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SATA damage at my level

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  • #16
    When I buyed that equipment (unicorn server as you) the prices where:

    Nomad Mantle=23k>Mithran Scimitar=45k>Drone=2x30k>Deft Rings=2x160

    So expecting that prices go back to normal, I would buy:

    Deft Rings>Drone Earrings>Mithran Scimitar>Nomad Mantle

    Also you could buy a Long boomerang+2Agi (3.5k) and a Power Crossbow+1Agi (4k). Today 18:38Central is the hume male Rse in ordelles caves, buy some skeletons keys (4k each in bastok) and open the chests, Im almost sure hume RSE eq goes for 40k/each keep the gloves and sell the other pieces, and you will have 120k+your savings


    • #17
      Is there any reason to buy both the crossbow and the boomerang?

      160k for two deft rings? Hope the price doesn't go back up...In jeuno they were going for about 53-56k a piece (I'm hoping it'll be less in a home town...I'm also hoping a home town will have them in stock). I wish nomad mantle cost that much but they're rare to be in stock and I'm guess they're overpriced in Jeuno because I saw them there for 40k. In Jeuno (yeah, I keep getting prices from jeuno), the RSE gloves were going for like 70-80k. O_O

      I gotta make sure I have enough fame. Does getting Rank 5 give you any jeuno fame? If not (or if I still don't have enough), I gotta do some quests before I can do RSE. T_T Can you obtain more than one fabric each RSE trip?

      I might also start up fishing. Too bad I cant do anything tonight...too busy...damn school.


      • #18
        I like both to be able to use acid bolts. But if you havent leveled marksmanship only use the boomerang.

        About jeuno fame, get all your savings and buy all the boyahada moss you can find, go to Selbina and talk to the guy outside the wavers guild. After he tells his story trade the moss to that same guy, 1 clump at a time. That quest raise your fame everywhere but Windy. Btw the guy will give you 600 gils back for each trade you make, so if you manage to find the stacks at 7.2k you will get your gil back. I believe that doing Brd and Bst also raise your fame in Jeuno, but Im not sure. If you have a question:

        /t odepa Ill try to help.


        • #19
          in garlaige i do 500+ to beetles and bats i have good gear and am a mithra though
          dagger:34 windy one (the 8k one not the 50k one)
          sub weap: mithran scimiter
          range: long boomerang
          body/hand/leg/belt: merc cap gear
          feet: lb
          back: nomads mantle
          rings: balance, gonna get defts soon
          earrings: shield gonna get drones soon
          neck:spike necklace
          i eat meat mithkabobs, which i am considering changing to chiefkabobs. i might carry both and use chief in good well deserving pts XD

          fk yes


          • #20
            Originally posted by 711rocks
            in garlaige i do 500+ to beetles and bats i have good gear and am a mithra though
            dagger:34 windy one (the 8k one not the 50k one)
            sub weap: mithran scimiter
            range: long boomerang
            body/hand/leg/belt: merc cap gear
            feet: lb
            back: nomads mantle
            rings: balance, gonna get defts soon
            earrings: shield gonna get drones soon
            neck:spike necklace
            i eat meat mithkabobs, which i am considering changing to chiefkabobs. i might carry both and use chief in good well deserving pts XD
            This is against chamber beetles, correct? 500+ on borer beetles at L33+ would probably not be possible no matter what kind of gear you have.

            Warrior L30, Dragoon L45+, Thief L70+, Paladin L25+, Monk L15+, Ninja L35+ , Ranger 40+


            • #21
              the 500 i believe might have been a bat i have only broke it twice i think i should have said i can do 500 not that i do it consistently, it normally is 450+ though
              the bats that i did it to were IT+

              fk yes


              • #22
                sry if i just said this the site's server is messed up and i don't think it posted however
                the 500+ i have only done twice, i think that was a bat (IT+)
                normally i do 450+ though. i should have said i can do 500+ not that i do since it's only been a couple times
                sorry i should have made that clearer

                fk yes


                • #23
                  The bats take 100% from piercing that's why ^^

                  Also are you including the Skillchain damage?
                  -Baka Inu!
                  Nejiko - Mithra Current: [ 70 THF / 35 NIN ]
                  Basic Jobs: [ 70 THF / 20 MNK / 11 WHM / 18 BLM / 22WAR / 05 RDM]
                  Advance Jobs: [ 04 BST / 37 NIN / 02 SMN / 05RNG / 07 SAM / 07 PLD / 00 DRK / 31 BRD / 00 DRG]
                  Aht Jobs: [07 COR / 00 BLU / 00 PUP]


                  • #24
                    no i didn't include distortion (most pts can't do one....) however that pretty much always does 250+

                    fk yes


                    • #25
                      yea i was doing ur damage at the time too. that damage is better than most thfs at ur level. most people cant afford the hairpin the boots ^^
                      TaruKabob <Can I have it>

