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Who is NOT a THF/NIN?

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  • Who is NOT a THF/NIN?

    Is anybody here not a THF/NIN? It seems like everybody is going that route and there are no diviations from that the higher lvl you go...

    Anybody a THF/ (WAR/MNK/RNG/???)

    43 Monk; 25 Warrior; 20 Theif; 10 Dragoon; 11 Dark Knight; 7 Ninja.

    55 Red Mage; 32 Black Mage; 27 White Mage.

  • #2
    Thf/Rng, except I'm a level 13 THF... I would hate to look for gobbies in normal zones to exp off of without Widescan...
    There is no knowledge without experience.
    San dOria Rank4 \\ 30 WAR | 19 MNK | 14 RDM | 8 WHM | 13 BLM | 13 THF | 5 DRK | 10 RNG // Goldsmithing 10
    Windurst Rank4 // 46 WHM | 26 BLM | 20 RDM | 18 WAR \\ Alchemy 11 | Fishing 8


    • #3
      pre33 rng mnk nin and war are all viable subs depending on how your equips are(e.g. only sub rng if you have bow/marksmanship maxed and plan to use a lot of ammo)

      33+ mnk sub for bones/pots/dolls, war or nin sub for anything else. Personally I find nin sub better than war sub most of the time, but war sub can be fun to use for a change. Also war sub good for pulling if you have a lot of competition for mobs.
      Calin - Ragnarok


      • #4
        You see thf/nin all the time because ninja is easily the most versatile, useful subjob for thief, hands down. With it, you can pull, solo, do damage, explore, and by god, you can resist bind!

        I go thf/war for exp, though, because I find I can get a good extra 100-200 damage that way, and unless I'm pulling fast movers, I don't really need utsu. The extra damage helps just a little in getting chains faster and more exp/hr.

        But you'll find I have my ninja sub fully leveled and that I use it quite often solo, and for missions and other types of NM fights, if I can. I will always have my ninja sub fully leveled for the next even level -- more often than I bother with my warrior sub.
        75 THF/NIN, WAR
        Bastok Mithra


        • #5
          The problem with /WAR is when you're fighting Raptors, Peryton, Toramas, for example, they eat your shadows pretty fast and w/o them you'll either die or get too close for comfort. Thats theonly real problem with WAR sub. Other than that its just a battle between preferance between for tp or high damage.

          Warrior TP Warrior WS


          • #6
            Meh I'm an elf so maybe its different for mithra, but I always gain faster tp as /nin than /war and usually do more total dmg per hr in exp pt as /nin than /war.
            Calin - Ragnarok


            • #7
              I've been interested in thf/war for a while, i see its damage output being very impressive.

              I have a question to you Ixaera, which type of daggers do you use? Do you go for the high damage, but slower daggers, (corsair's knife, etc) or just the fast ones with lower damage out puts(hornetneedle)? I'm thinking TP gain still shouldn't be a big problem unless your with a rng, in which case I'll be using /nin anyways.

              My plan is to use /nin for pts with rngs and sams for slightly faster tp gain, and when pulling raptors, toramas, etc, the fast mobs. Otherwise, /war for pure DPS.
              BLM 75 | WHM 38 | RDM 37
              WAR 38 | NIN: 37| RNG 15| MNK 15 | THF 25
              Clothcraft: 94 | Leather: 33 | Smithing: 34 | Fishing: 55 | Cooking: 60


              • #8
                I pulled torama as thf/drk -- but I don't recommend it. You need party members you trust to pull that off very well. If you have a long-standing, reliable set party, you can get away with pulling fast mobs without /nin. But most exp situations aren't like that. We had an absent member once, and used a first voke we'd never played with. I didn't die per say...but 10 hp left before he voked really had me wishing I'd subbed something different that time. You just can't bet on strangers knowing how to play well.

                As a mithra I'm pretty impressed by the damage of thf/war, but don't be fooled. What /war does, essentially, besides adding about 100 or damage to berserked sata+ws, is give you more reliable numbers.

                I actually hit similarly high damage with thf/nin, just not nearly so often. My max sata+sharkbite with thf/war is 1160 (granted, not awesome, but my gear is just average anyway) -- with thf/nin about, pretty close. But I average 950 on darters, berserked or not, as thf/war. No idea how DE would do on set party does light only during exp.

                Thf/war I *always* go with highest damage possible, the exception being the few levels I used stun knife +1 over darksteel kukri +1 (stun proc was nice enough to not miss the 1 damage diff)...but I just bought a shiny new Hoplites harpe and haven't exped with it yet. Though I duo a lot with a blm, and noticed on mobs my SA+DE did 550-600 to, I now do 620-750 to (on full DE hits). >.> I wasn't expecting such a nice damage increase.

                I can't say it's "worth" the million it's going for on Bismarck...but I can say I'm not sorry I have one.
                75 THF/NIN, WAR
                Bastok Mithra


                • #9
                  I've been /war for the last 2 levels. I'm having fun with it. You can't say enough good things about berserk; double attack helps to compensate for the loss of dual-wield speed boost; good excuse to raise evasion while pulling; attack and defense bonuses are helpful.

                  I think in a strict party sense, /war is better than /nin, but for soloing, /nin or /whm is better. /War has no way to shrug off hits/reclaim hitpoints.
                  You know I'm right.


                  • #10
                    I like THF/RNG, at lvl 34 You can do some mad damage, SATA + Piercing Arrow + Ranger's Super Ranged Attacking Skill= wow, I also like THF/NIN. THF/NIN for Duel Wield and evasion addition +
                    2 wrongs dont make a right but 3 rights make a left


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by Genuine
                      I like THF/RNG, at lvl 34 You can do some mad damage, SATA + Piercing Arrow + Ranger's Super Ranged Attacking Skill= wow, I also like THF/NIN. THF/NIN for Duel Wield and evasion addition +
             doesn't stack with ranged attacks, and ninjas don't get any evasion bonuses. At level 34, I think it is silly to spend your tp doing piercing arrow (which will miss more often than not with tp under 150) for 50 damage when you could be tacking viper bite onto the end of a skillchain for 400+.

                      Pre-33, I think /ranger is a legitimate subjob. The skill difference between A- daggers and C- bows isn't totally insurmountable, but once you get viper bite it is time to start being a thief.
                      You know I'm right.


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by guyincorporated
                        Pre-33, I think /ranger is a legitimate subjob. The skill difference between A- daggers and C- bows isn't totally insurmountable,
                        ...especially since pre-33, you should be using D rank sword or E rank H2H anyway.

                        I think /RNG is arguably a legitimate subjob in later levels too (particularly post 60), though I've yet to actually put it through its paces. ACC+22 from Accuracy Up II is obviously nothing to sneeze at, and reliably landing Acid Bolts will make more of a difference than Berserk will; even though Acids are only -12.5% DEF and Berserk is +25% ATK, that -12.5% is multiplied by however many people in your party are attacking, which is guaranteed to be at least 3 (in a THF party).

                        The only question I have is whether or not Acid Bolt proc rate is tied to Marksmanship Skill, which is possible (though not proven). It seems that the few times I've tried Acids (as THF/NIN) my proc rate is lower than it was against the same mobs as RNG/NIN.

                        Centurio X-I 1/1 - Celphie 1/1 - Deadly Dodo 0/2 - Doppleganger Dio 0/1 - Jaggedy-eared Jack 0/7 - Joo Duzu the Whirlwind 1/1 - Leaping Lizzy 2/16 - Mimas 0/1 - Odqan 1/9 - Orcish Wallbreacher 0/1 - Ose 1/3 - Sagittarius X-XIII 1/1 - Serpopard Ishtar 3/6 - Silk Caterpillar 1/2 - Tom Tit Tat 0/2 - Trickster Kinetix 0/2 - Valkurm Emperor 6/10 - Wyvernpoacher Drachlox 1/1


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by Spider-Dan
                          ...especially since pre-33, you should be using D rank sword or E rank H2H anyway.

                          I think /RNG is arguably a legitimate subjob in later levels too (particularly post 60), though I've yet to actually put it through its paces. ACC+22 from Accuracy Up II is obviously nothing to sneeze at, and reliably landing Acid Bolts will make more of a difference than Berserk will; even though Acids are only -12.5% DEF and Berserk is +25% ATK, that -12.5% is multiplied by however many people in your party are attacking, which is guaranteed to be at least 3 (in a THF party).

                          The only question I have is whether or not Acid Bolt proc rate is tied to Marksmanship Skill, which is possible (though not proven). It seems that the few times I've tried Acids (as THF/NIN) my proc rate is lower than it was against the same mobs as RNG/NIN.
                          Weird. If the bolt connects you get a proc. Well majority of the time unless the mob is resilant to it, i.e. bones = no bloody. On exp mobs even with rng sub your still only going to connect 45% of the time (approx.) Seems to me if you want acc+ you should put the gill into gear and not just a sub.
                          Stabba, Stab, Stabby!
                          OldEmpires LS


                          • #14
                            I don't sub rng but I have used bolts in exp before. I did not get a proc everytime, even if mob was weak to it.
                            75 THF/NIN, WAR
                            Bastok Mithra


                            • #15
                              Originally posted by Ixaera
                              I don't sub rng but I have used bolts in exp before. I did not get a proc everytime, even if mob was weak to it.
                              hmm weird. I just base proc's on bcnm40 and solo'ing.
                              Soloing EP mob's with under lvl'd Marksmenship getting skill ups ect I have a 98% proc rate. The only one's that don't fire for me are rarely Blind and pois. Even in bcnm on the main nm I still get proc's everytime, I also rarly saw a rng toss off a bolt and not get a proc.
                              heh well good to know I guess.
                              Stabba, Stab, Stabby!
                              OldEmpires LS

