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Lv65 thief Highest level

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  • Lv65 thief Highest level

    at lv60- , it wasn't really difficult to get invite as long as you have 4h to sit in jeuno . but now I'm Lv66 , my leveling friends gets another job to replace me . well , I'm not bitching at them , thanks for SquareE , put Trick Attack at Lv30 , at my levl range everyone can sata . why dont they get a drk or mnk who can sata instead of a thief . All my thief friends have same problem on my server :dead:

  • #2
    damn.....thats sucks


    • #3
      ya.... happens ;/ dunno what to tell you cept set party with friends ;/
      Race : Mithra
      Main Job : Thief / Ranger
      Linkshell :


      • #4
        At about Lv60 I had kinda like static ( because not many English at this lv , so we know most players at this Lv range) , they welcome me . But when I hit Lv65+ , everything has changed . They never want to invite me no more or I am always the last person who got invite . , they got a drk or drg who subs thf to replace me . I'm very upsad , but it's not their fault . Assume I was leader , I think I would do the same . I wonder what's wrong with me , I asked all my thief friends , realized they have the same problems . well , hopefully not 4 thf at same lv lfg thing a gain tomorrow.


        • #5
          When you hit 65, is being a thief really limiting their ability to chain5 monsters?

          I've heard people who bounce someone from the group because in THEORY it doesn't work. But in practice they can chain just dandy.


          • #6
            Yes, this is just the sad fate most thfs have to go through. I dont have a lvl 65 thf but one of my family members do and he doesnt have a hard time getting parties because he is in a static party. He's told me that they are considering gettings a drk/thf and he is getting worried now. Dont know what there is to solve this problem...


            • #7
              If they are replacing you at level 65, they arne't your friends. They will want the help of a thf for treasure hunter later (For many of the rare/ex item drops) When they come to you, make sure you don't help them.


              • #8
                Originally posted by Blackwar
                Yes, this is just the sad fate most thfs have to go through. I dont have a lvl 65 thf but one of my family members do and he doesnt have a hard time getting parties because he is in a static party. He's told me that they are considering gettings a drk/thf and he is getting worried now. Dont know what there is to solve this problem...
                For me , solution is to have good equipments , most thiefs hit 10-20 per hit , but If you inviest millions , it will be from 10-20 to 13-23 and you can WS harder and another solution is to exp with JP ( I love this) . JP do like thf and they will welcome you . If you get invited by NA , I'm pretty sure you are 6th member .


                • #9
                  Originally posted by dot_rain
                  For me , solution is to have good equipments... If you inviest millions , it will be from 10-20 to 13-23 and you can WS harder
                  Heh, why spend millions when you can boost STR by 7 via Enkelados's Brc. and swap it out when you SATA... This should boost your damage per hit by 7 alone if your hand armor didn't already provide STR.
                  [ THF75 NIN37 WAR36 BLM35 WHM30 ]
                  [ Alch83.2 Wood59.x GS50.x ]
                  tp sata 2005/07/04


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by DelennFFXI
                    Heh, why spend millions when you can boost STR by 7 via Enkelados's Brc. and swap it out when you SATA... This should boost your damage per hit by 7 alone if your hand armor didn't already provide STR.
                    Yeah, I tried that after reading the damage calculation thread. Got the bracers, two sun rings (another +6 str). It just didn't work. I was definitely not hitting for 13 more damage each hit. 3 or 4 more, maybe.
                    You know I'm right.


                    • #11
                      Ill tell you the truth, thieves have TH2 for a reason.

                      Thieves CAN be as strong as a DRK, if their gear is amazing.
                      But a half-ass DRK can hit just as hard, bullshit I know but whatever im way more useful end-game NMs. (TH2 compared to stun)

                      And not being able to hit chain5 is a myth, you just need to play smarter rather than simply bash things because your damage is on a 60 second timer.
                      BLM 52/SAM 42/RNG 37/WAR 37/NIN 37/WHM 37/RDM 30


                      • #12
                        chain 5 is pretty easy actually . Thief strong as drk ???? hmmm total dmg MAYBE . at my level , drk does about 100 per hit , with 2 millions+ of invesment in armors and weapon , we can do about 20 per hit . But good news is at Lv70 , we can do about 23 per hit (pay 1 million Behemoth Knife) . a really successfull WS will do about 1k dmg , if the drk use 2 snipers , don't think we can win even with 1k Dancing Edge or Sharkbite . I've noticed that other jobs can do sata + WS as good as thf .


                        • #13
                          Your end-game WS's don't even put you above DRK for SAnTA damage? There was another thread from a 60THF waiting for level 66 for their new WS...but if even it doesn't surpass DRK SAnTA then there are some pretty signifigant balancing issues that need to be hammered out.

                          Maybe TH2 can be made an active job ability. You activate it before engaging a monster and have it active until the monster is dead in order to get the effects of it. When you have it off your damage is on par with the melees (But still noticably less, of course). When you turn it on, your damage is as it is now. That'd be cool
                          Finally got Rank 5! *Sings the "I love my Airship Pass" song*


                          • #14
                            Actually, from what i've heard, SA/TA/SB (Sharkbite is the level 66 WS) can do damage that's easily comparable to other classes. The only reason I can think of people not choosing you is because you not only have a pessimistic attitude but you seem to think that you NEED to spend over 10 million mil in gear to be good. Reality, you don't need that much...and maybe you should try to be more cheery instead of so gloomy. So what if you don't get party invites every 2 hours like a WHM or BLM or RNG gets? Go farm or something and make money while waiting. You'll be much richer then that WHM or BLM or RNG at least. Look for the good side of things instead of always looking at only the bad.

                            Also if you have no skill, no one would party with you anyways even if you have a billion in gear worth. Unless you were paying each party member a million an hour, if you have a bad reputation, you're sunk regardless. Heck Dragoons have it even worse then Thieves and they're the best Support Melee class in the game. I mean...what other class can shed the hate that they've gained with a single move? Can you say, "Hi, trick partner!"?
                            Craft skills:
                            Leathercraft: 91+1
                            Smithing: 54
                            Weaving: 60
                            Alchemy: 60
                            Bonecraft: 39
                            Woodworking: 47
                            Cooking: 41
                            Goldsmithing: 53
                            Fishing: 55



                            • #15
                              Originally posted by Reaperx90
                              Your end-game WS's don't even put you above DRK for SAnTA damage? There was another thread from a 60THF waiting for level 66 for their new WS...but if even it doesn't surpass DRK SAnTA then there are some pretty signifigant balancing issues that need to be hammered out.

                              Maybe TH2 can be made an active job ability. You activate it before engaging a monster and have it active until the monster is dead in order to get the effects of it. When you have it off your damage is on par with the melees (But still noticably less, of course). When you turn it on, your damage is as it is now. That'd be cool
                              Not quite. DRK/THF fuidama or "SAnTA" is nothing compared to a THF main fuidama. When DRK/THF stacks Last Resort, Souleater and Spinning Slash/Cross Reaper (? not familiar with scythe WS) with their fuidama they destroy THF main in terms of damage.

                              Additionally, they can do that at the end of a nice Light or Dark renkei, which results in some pretty massive damage. THF can only finish Light.

                              Warrior L30, Dragoon L45+, Thief L70+, Paladin L25+, Monk L15+, Ninja L35+ , Ranger 40+

