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Lizzy as oppposed to farming

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  • Lizzy as oppposed to farming

    i want some input, i wait until japanes prime time, and its sylph so mostly one other person is camping, but as i dont have rng, i have to hunt lizzy, and by that i mean control hate towards lizards in a section of the map so as to increase the possibilty of lizzy spawning there, farming has been a burst for me so far, and if i can get the boots once a week if i camp my ass off, about 2-3 hours every night and pt on weekends that should be worth it,
    im looking for some inputs from people who have actually camped lizzy before so i know my chances! im a 24 thf and i sub war.


  • #2
    Well without wide scan you're at a big dissadvantage if the other one there does. Then again if it only one other person then it might be possible to get boots maybe 1 time every 2 weeks or so.

    On my server it's total madness trying to get Lizzy, there is almost always 20+ people sitting there trying to get it. It makes it a complete gamble on if you'll get it or not. The only chance you have is if it spawns next to you, which by my experience even if you concentrate on 1 spot lizzy still can spawn a good distance away from were you are.

    I've had it happen were I'm killing off all the lizards on the East side and Lizzy ends up spawning all the way on the West still. If you do decide to get wide scan I personally still think /BSTs is just right for that area, it covers just about 1 square worth so looking through the list is easy. Doing /RNG or having RNG as main is still a pain it shows a range that's a bit wide so you end up with a list nearly 2 or 3 times larger to look through.

    Cheezy Test Result (I am nerdier than 96% of all people. Are you nerdier? Click here to find out!)


    • #3
      I dont know about your server, but getting it once a week on Midgard would be REALLY hard, so many people camp it now with them being 800k+.


      • #4
        Seriously, what's the point of camping for three hours so you have a 1 in 20 chance of claiming the mob that drops the item approximately 1 in 15 times?

        Every 3 hours you have about a 1 in 300 chance (20x15) of getting leaping boots. Lets be really really generous and say you're *really* good at pulling, have TH1, widescan, flee, you'll knock your odds down to 1 in 5 of getting the mob and 1 in 10 of getting the drop. That's 1 in 50 odds of getting leaping boots every 3 hours.

        1/50 = .02
        .02 x 800,000 gil = average of 16,000 gil every 3 hours. That is the equivalent of farming a little over 5k an hour, which is still pretty horrid, plus you aren't even farming. you're sitting in 1 place refreshing wide scan every 2 seconds.

        NM camping erodes the soul.
        You know I'm right.


        • #5
          Originally posted by guyincorporated
          Seriously, what's the point of camping for three hours so you have a 1 in 20 chance of claiming the mob that drops the item approximately 1 in 15 times?

          Every 3 hours you have about a 1 in 300 chance (20x15) of getting leaping boots. Lets be really really generous and say you're *really* good at pulling, have TH1, widescan, flee, you'll knock your odds down to 1 in 5 of getting the mob and 1 in 10 of getting the drop. That's 1 in 50 odds of getting leaping boots every 3 hours.

          1/50 = .02
          .02 x 800,000 gil = average of 16,000 gil every 3 hours. That is the equivalent of farming a little over 5k an hour, which is still pretty horrid, plus you aren't even farming. you're sitting in 1 place refreshing wide scan every 2 seconds.

          NM camping erodes the soul.
          I love guyincorperated, I think we must secretly share a brain as I think the same way.

          Nothing beats good old fashioned farming.


          • #6
            Well its probably better to try and and camp lizzy if you want the boots not the money (like me)

            other than that i agree with you very low chance of getting the boots especially once a week
            even me only lvl 18 can farm 7k an hour and NM camping is extremely boring.


            • #7
              ima still camp lizzy

              but only for a hobby now, i just raked up 50k off farming tonight, so im cool, im about to mithran scimitar for 70k,


              thanks for your inputs, especially the bts widescan, great tip


              • #8
                well, if you unlock rng to sub while camping lizzy, even if its only lv1, you can make a killing off boots if youre patient. I used to get 1 boot per day of camping....which ranged from 5 mins to 9 hours >.>
                Calin - Ragnarok


                • #9
                  Originally posted by ClydeArrowny
                  well, if you unlock rng to sub while camping lizzy, even if its only lv1, you can make a killing off boots if youre patient. I used to get 1 boot per day of camping....which ranged from 5 mins to 9 hours >.>
                  Yeah, maybe when there's less than 30 people camping them at a time. : / But that doesn't happen...ever! ><

                  Kibo (Asura): RDM 6 ::cwy::


                  • #10
                    on my server the players camping lizzy do not move. they just run thru the widescan list over an over. letting another player do all the work. then again you have a few members from an ls there. covering 4 points on the map. making lizzy not even worth the time.. sadly im like 2/21.

                    bst's widescan is great depending on situations. but put in another player killing lizards. be it for lizzy or for exp. depending on where they do it on the map. bsts widescan becomes worthless. the best tip i can give you is to not kill to far away from where your at. then you do improve your chances slightly. another tip is after lizzy is killed, dont give up or go afk. she has been known to pop moments later after she was killed.

                    remember a grid square for camping lizzy goes something like this. the square will have 2-3 pops in it every few minutes. but the square also has 42 possible spots it will drop lizzy.

                    Nin75, Bst75. Drk61, War61, Rdm40, All other jobs are 37. All 3 starting city missions completed. All Zilart missions completed. All CoP missions completed. TouA completed.


                    • #11
                      I'm camped my fair share of what I consider "hard to get" NMs, and found that most the time they aren't worth the frustration I experience. I got some tips though. littleninja was wise to say kill lizards close to where you are. What I like to do with Valkurm Emp/Leaping Lizzy is find your favorite pop spot(just keep camping till you can locate one), then basically stand right on top of it, kill the placeholders in your area as they spawn. On top of doing this, in between spawns(if you're good you can time them) keep an eye for widescan just in case it pops somewhere else. With these NMs, keep in mind most of claiming is luck in it spawning close, a smaller part is keeping active so just in case it spawns far may just have a chance to hit Flee and claim it. I'd say you got a chance of about 1/5 of claiming if you pick it up on widescan and its farther than a couple of seconds away. Obviously, you have about 9/10 chance if it pops near.

                      I havent had much luck with lizzie, but I got a friend that camps as 50THF/RNG that gets the claim and drop quite often. It might seem like a one in a million chance to get the drop, but if you are patient its just like any other farming method. It takes a while to get the big bucks but if you're patient, its nowhere near impossible. I've heard that same friend say he got 2 drops in one day, nearly back to back(just ran to town, put one up, when back out and got another ). Just DON'T expect to camp it once and get the drop. Typically people that make money off NMs like Lizzie are very patient, and will wait all day until they get their drop.

                      Happy hunting ^^
                      Typho - Elvaan - San d'Oria - Rank 10 - Titan

                      THF - 75 | RNG - 55 | NIN - 38 | WAR - 27 | WHM - 20 | SAM - 16 | MNK - 14 | BLM - 10


                      • #12
                        Re: Lizzy as oppposed to farming

                        yea i just stand in one place and hope he pops up. the only time i ever got him was when i was running to bastok to get the yuthunga keys and i decided to swing by to see if he spawned. and he did XD i got the boots too
                        TaruKabob <Can I have it>


                        • #13
                          Re: Lizzy as oppposed to farming

                          The topic and purpose of this thread is outdated. Since the update Leaping Boots do not drop from Leaping Lizzy which was usually the boots focused on getting when fighting that NM. Since the update it is now Bounding Boots which the only people hunting are the ones actually instrested in obtaining the boots, so the competition is not as heavy as it was before.

                          Still there to a degree but not as bad now.

                          Cheezy Test Result (I am nerdier than 96% of all people. Are you nerdier? Click here to find out!)


                          • #14
                            Re: Lizzy as oppposed to farming

                            I was camping emp the otehr night and it was only me and another thf (I want to sell my emp pin for 2M while its still up there ;p)

                            Warrior TP Warrior WS


                            • #15
                              Re: Lizzy as oppposed to farming

                              All I used to do was camp that thing /nostagia O.o T'was good cash, better than farming which I also did my fair share of as well.

                              fk yes

