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gettin to lvl 15

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  • gettin to lvl 15

    hi people i am tryin to get theif to 15 so sub for treasure hunter and it takes me like 4 hours to get an invite in valkurm all my equipment is up-to date and i am subbin monk so anyone know wht the deal is??
    lvl 7 monk, lvl 11 theif, lvl 12 whm, lvl 10 blm, lvl 30 rdm

  • #2
    Sub war might help.
    Mnk72 War37 Sam34 Nin15 Rng15 Thf37 Whm10 Blm10
    AF 6/6 done
    LB 1,2,3,4, and 5 Done


    • #3
      hmm warrior lol tht just might work thanks man o and one more question does treasure hunter help alot or 50% or what?
      lvl 7 monk, lvl 11 theif, lvl 12 whm, lvl 10 blm, lvl 30 rdm


      • #4
        TH1 mostly helps with regular drops infact i think it only affects regular drops and not rare drop but it comes in handy for farming.
        Mnk72 War37 Sam34 Nin15 Rng15 Thf37 Whm10 Blm10
        AF 6/6 done
        LB 1,2,3,4, and 5 Done


        • #5
          ok well its worth a shot anyways thanks man
          lvl 7 monk, lvl 11 theif, lvl 12 whm, lvl 10 blm, lvl 30 rdm


          • #6
            monk will be your best sub imma go on a long shot and say 20 you can sub nin but with only dual wield one you have like 400 or more deley...but sa combo will be the best damage ws till 33...unless fast blade some how beats combo at 30...since i am only 29 i dont know about sata this or that (only sata viper bite from seeing thf use it)


            • #7
              Yeah, Combo is better than Fast Blade. The reason to why you don't get invites in newbie zones is that newbies don't know what a thief does. They think you'll be a gimped damage dealer, when in fact a few boosts+SA+Combo will deal more damage than these newbies have ever dreamt of.

              Warrior L30, Dragoon L45+, Thief L70+, Paladin L25+, Monk L15+, Ninja L35+ , Ranger 40+


              • #8
                hes pre 15 i believe, no Sneak attack. Thf is kinda useless pre 15, just offer to pull, use food, and have good gear, or form your own parties. Bring a bow and keep Archery lvled.
                BLM 75 | WHM 38 | RDM 37
                WAR 38 | NIN: 37| RNG 15| MNK 15 | THF 25
                Clothcraft: 94 | Leather: 33 | Smithing: 34 | Fishing: 55 | Cooking: 60


                • #9
                  xbow > bow keep marksmanship leveled for acid bolts (proc defense down) and bloody bolts (proc drain) etc. Later on will be happy you did.
                  Race : Mithra
                  Main Job : Thief / Ranger
                  Linkshell :


                  • #10
                    xbow is best -- mine is still too low (only 137) to land anything in exp so I still use bow for that...but use xbow constantly for soloing and farming so I don't have to rest.

                    Nice stuff, and worth the dough to skill it up.
                    75 THF/NIN, WAR
                    Bastok Mithra


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by Ixaera
                      xbow is best -- mine is still too low (only 137) to land anything in exp so I still use bow for that...but use xbow constantly for soloing and farming so I don't have to rest.

                      Nice stuff, and worth the dough to skill it up.
                      I agree.

                      With my x-bow skill (171) I still have some trouble hitting DC, so I can't use it in exp parties. Instead I use a Lightning Bow +1 to boost my SA and Shark Bite damage.

                      Warrior L30, Dragoon L45+, Thief L70+, Paladin L25+, Monk L15+, Ninja L35+ , Ranger 40+


                      • #12
                        Re: gettin to lvl 15

                        Originally posted by jenovabldrb
                        hi people i am tryin to get theif to 15 so sub for treasure hunter and it takes me like 4 hours to get an invite in valkurm all my equipment is up-to date and i am subbin monk so anyone know wht the deal is??
                        To paraphrase one of my favorite quotes ever on this forum:

                        "I soloed to 15 because I knew any parties that would invite me me were morons and therefore not worth my time."
                        We suck pre-15. Grab your sword (or knuckles), head to ghelsba, and start chaining 12-36 xp orcs. Spend an afternoon there, get 2 or 3 levels and make a fortune off fire crystals.
                        You know I'm right.


                        • #13
                          I got a Question...I use Daggers pre-15 and im 14 1/2 atm, but, i got grounded so I can only go on on weekends, so this weekend -4 day holiday- I went from lvl 3 to 14 (only can play from when i wake up to like 12 or so) so I was thinking that when I use Gust Slash, It does 35-55 DMG to ITS and VTs and Ts most the time, usually in the 50s (not SA) is that better or less than Fast Blade or Burning? Also, if I use SA how much better will Gust Slash go up, tnx in advanced.

                          EDIT: Also, I never gotten an Invite as THF yet (lol) Ive made 3 Parties (only 3) in my THF Career, so in order to get to where I wanted I hired a personal PWR Leveler for 30k to get me to level 20, so its easier if you have a PWR level because, 50% the time you have to look for a WHM. Anyways, making your own party is fast way to level. And do you know if I should buy Leaping boots or Emp pin, (cant afford both)
                          2 wrongs dont make a right but 3 rights make a left


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by Genuine
                            I got a Question...I use Daggers pre-15 and im 14 1/2 atm, but, i got grounded so I can only go on on weekends, so this weekend -4 day holiday- I went from lvl 3 to 14 (only can play from when i wake up to like 12 or so) so I was thinking that when I use Gust Slash, It does 35-55 DMG to ITS and VTs and Ts most the time, usually in the 50s (not SA) is that better or less than Fast Blade or Burning? Also, if I use SA how much better will Gust Slash go up, tnx in advanced.

                            EDIT: Also, I never gotten an Invite as THF yet (lol) Ive made 3 Parties (only 3) in my THF Career, so in order to get to where I wanted I hired a personal PWR Leveler for 30k to get me to level 20, so its easier if you have a PWR level because, 50% the time you have to look for a WHM. Anyways, making your own party is fast way to level. And do you know if I should buy Leaping boots or Emp pin, (cant afford both)
                            Sneak Attack won't effect elemental weapons skills like Gust Slash and Burning Blade. Your better of with as sword as well untill 33, when you get Viper Bite.


                            • #15
                              Gust Slash doesnt stack with SA, only melee attacks stack with SA. In other words, it cant say "xxxx element attack."

                              Id say buy leaping since you could use them now... Plus Emp is usually more expensive.

                              Warrior TP Warrior WS

