Heya, I happen to find myself with a decent pile of gil (about $1M) and I’m looking at stuff to buy. I’ve already got the staples – Hairpin, Sniper’s, Cermet Kukri+1 – and I’m looking at what next to buy (I just hit 65). Thieves, I’m looking for some advice here.
Three items stand out:
1. Venemous Claw – (I’ll craft my own scorpion harness, thankyouverymuch) - $5.5M (yeah, $1M looks kinda dinky in comparison)
2. Evasion Torque – I loves me the soloing, but not really helpful in an xp party. - $500K (and rising)
3. Hoplite’s Harpe – Most likely the last main-hand dagger I’d ever buy. If I upgrade it, it’ll be to a harpe/perseus’ harpe, but those won’t be purchased. - $1M
My real question is: The harpe seems to be holding reasonably steady at $1M right now, but in this economy, I can blink and it’ll be 1.5 in 2 weeks…Do you think it is wise to spend the cash now, even though I couldn’t use it for another 100k xp (500 mobs x 200 xp apiece *shudder*), or should I get the torque now and scrounge up another 500k in the hopes that the price hasn’t taken off. Unless I pick up a harpe from Citipati (heh, not likely), this will be the last (mainhand) dagger I ever have to buy.
Has the harpe been getting more expensive, or less on other servers? To anyone that has it – is it as badass as its stats would indicate? {Help me out here!}
Three items stand out:
1. Venemous Claw – (I’ll craft my own scorpion harness, thankyouverymuch) - $5.5M (yeah, $1M looks kinda dinky in comparison)
2. Evasion Torque – I loves me the soloing, but not really helpful in an xp party. - $500K (and rising)
3. Hoplite’s Harpe – Most likely the last main-hand dagger I’d ever buy. If I upgrade it, it’ll be to a harpe/perseus’ harpe, but those won’t be purchased. - $1M
My real question is: The harpe seems to be holding reasonably steady at $1M right now, but in this economy, I can blink and it’ll be 1.5 in 2 weeks…Do you think it is wise to spend the cash now, even though I couldn’t use it for another 100k xp (500 mobs x 200 xp apiece *shudder*), or should I get the torque now and scrounge up another 500k in the hopes that the price hasn’t taken off. Unless I pick up a harpe from Citipati (heh, not likely), this will be the last (mainhand) dagger I ever have to buy.
Has the harpe been getting more expensive, or less on other servers? To anyone that has it – is it as badass as its stats would indicate? {Help me out here!}