1/ does thief make alot money ?
Answer : yes and no . I know alot of rich thiefs on my server , they are really rich , but NOT BECAUSE THEY ARE THIEF , is because thiefs go farm and camp CRAZILY . STOP LEVELING , go farm your money .
Funny saying "you want tobe rich , play thief , THIEF IS RICH" . I still hear this everytime I am in home town and I'm pretty sure they are Lv1 thief.
2/Does Treasure Hunter work ?
Answer : yes and no . Treasure Hunter ONLY works on certain items and monsters .
It works on : Yagudo , Rabbit , crystalls ,Lizard tail ,and not worth money drops .
It does NOT work on : Lizard skin , Beastman blood , Boyahda Moss , Tree Cutting , all Shard...... (you get better drop at Low level than TH2)
I tested with alot thf friends , we realized it ONLY works on CHEAP drops .
and you WILL HAVE TO spend alot money before you hit TH2 like Leaping Boot and Emperor hairpin.
3/ Thief is VERY VERY VERY VERY difficult to get invite
First 15 levels is a BIG pain , we do make dmg , but VERY small
At Lv30-60 , thief MAY have invite if you have few hours to wait in Jeuno and if you are the only thief.
At Lv60-75 , I'm at this range now . since EVERY OTHER job can Sneak Atack and Trick Attack , we are replaced by other melee jobs. Waiting for invite is all about luck , you MAY get invite in 5 hours or 6 hours , you MAY NOT . Except you are Japanese
At Lv 65+ , drk , drg , mnk ....... do about 90 dmg per hit , if you are damn rich , spend million on equiptments , you can do 20 dmg per hit.
4/ Steal and Picking lock
"hey , level your thief to 50 , then go steal gold beastcoin and open coffer in Vastle Oztroja"
The only thing which worth to steal is Gold Beastcoin , but Steal has VERY LOW success rate even at Lv65+ . If you are lucky , you may be able to steal 1 coin in 3 tries. (It's like Lucky Roll in rabao)
Again , open coffer thing . plz do a search at Castle Oztroja when you log on . there are always 43534524234 people there 24/7 . THIEF IS NOT THE ONLY JOB THAT HUNT COFFER . If I had a chance to touch a coffer in Castle Oztroja , I don't think I'm lucky enough to have Astral Ring . And the price has been droping . so seriously , I don't get much gil by Steal and coffer hunting.
well , that's all I can think of for now. good luck don't bitch at other melee jobs
Answer : yes and no . I know alot of rich thiefs on my server , they are really rich , but NOT BECAUSE THEY ARE THIEF , is because thiefs go farm and camp CRAZILY . STOP LEVELING , go farm your money .
Funny saying "you want tobe rich , play thief , THIEF IS RICH" . I still hear this everytime I am in home town and I'm pretty sure they are Lv1 thief.
2/Does Treasure Hunter work ?
Answer : yes and no . Treasure Hunter ONLY works on certain items and monsters .
It works on : Yagudo , Rabbit , crystalls ,Lizard tail ,and not worth money drops .
It does NOT work on : Lizard skin , Beastman blood , Boyahda Moss , Tree Cutting , all Shard...... (you get better drop at Low level than TH2)
I tested with alot thf friends , we realized it ONLY works on CHEAP drops .
and you WILL HAVE TO spend alot money before you hit TH2 like Leaping Boot and Emperor hairpin.
3/ Thief is VERY VERY VERY VERY difficult to get invite
First 15 levels is a BIG pain , we do make dmg , but VERY small
At Lv30-60 , thief MAY have invite if you have few hours to wait in Jeuno and if you are the only thief.
At Lv60-75 , I'm at this range now . since EVERY OTHER job can Sneak Atack and Trick Attack , we are replaced by other melee jobs. Waiting for invite is all about luck , you MAY get invite in 5 hours or 6 hours , you MAY NOT . Except you are Japanese
At Lv 65+ , drk , drg , mnk ....... do about 90 dmg per hit , if you are damn rich , spend million on equiptments , you can do 20 dmg per hit.
4/ Steal and Picking lock
"hey , level your thief to 50 , then go steal gold beastcoin and open coffer in Vastle Oztroja"
The only thing which worth to steal is Gold Beastcoin , but Steal has VERY LOW success rate even at Lv65+ . If you are lucky , you may be able to steal 1 coin in 3 tries. (It's like Lucky Roll in rabao)
Again , open coffer thing . plz do a search at Castle Oztroja when you log on . there are always 43534524234 people there 24/7 . THIEF IS NOT THE ONLY JOB THAT HUNT COFFER . If I had a chance to touch a coffer in Castle Oztroja , I don't think I'm lucky enough to have Astral Ring . And the price has been droping . so seriously , I don't get much gil by Steal and coffer hunting.
well , that's all I can think of for now. good luck don't bitch at other melee jobs