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PTs not knowing how to do fuidama

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  • PTs not knowing how to do fuidama

    I think I saw this before but I couln't find it in search so I posted this. In garlaige I've had 7 parties since going there at level 32, and only 1 1/2 knew how to do fuidama. I say 1/2 because they had a war/nin who voked at random and screwed it up and he wouldn't stop no matter how many times we asked. The other one was good and had a renkei and MB etc. No matter how many times I and other party members try to explain this there are still people who refuse to even bother trying to do this. I had one where we had a sam/nin voke first then me do it off the pal, yet this dumbass pal (str rings just to give you an idea of his playing smarts -_-) wouldn't go behind it or even provoke afterward! We ended up with the sam having so much hate he was tanking. This pissed the rdm (main healer) off so much he ran behind it and wanted me to do it off him. I didn't because I didn't want him to die since we all depended on him to keep us alive. People always told me after valk/quifim/kazham, (noob zones) that this game was fun because people all knew what they were doing and it became a lot easier, but this is frustrating as hell. When do people know how to do this automatically? :confused:

    fk yes

  • #2
    Noob Zones: dunes/island/jungle/CN/cita

    This are the areas where you'll find noob in the higherlevels. It get better after around level 45, at this time the noobs are either quiting or they learned their way.

    Other part is, most jobs won't know anything else execept their job. Since they think they're that über.
    Elsurion : Charactersheet


    • #3
      ive had idiots not knowing how to work with a thf and his fuidama till lv55-60. from there on only very few tanks didnt know what to do with me in pt and usually understood rather quickly when i explained, thank god :mad:


      • #4
        how does a sam/nin voke?


        • #5
          Originally posted by Fullmetal
          how does a sam/nin voke?
          I want to know as well... Your story is "funny."

          Thanks Yyg!


          • #6
            he throws a czar egg duh!
            Race : Mithra
            Main Job : Thief / Ranger
            Linkshell :


            • #7
              It's funny how the "noob areas" keep going higher and higher. When I started out, the newbie areas were Valkurm and Qufim. After PS2 launch we could add Kazham/Batallia to the list and now CN/GC. Seems like we have an influx of bad players. *cough*PS2*cough*

              Anyway, people who know something about other jobs than their own are quite rare before L45. Many don't even know how to play their own jobs.

              Warrior L30, Dragoon L45+, Thief L70+, Paladin L25+, Monk L15+, Ninja L35+ , Ranger 40+


              • #8
                No matter what level you get to you'll have some people that totally lack any knowledge to play right. The only thing that changes when you get higher levels is the quantity that are unwilling to learn and improve.

                Cheezy Test Result (I am nerdier than 96% of all people. Are you nerdier? Click here to find out!)


                • #9
                  im sorry he was a sam/war that was a typo on my part :sweat:
                  i was thinking /nin because that voke happy war in the story was /nin sorry about that :dead:

                  fk yes


                  • #10
                    im sorry he was a sam/war that was a typo on my part :sweat:
                    i was thinking /nin because that voke happy war in the story was /nin sorry about that :dead:

                    fk yes


                    • #11
                      I've partied w/ thieves who didn't know how to do fuidama either. -_-
                      Carbuncle Server:
                      Ichnob-35 Warrior, 36 Thief, 36 Paladin, 42 Dark Knight, 10 Ranger, 18 Monk (San d'Oria rank 5) //now I have to farm/save up for more stuff
                      Hayama-18 Monk, 8 Warrior (Bastok rank 2)


                      • #12
                        uhh excuse me...

                        it seems quite a bit ignorant to automatically associate bad players with ps2...

                        ive seen players on a pc have absolutey no idea what was going on, and I've also seen that on ps2...and to be quite honest the split seems to be about even.

                        Furthermore...there's tons of PS2 players who have lvl 75's already and are about as knowledgable about this game as is physically possible.

                        I'm just tired of hearing bad party experiences blamed on the ps2 ...if you dont like playing with ps2 players you should probably retire from the game since we're slowly approaching the day when there's quite a bit more ps2 players than pc players...

                        I just view your comment as the same as saying "crime has gone through the roof in upstate new york lately...must be all the black people"...although this may be true you and I both know that it's viewed as ignorance.

                        To actually believe that the system (whether it be a ps2, a pc, or some kind of uber popsicle stick that plays games) on which someone is playing on gives any indication as to skill level is total, sheer, stupidity.


                        • #13
                          Yeah if we really wanted to look into which system is ruining the game, you could attribute much of the botting/scripting to the PC. I've seen a lot more people complain about how the economy is going downhill because of this stuff than about how PS2 players are "bad players." I mean come on...its not like it takes a brain surgeon to be able to play FFXI on a computer as opposed to playing it on PS2. Besides many of the posters I see on here bashing PS2'ers is because they are assumed to be younger players, but at the same time the people bashing are just teenagers. You can attribute assholes in FFXI to the fact that :gasp:, there's probably 80% teenagers playing this game to 20% 20yrs old+ players. Don't even try the "PC players are more mature than PS2" because that's a load of bullshit.
                          Typho - Elvaan - San d'Oria - Rank 10 - Titan

                          THF - 75 | RNG - 55 | NIN - 38 | WAR - 27 | WHM - 20 | SAM - 16 | MNK - 14 | BLM - 10


                          • #14
                            i don't think the problem is ps2 players,(im on ps2 lol) the problem is when you tell them what to do 345834053 times and they still don't XD
                            whether the person plays on ps2 or pc has nothing to do with thier playing skill, some people are just good and others are just dumb.
                            BTW what omena mentioned about people not knowing about other jobs is true (sadly) and about thier own jobs is even worse
                            i met a pal who was level 24 who didn't know his white magic was to help hold hate ; ; he found out during a battle and said "OMG i just found the greatest way to keep aggro! i just keep curing myself!" the rest of the pt was like "..." lol

                            fk yes


                            • #15
                              Majority of bad players I would assume would come from PS2. Simply due to the fact that most console players dont have games that are this deep as FFXI and has no social interaction whatsoever. Not to mention there is no save in the game. If your not a bad player on the PS2 then there is nothing to worry about.
                              "<dsbnh|VC> saw chocolate boxer shorts yesterday
                              <dsbnh|VC> first thing that hit me was "may contain
                              nuts" -warbucket

