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New Food. Anybody tried any?

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  • #16
    Originally posted by Ixaera
    You really shouldn't be getting higher attack from kabobs unless your attack is very low o.O I get 382 with mithkabob, 388 with curry. But that's not too bad, it's the 20 less while berserked that bugs me.

    And yeah, curry is 6k on bismarck, while chiefkabobs are 18-20k for 12. But I don't mind the expense, honestly. It's not that much, and since I can *see* the difference, I don't feel like I'm wasting gil.

    Also, you may have been misreading. What I said was:

    "not a whole lot different from mithkabob"

    Curry is most certainly better than chiefkabob at 68.
    Let's see now. My base atk without food is lower than 325, but let's say it is 325 to make this simple.

    With chiefkabobs: 325+65=390 atk
    With yellow curry: 325*1.2=390 atk

    As you can see, when your base atk is 325, both add the same ammount of atk and thus you should not be using yellow curry unless your atk is over 325 without food.

    Warrior L30, Dragoon L45+, Thief L70+, Paladin L25+, Monk L15+, Ninja L35+ , Ranger 40+


    • #17
      My base attack is lower than 325, but having eaten the food and checked my own stats I can tell you that kabob < curry at 68.

      My attack as thf/nin is 307 (base with garuda's dagger in offhand) and 317 as thf/war. With curry on thf/war my attack is raised to 388. (Keep in mind the % given on that chart is at the attack base it caps at...the % actually CHANGES at different levels.) Oddly enough, with a regular mithkabob my attack was right about 380...which the chart basically says isn't possible. So go fig.

      That being said, I do want to amend what I said before. While curry is minimally better than kabobs for thf/nin, it's really thf/war that should for sure be eating it my level. For thf/nin, since they don't have berserk, the 3-10 (depending on which kabob you use) attack isn't much to bother yourself with...

      But berserk benefits a lot by curry -- there's a good 20+ attack difference between curry and kabob with berserk active.

      I don't know because the charts say so. I know because I ate both foods and was berserk with the foods active more than once. -.-
      75 THF/NIN, WAR
      Bastok Mithra


      • #18
        Three words...

        Jack o Lanterns D;
        Dra Bmyhad Ec Toehk - FF7
        Final Fantasy XI - Zandria


        • #19
          I've so far used Chiefkabobs (I stopped using Mithkabobs when I found these gave +agi too), Yellow Curry and Jack-o-lanterns during battles. From my experience, the Jacks have been the LEAST useful. +10 acc doesn't seem to do that much (even against Toramas and with /NIN sub). But with /WAR and Yellow Curry, I was hitting around the same as THF/NIN (I changed subs and went back when we were switching PT members around) but with a bigger damage. There was also a WAR/NIN in my PT using 2 Axes and he only had around 35-40ish more attack then I did (when we both had Berserk on). My Dancing Edge with SA/TA was doing over 700 (4/5 was around here) when I had War Cry, Berserk and with the curry. And when I came back with /NIN...I didn't really have the curry to test it's effectiveness with /NIN...but i'll tell you that jacks definetely don't do much to help other then the +evasion it gives when soloing.

          I want to try the Royal/Imperial Omelettes since it seems to give a nice boost to Elvaans (+6 STR, +2 Dex and +22% atk!!).
          Craft skills:
          Leathercraft: 91+1
          Smithing: 54
          Weaving: 60
          Alchemy: 60
          Bonecraft: 39
          Woodworking: 47
          Cooking: 41
          Goldsmithing: 53
          Fishing: 55

