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Advice on Post 66 PT's

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  • Advice on Post 66 PT's

    Ok I'm not here yet but I'd like to be prepared when the day of (Spinning Slash) comes. SO looking for some advice on: Where to exp to exp to 75 and who I should try to do it with? Thus far I've been fairly successful in making PT's as I play at JP times and I speak JP (well not expert but enough to communicate well)

    As of right now I was thinking best set up would be NIN THF (me) RNG BRD RDM BLM as this is what I usually look for when I make pt's but there may be factors that I'm unaware of for the optimal set up... like maybe stona needed for bettre exp areas etc...

    NIN Current Main
    BST Side Project

  • #2
    I believe you generally xp in Boyahda tree on crawlers, flies and steelshells until 67, then do lizards in den of rancor till 69, then tigers/cocs in Kuftal Tunnel till 71-72. I would recommend leveling your club to 175 at least, for True Strike, so you can possibly get into xp parties against bones in Gustav. I'm pretty sure you need a white mage for lizards (i think they have a petrify move) and definitely for cocs (petrify) - the other option to kuftal is spiders and flies in dragon's aery till 71 - for that, the party setup you list would be incredible - some say that nin can't tank spiders cause an ill-timed sickle slash can 1-shot them, but we did it for 3 hours with a nin tank, with 0 downtime. Honestly, I think we could've done nin, thf, rng, brd, blm/whm, blm/whm for extremely quick kills, because we needed so little healing - plus you can steal spider webs from the spiders - only thing that limited me was my 55 inventory slots ><. I'm west coast and xp late normally anyway, so my "Find Member" is frequently 100% JP. At this point, everyone should know how to do their jobs, so basically use the autotranslator for all your macros, and you should be set.
    A Galka raised by Chocobos, now he runs as one of them.

