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Who is NOT a THF/NIN?

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  • #31
    Originally posted by Tokitoki
    Switch equips and lose the TP im gonig to use to stick ahte to the tanka t start of fight with SA/TA/DE? {No thanks.} And witht eh average skill of most THF's crossbow and the rating that we have, you arent going to be hitting a whole lot either way. The PT shouldnt rely on you to debuff a mob.
    Yea I forgot.../sigh.
    Dra Bmyhad Ec Toehk - FF7
    Final Fantasy XI - Zandria


    • #32
      Actually attempted xbow in party as thf/war with capped marks and +16 racc macroed for shooting. It seemed to work nicely on VT. But give us the IT for the chain, it was pointless. Possibly a thf/rng with sharpshot would have more chance of hitting the mob (though the proc rate would be the same).

      Since I will never give up berserk for exp, you won't see me subbing rng at 68. I'm sorry, but -12.5% def =/= +25% attack, and never will.

      I'll take my berserk and +2 dex or +4 acc anyday.
      75 THF/NIN, WAR
      Bastok Mithra


      • #33
        Feathered Collar (sp?) +2 RNG ACC lvl 7 i believe...



        • #34
          Originally posted by Ixaera
          Since I will never give up berserk for exp, you won't see me subbing rng at 68. I'm sorry, but -12.5% def =/= +25% attack, and never will.
          If you've got more than two people hitting the mob, -12.5% DEF is actually better.

          Centurio X-I 1/1 - Celphie 1/1 - Deadly Dodo 0/2 - Doppleganger Dio 0/1 - Jaggedy-eared Jack 0/7 - Joo Duzu the Whirlwind 1/1 - Leaping Lizzy 2/16 - Mimas 0/1 - Odqan 1/9 - Orcish Wallbreacher 0/1 - Ose 1/3 - Sagittarius X-XIII 1/1 - Serpopard Ishtar 3/6 - Silk Caterpillar 1/2 - Tom Tit Tat 0/2 - Trickster Kinetix 0/2 - Valkurm Emperor 6/10 - Wyvernpoacher Drachlox 1/1


          • #35
            Supposing you can hit >.>

            Granted, when I tried I was /war, with only +16 racc...but I couldn't hit IT for the life of me but 1/8 tries, sometimes less. VT was slightly better, but come on. Those are for chaining, and you do higher damage on them anyway. Not that you shouldn't land them on VT, just that it's pointless if that's all you can hit.

            Thanks, but no thanks. I'll get tp and use 'serk instead.

            Given my experience, I'd say a 65+ thf would need about +40 or so ranged acc *at least* to make xbow worth giving up things like dual wield delay bonuses, double attack, berserk, or utsu...or even the +2 or so dex from lightning bow or +4 or so melee acc from combat caster boom +1.
            75 THF/NIN, WAR
            Bastok Mithra


            • #36
              Ix is still bang on.
              Stabba, Stab, Stabby!
              OldEmpires LS


              • #37
                Re: Who is NOT a THF/NIN?

                I chose rdm to sub to my thf... dunno wat i was thinking, trying to be unique i guess. It worked out okay tho spells are kinda useful


                • #38
                  Re: Who is NOT a THF/NIN?

                  Pfft, enough of THF/NIN, I'm going to go BLM/NIN and dual weild clubs. God I'm going to kick so much ass.


                  • #39
                    Re: Who is NOT a THF/NIN?

                    i've never been thf/nin

                    thf/mnk till 60, now thf/sam


                    • #40
                      Re: Who is NOT a THF/NIN?

                      This is pre-patch on the ranged attack/accuracy issue

                      Status Bolts do indeed work for TP gain and as damage up until the lower 40s. What I basically did was DW Archer's Knife (Once I swapped in my AF1 for one of the Knifes I IMMEDIATELY noticed a HUGE difference in my ranged accuracy) and a full Noct +1 set (I basically concentrated on as much ranged accuracy as I could muster). I would estimate that I was landing anywhere from 70-80% of my ranged attacks.

                      The route I took was Acid Bolts for pulling, swap to Venom Bolts for TP gain as well as damage (damage with Venom Bolts is higher then Acid Bolts, I would refresh the Defense Down when it wore off with anothe Acid Bolt and swap back in to Venom). When it came time for SATA I swapped into my SATA (DEX and AGI) gear for it. The good thing with this is that I am gaining TP at practically the same amount as the RNG, RNG would always be 10 or 15% TP higher then me. However, if your in a PT with any other meele you can just meele the mob and gain TP the normal way and still reach 100% TP or higher with your PT members.

                      This was without RNG SJ so I don't see the point in RNG SJ, unless you are in a PT with another THF so you can SC as Split Shot -> VB (from other THF) - hate was lose so I could just SATA on meele or SA on myself to turn the mob for the other THF to SATA VB onto the tank (shadows came in handy here).

                      As far as the argument goes upon TP gain. If you spammed your /shoot macro you are getting good enough TP to not need /RNG for the Accuracy Bonus JT for TP gain.

                      Unfortunatly I am unable to see how this combo works after the last major patch, my time to play has been cut short.


                      • #41
                        Re: Who is NOT a THF/NIN?

                        Best analysis and comparison of thf subs was done by Ruic here. While you might not agree with the conclusions, the detail and information is incredibly valuable.
                        Whm 75 Blm 37 Brd 75 | Bastok Rank 10 | Whm > Rdm


                        • #42
                          Re: Who is NOT a THF/NIN?

                          I actually prefer WAR sub if I won't be in danger when pulling. Most the time I do use NIN sub though just because its a little easier on mages and somewhat safer.


                          • #43
                            Re: Who is NOT a THF/NIN?

                            Sorry for bumping old thread. Just started playing THF again this week, so I'm doing a lot of THF forum browsing.

                            I have RNG, WAR, MNK subs available, but I still choose NIN for versatility since I play in random PTs almost exclusively.

                            As for status bolts, I agree that it's much more efficient for the BLM to handle sleeping an add, but sometimes there aren't any BLM or RDM available. So I pack some Sleep Bolts anyway. And Acid Bolts, I definitely appreciate. Yeah, the proc rate and THF RACC leave a lot to be desired. But again, when there's no RDM in your ragtag pickup PT and you're fighting Defense Boosting crawlers and beetles in the Nest, it's a nice makeshift Dispel.

                            What I don't know is whether the bolt's Defense Down overwrites the mob Defense Up, or merely dispels it. I think there was a thread about this long ago, but I don't remember exactly. Anybody recall?
                            Tomatoes & Tomatopotato @ Pandemonium
                            My Taru Blog / Wiki Page

                            Play golf? Check out my items.


                            • #44
                              Re: Who is NOT a THF/NIN?

                              This may be what you're looking for:


                              first few posts are people arguing about what it actually does. Apple Pie provides the most useful info further down in the thread(I actually have this post bookmarked for the "enemy buff ranks" =p). Verified that Acid Bolts overwrite typical mob DEF-up abilities, so there's your answer.
                              Last edited by ibroyles; 09-09-2005, 09:15 PM.
                              Typho - Elvaan - San d'Oria - Rank 10 - Titan

                              THF - 75 | RNG - 55 | NIN - 38 | WAR - 27 | WHM - 20 | SAM - 16 | MNK - 14 | BLM - 10


                              • #45
                                Re: Who is NOT a THF/NIN?

                                Ooo, awesome. Yes, that's the thread. Thanks for reposting.
                                Tomatoes & Tomatopotato @ Pandemonium
                                My Taru Blog / Wiki Page

                                Play golf? Check out my items.

