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THIS IS FAQ ABOUT THIEF - read before you ask

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  • THIS IS FAQ ABOUT THIEF - read before you ask

    1/ does thief make alot money ?

    Answer : yes and no . I know alot of rich thiefs on my server , they are really rich , but NOT BECAUSE THEY ARE THIEF , is because thiefs go farm and camp CRAZILY . STOP LEVELING , go farm your money .
    Funny saying "you want tobe rich , play thief , THIEF IS RICH" . I still hear this everytime I am in home town and I'm pretty sure they are Lv1 thief.

    2/Does Treasure Hunter work ?

    Answer : yes and no . Treasure Hunter ONLY works on certain items and monsters .
    It works on : Yagudo , Rabbit , crystalls ,Lizard tail ,and not worth money drops .
    It does NOT work on : Lizard skin , Beastman blood , Boyahda Moss , Tree Cutting , all Shard...... (you get better drop at Low level than TH2)
    I tested with alot thf friends , we realized it ONLY works on CHEAP drops .
    and you WILL HAVE TO spend alot money before you hit TH2 like Leaping Boot and Emperor hairpin.

    3/ Thief is VERY VERY VERY VERY difficult to get invite

    First 15 levels is a BIG pain , we do make dmg , but VERY small

    At Lv30-60 , thief MAY have invite if you have few hours to wait in Jeuno and if you are the only thief.

    At Lv60-75 , I'm at this range now . since EVERY OTHER job can Sneak Atack and Trick Attack , we are replaced by other melee jobs. Waiting for invite is all about luck , you MAY get invite in 5 hours or 6 hours , you MAY NOT . Except you are Japanese
    At Lv 65+ , drk , drg , mnk ....... do about 90 dmg per hit , if you are damn rich , spend million on equiptments , you can do 20 dmg per hit.

    4/ Steal and Picking lock

    "hey , level your thief to 50 , then go steal gold beastcoin and open coffer in Vastle Oztroja"


    The only thing which worth to steal is Gold Beastcoin , but Steal has VERY LOW success rate even at Lv65+ . If you are lucky , you may be able to steal 1 coin in 3 tries. (It's like Lucky Roll in rabao)
    Again , open coffer thing . plz do a search at Castle Oztroja when you log on . there are always 43534524234 people there 24/7 . THIEF IS NOT THE ONLY JOB THAT HUNT COFFER . If I had a chance to touch a coffer in Castle Oztroja , I don't think I'm lucky enough to have Astral Ring . And the price has been droping . so seriously , I don't get much gil by Steal and coffer hunting.

    well , that's all I can think of for now. good luck don't bitch at other melee jobs

  • #2

    TH does work on everything.


    • #3
      Lol that was a really dumb faq, filled with a lot of wrong information. I seriously doubt you are actually in the 60-75 lvl range


      • #4
        Originally posted by Nilinia
        Lol that was a really dumb faq, filled with a lot of wrong information. I seriously doubt you are actually in the 60-75 lvl range
        Could you do us a favor and give us the correct information?


        • #5
          Fine, if you can't see it yourself I will point it out for you.

          1) Thiefs do make money period. If you can't make money as a thief you are a crap thief.

          2) Treassure Hunter affects ALL drops, SE has clearly stated this, and it is very very obvious that it does, so stop saying it doesn't.

          3) This I agree with, partly. I never had trouble getting invites 10-15, but that must've been luck, since I hear everyone complaining. 30-60 hmm well.. after you get to 33 and get viper bite you will get much more pt invites than ever before, and if you make sure you have good gear and know what you are doing, you will get a nice reputation and get reinvites. About past 60 I can't say yet, but I seriously doubt we will get replaced.

          I was in a lvl 59-60 pt last night, setup was: pld, rng, drk, thf, rdm, whm. I checked my log afterwards, I was the one that did the 2nd most dmg in that pt, not the drk, and no, it wasn't a gimped drk, he had sniper rings and almost full AF.

          4) That is the only point I agree with you on. Steal and lockpicking is all about luck, but then... What isn't?


          • #6
            If he was wearing AF he's gimp


            • #7
              Originally posted by Nilinia
              Fine, if you can't see it yourself I will point it out for you.

              1) Thiefs do make money period. If you can't make money as a thief you are a crap thief.

              2) Treassure Hunter affects ALL drops, SE has clearly stated this, and it is very very obvious that it does, so stop saying it doesn't.

              3) This I agree with, partly. I never had trouble getting invites 10-15, but that must've been luck, since I hear everyone complaining. 30-60 hmm well.. after you get to 33 and get viper bite you will get much more pt invites than ever before, and if you make sure you have good gear and know what you are doing, you will get a nice reputation and get reinvites. About past 60 I can't say yet, but I seriously doubt we will get replaced.

              I was in a lvl 59-60 pt last night, setup was: pld, rng, drk, thf, rdm, whm. I checked my log afterwards, I was the one that did the 2nd most dmg in that pt, not the drk, and no, it wasn't a gimped drk, he had sniper rings and almost full AF.

              4) That is the only point I agree with you on. Steal and lockpicking is all about luck, but then... What isn't?
              1/ I did not say TH does not bring you money . I said "DO NOT EXPECT TH TO MAKE YOU RICH"

              2/I agree . I read that interview . plz DO NOT 100% trust me , go ask a high lv thf friend go farm with you some popular items like Lizard skin , Boyahda Moss , Tree Cutting , Shards .... see result by yourself ^^ (use a lower level jobs to farm it again to see difference ) . again , read carefully mine above post.

              3/ I hate to tell you the truth , but we are replaced . Well some ppl do like thiefs , but we are usually last choice unless you or your friend form a party.
              Well , don't be frustrated when you hit 65+
              good luck


              • #8
                the only things i don't agree with you about are points 1 & 2.

                first, compare the equipment expenditure of a thf with some other classes, we are fairly low on the scale. second, I'm of the opinion that TH (and TH2) does work on all drops. Some drops, however, have a very low rate. I do believe level differences could affect drop rate too, but I don't believe it would negatively affect it.

                The thing I constantly hear ppl say is TH does not affect RARE/EX items. I don't buy this. Last weekend we were hunting for magicked skulls with a thf in the PT and a skull dropped every time except 1.

                Thanks Yyg!


                • #9
                  That did not look like a faq, but looked more like a flame to THFs. Dont try to make THFs look bad, because they rock.

                  oh and yeah, TH works on everything newb.


                  • #10
                    Actually #1 is what annoys me the most. Yes, thieves can make more money than other jobs, but they still have to try pretty damn hard to get it all. People don't seem to realize this.


                    • #11
                      A rebuttal...

                      I’d want the mods to delete this “FAQ� if it weren’t so funny.

                      1. Does thief make a lot of money? Compared to an equally leveled person in any other job? YES. Even if you’re stealing a bone chip every 5 minutes, that’s still an extra 150 gil in your pocket that the other job won’t have. Cool, that’s some free money. Every beastman you’ve killed since level FIVE has dropped twice the amount of gil he does for the other job. Hey, look: free money. Every mob you’ve killed since level 15 has been more likely to drop stuff. It might just be extra rock salt, but again, free money. As long as you have lockpicks (and a good thief should never leave town without them), every chest and coffer you find can be opened for gil or an item (assuming no botch). Again, free money. Hell, even Mug, as lame as the skill is, has probably earned me close to 10,000 gil by now. Again, free money.

                      Lets look at thief equipment. You never get attacked, so you don’t have to upgrade your armor every 3 or 4 levels to keep your def up, in fact if your goal is to max out dex and agi for SAnTA (and it should be), then there are numerous items that will last you 30 or 40 levels without needing a replacement. Leaping/winged boots at level 7 are arguably better than your level 60 AF boots. Emperor Hairpin lasts from 24 onwards. Spike necklace: 21+. Drone Earrings: 35+. Garrison Hoes: 21-56. Battle Gloves: 14-52. Long Boomerang: 33-55. Lightning bow: 55+. Nomad’s Mantle 21-61. Merc. Captains doublet lasts 15 levels, Brigantine lasts 13. I remember around level 45, I calculated the average level of my gear and found it to be an average level or 23 or something. Bottom line: thieves spend less on equipment.

                      2. Does Treasure Hunter work? YES. To arbitrarily state that “oh, my anecdotal evidence proves that since these rare drops weren’t dropping on every kill, TH simply doesn’t work on them� is ridiculous. This is precisely how rumors get started, and it drives me crazy.

                      3. No argument about thief being harder to get invites. I think that with the increasing prevalence of the log parser that we thieves are going to start getting vindicated with the invites, but for now, it’s slow. Start making friends and getting used to putting your own groups together.

                      4. “Gold beastcoins are the only thing worth stealing.� Give me a break. Anything stolen is money in your pocket. Every silver beastcoin I steal is an hour of free meat mithkabobs. Every mithril beastcoin I nab buys me 2 or 3 chocobo rides. Every gold beastcoin is a week or two of shihei. Hell, each mining trip to gusgen gets me an extra stack of bonechips to help me with bonecraft.

                      Coffers can be tricky. Sometimes Oztroja is packed. Sometimes the coffer track is totally empty, despite what “/sea oztroja� would lead me to believe. And even if its packed? A round trip on the coffer track takes about 6 minutes. Just enough time for hide and steal to refresh so you can get another shot at stealing another gold beastcoin. It beats the soul-crushing tedium of NM camping, at least.
                      You know I'm right.


                      • #12
                        ^^^ best response ever.... thread starter = pwned


                        • #13
                          well , there is a little flame in my first post . But what I want to tell people who is going to play thief is DO NOT expect thief make you rich JUST by playing thief . Like any other jobs , if you don't stop leveling and go farm , you are not going to have any money.

                          "yah he's rich because he's thief" <--- if you ever heard this kind of saying , you know he's Lv1 thief.

                          To guyincorporated : you misunderstood what I want to say . ok , talk about your reply.
                          1/ agree , you do get FREE MONEY . if you are not thief , plz ask a thf on your server how much they get by this way. well , go around West Ronfaure and kill watever you see , then NPC them all , I beleave you get better than Mug hella Beastmans.

                          2/ agree , most thiefs lower than 60 use them . At Lv60-70 every whm wants to have Vermillion (about 2 millions) , every drk wants to have Hauberk (about 2 millions) , and I beleave any other job will have to spend about 1 millions + to have good equiptments . actually same for thief , we are replaced at Lv60+ . thief does about 10-20 dmg per hit , while other jobs do 80-120 and they can sata too (now you see why we are replaced ) . Generally , I think all thiefsshould have 2 set of armor for exp party if you want to be a good thief at Lv60+ . If you ask a high level thief with good equipments on your server , don't be surprised if he tells you they are worth 2 millions+ . And thiefs who only invest about 1 million on their armors at this level are BAD THIEF ( 500k for Hairpin , 300k for Boot ) . Well , I don't think thief spends less on equipments .

                          "you are slow , I was 2 level below you . now I'm 1 level above you " yah , that's why I'm wearing Hairpin and you are wearing AF hat. (truestory)

                          3/ Yes , Treasure Hunter does work . again plz read my first post .

                          4/ “Gold beastcoins are the only thing worth stealing.� Give me a break. " Yes please , go have your break . If you ever got money by stealing Silver and Mythril coins , seriously , get a low level job to farm , you may get better than that . why ?? Silver coiin is cheap , go kil bat in King'tomb will give you better money . Mythril coin worth money , but I don't think you can steal easily , and if you want to go steal Mythril coin , plz plz plz put a book on your table , in every 6 min , you will use 1 min to steal , 5 min to read XD . Considering time and effort , farming is better and more fun.

                          Castle Oztroja is thief's home point . If you want to get money there , cross your fingers b4 getting in


                          • #14
                            Re: THIS IS FAQ ABOUT THIEF - read before you ask

                            Originally posted by dot_rain
                            [B]1/ does thief make alot money ?

                            Answer : yes and no . I know alot of rich thiefs on my server , they are really rich , but NOT BECAUSE THEY ARE THIEF , is because thiefs go farm and camp CRAZILY . STOP LEVELING , go farm your money .
                            Funny saying "you want tobe rich , play thief , THIEF IS RICH" . I still hear this everytime I am in home town and I'm pretty sure they are Lv1 thief.
                            this is the only thing you said that i really think you are correct about, because bst is the richest job everyone knows that...


                            • #15
                              thief does about 10-20 dmg per hit , while other jobs do 80-120 and they can sata too (now you see why we are replaced ) .
                              Dude... If you do that kind of dmg on regular hits you need new daggers. 2nd, hav you ever even seen another job with thf sub do these? On a regular SATA (without ws) their dmg isn't even half the dmg a thf does. And with the ws's it's just about the same. The only time thfs may get replaced is because at 65 or 66 drks get cross reaper and some other ws, that are much more useable in SCs than shark bite or dancing edge is.

