guyz, im gonna b THF/NIN can some1 tell me what 2 weapons i should use?
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Weapons for THF/NIN please reply!!!!
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Use Hand-to-hand until 33 while still keeping your dagger capped at each lv, then switch to dagger when you get to 33 and either dual wield daggers or off-hand a Mithran Schimitar.
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My personal preferance is sword in main, and a dagger in sub. I personally didn't like hand-to-hand, it's so slow and SA+Combo isn't much better than SA+Fastblade.
Once you hit 33 though, I suggest dual daggers for faster TP gain.<:3_)~
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I used THF/MNK with hand-to-hand until level 20, because dual wield is level 10 NIN. Also, Sneak Attack+Boost+Combo can be some very nice damage, but I would not suggest using hand-to-hand unless you use MNK subjob. The Martial Arts job trait significantly decreases the hand-to-hand delay, almost making it bearable. Boosting 11 times before a Sneak Attack + Combo can have some very impressive results though, particularly if closing a Fusion skillchain.
If you use the sword/dagger combo, use sword in your main hand, dagger in your off-hand, and use SA+Fast Blade as your weaponskill, preferably closing a Distortion skillchain.
Level 20-23 had a bit of grey area for me though, since the damage difference between thf/mnk and thf/nin didn't seem terribly large. I personally went with thf/nin dual wielding sword/dagger because I figured the higher skill in sword and dagger combined with low dagger delay would allow me to build TP faster, especially with the nice stats available on daggers.
At level 24 you'll most likely want Utsusemi. Because hand-to-hand is very slow without monk subjob, sword/dagger with ninja subjob is the best choice from here until level 33.
At level 33, you'll obviously want to use dagger as you main weapon because of Viper Bite. I'm not certain what is best for your off-hand though, since I'm only level 31 right now and haven't been able to test it.
In any case, the general idea is to find the highest damage dagger for you main weapon since this is the DMG used when calculating weaponskill damage. Use your off-hand weapon for stat boosts or for gaining TP faster with a low delay weapon. I'd suggest using Federation Knife as your main dagger at level 33 and Federation Kukri at level 34. I'll be testing both Mithran Scimitar and Federation Knife in my off-hand to see which I like best. I'm guessing the accuracy+, attack+, and low delay from Federation Knife will be best for exping on IT monsters, but the Mithran Scimitar is probably best for boosting damage slightly on weaker monsters or for farming because of the higher damage and DEX+3.
Hope my thoughts have been helpful. ^^Rhayn ~ Windurst Rank 8
Profile: Paladin (EXP) ~ Paladin (HNM) ~ Thief
LS: Unleashed
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My thief is only lvl 34 so far but until lvl 33 I put a +dex sword in my main hand and a dagger in my other hand. I was pretty happy with doing sneak attack + fast blade for skillchains. When I got to level 33 I just switched them around so I could do Viper Bite. Right now I'm wondering if I should keep the mithran scimitar for the +dex or if I should use two daggers. I'm not sure what's better but I think I'm going to keep the sword, since I'm not planning to take THF much farther yet anyway.
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