take on a magical appearance.

                Nin75, Bst75. Drk61, War61, Rdm40, All other jobs are 37. All 3 starting city missions completed. All Zilart missions completed. All CoP missions completed. TouA completed.


                • #9
                  This should be tested on a mob that drops a "rare" item, as well as other items. Berry Grubs only drop silk thread, which aren't rare. Nevertheless, the above information does give a good idea how the TH effect works, but imo, it's not completely accurate until it's tested on a better mob.
                  The most depressing FFXI moment ever...


                  • #10
                    in my op it would not be 100% accurate unless,

                    1. every situation is carried out at exactly the same time. in doing so you could eliminate moonphase, time of day. to further make this test more accurate. wed kill a certain mob on its strongest day, an its weakest day.

                    2. wed need a multi drop mob. lizards in davoi are a nice controlled test. since they drop lizard tails, eggs, an skin. if youd wnt to get into a mob with a lot of drops. you have to take on a garnet quadav in beadaux. 5 different scrolls, 1 weapon, an about 4 different types of armor.

                    id love to see all rumors an myths with this one busted. so in another instance we'd have a high lvl with thf subbed. as people say t.h is lower when you sub it. another rumor people like to believe is nin have a hidden poor drop rate. id like to see that disproved, i think macht has an interesting theory as well. the only way i could ever see this with a high accurate rate, is if 1 thf, on every server at the exact time. did this test, then without a doubt. we would have enough proof to go from there,,

                    Nin75, Bst75. Drk61, War61, Rdm40, All other jobs are 37. All 3 starting city missions completed. All Zilart missions completed. All CoP missions completed. TouA completed.


                    • #11
                      Re: Treasure Hunter (another one, yes)

                      Uh...wasn't this whole test to show what the lucky egg did? Why did they do all these test with multiple factors, and then take away all the factors and test the egg???

                      You need ONE changing factor to have a real quality experiment, so I think they should have kept everything the same except try it without the egg on, and with the egg on. They didn't do any tests with that gear and TH on AS WELL as the egg.
                      Xccoortri: 63Brd - RETIRED
                      Wiggin: 20Thf/10War - Current

                      BCNM Completed 35 times. Best time: 14:53


                      • #12
                        it was a test to show how much of a difference all the different TH things made, some things helped more and some helped less, and the test with lucky egg showed no improvement (82 drops) from a test with absolutely no sort of TH help (82 drops) but with TH he got 110 and th2 114
                        Originally posted by Blood Red Poet
                        InuTrunks is just mad, because I ate his baby.


                        • #13
                          Re: Treasure Hunter (another one, yes)

                          wow, this was an old old post lol
                          (ps: XCC REMEMBER ME KAZ GIMP BLM? SUP YO)

                          The data wasn't only to prove the Lucky Egg theory, but he complied the egg data along with it since there was a big (still is) rumor going on about the Lucky Egg TH+.
                          Sony NW-E507 [wishlist]


                          • #14
                            Re: Treasure Hunter (another one, yes)

                            I still thought lucky egg was supposed to imrpove TH...or was it just add TH?
                            Oh well.

                            Either way, yes I remember you Kaz!! I just returned actually playing a THF still on rag?
                            Xccoortri: 63Brd - RETIRED
                            Wiggin: 20Thf/10War - Current

                            BCNM Completed 35 times. Best time: 14:53


                            • #15
                              Re: Treasure Hunter (another one, yes)

                              I haven't read the whole topic, only the first post, so I don't know if this was covered, but..

                              If Lucky Egg did in fact improve your TH skill by 1, you would *need* TH1 or 2 at least for it to trigger. Just like using a Supanomimi w/o NIN as Main, or Sub would not give you Dual Wield, using a Lucky Egg w/o TH1 or 2 would not give you Treasure Hunter.

                              If you notice his testing results you'll see that he used the Lucky Egg w/o Treasure Hunter.

                              That's my take on the whole test.

                              We should also have Mr. Abundance of time test it w/ the clover, and the Millionaires Desk as well.

