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Farming Question

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  • Farming Question

    does thf/nin really get that much gil from farming? i heard it does but i dont know if it was true. cuz i know nin is expensive and all, and then i see rng/nin which are the 2 most expensive jobs in the game. so how do they get so much gil. im a lvl 9 whm and i have a hard time getting gil. currently i think i have 7k just cuz i sold 3 stacks of fire crystals and i have current equipent for my lvl (ya know the tunic and slacks and stuff).
    WHM-9 THF-6 BLM-1 WAR-1 MNK-1 RDM-1
    Just started 2 weeks ago lol
    Lvling is hard.

  • #2
    Lol, you don't know how hard gil farming is yet.

    Holy Phial: 35k
    Holy Ampulla: 60k
    Erase: 285-300k
    (WHM Gear)

    Scorpion Harness: 9 million gil
    Dynamis: 1 million gil (20k for everyone)

    There's a lot of money sinks in FFXI, but there's a lot of ways to get money, HNM's, BCNM's, a lot of stuff. You're new and I'll give you that, but 7k at your level is pretty good. Don't worry about habing to do too much farming yet, just get out there and level your ass off (what I'm doing right now) only to stop to farm for some spells, then find a good HNMLS in order to get gil.
    Rodin - Ragnarok Server (Out of Retirement)
    90BRD 90SMN 90WHM 75BLM 75RDM 61BST 50RNG 37NIN 37THF

    Goal: All jobs max level and capped merits.


    • #3
      Take this guy's advice if you plan to get burn out on the game really fast.
      "<dsbnh|VC> saw chocolate boxer shorts yesterday
      <dsbnh|VC> first thing that hit me was "may contain
      nuts" -warbucket


      • #4
        No job gains lots of gil at low levels.

        A L50 any job probably farms faster than a L40 thief.

        Warrior L30, Dragoon L45+, Thief L70+, Paladin L25+, Monk L15+, Ninja L35+ , Ranger 40+


        • #5
          Imo, the best way to make gil at low level is to squeeze every drop you get into gil. If you can sell a stack of whatever on the AH for more then you can to a NPC, then sell it on the AH. Don't NPC crystals. Do some quests which reward you with gil or items that sell for over 1,000g etc. Doing missions will also reward you with a bit of gil. There are lots of ways to make a decent amount of gil at low level.

          If you are someone with patience you could start leveling fishing while you're bored (eventually you will be able to make a lot of gil with it).

          In FFXI there is really no way to make gil ridiculously fast, and the reason for it is people would stop playing. Some people will say that hunting NM/doing BCNM/HNM will reward you very quickly but when you do these things you arn't always going to get the drop.

          Just enjoy the game, no one is going to freak out if you don't have enourmous ammounts of gil at low level. Just buy the right type of equipment (For you MP is your main priority).
          4XNIN | 75RNG | 50DRG | 37WAR | 37THF


          • #6
            Seriously dont worry about gil too much, at your lvl you really only need basic spells and they sell for like 500G at the most. Just take your time with everything and you'll have more fun. Do missions, quests, exploring and you'll make gil from it.(Exploring only if you are actually able to kill the mobs around you :p)

            Warrior TP Warrior WS


            • #7
              TH and TH2 are nice, but are totally negated if you can kill the mobs enough more times on another job to roll drops as often as TH allows you to.

              I wouldn't level a thf main JUST to farm -- there's too many ways to make gil in general to justify that. Try to organize BCNMs and such (maybe get a set BCNM group and a system Friday is BCNM night or something and you fight six times and split gil). WHMs aren't notorious for farming skills but later they can equip some nice clubs -- I think they get hexastrike at 67, which raises a whm's farming potential nicely.

              Get to 38/42 and do your teleport quests. Many whms shout teleporting services in major towns and earn gil that way.
              75 THF/NIN, WAR
              Bastok Mithra

