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Thief Knife

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  • Thief Knife

    Just wondering, anyone who has this knife, how many times did you kill Sozu Rogberry before he droped?^^
    me and a friend are 0/12 at the moment:sweat:
    talked to someone who killed him 32 times and no drop though:dead:
    Beacause ten billion years' time is
    so fragile, so ephemeral...
    it arouses such bittersweet,
    almost heartbreaking fondness.

  • #2
    before this NM drives me insane, i decided just to camp once a day for 1 spawn. So far 0/9 ...

    I am 0/12 on Leaping lizzy... so i dont expect to get this until like maybe 1/100


    • #3
      There's someone in my server that killed it over 60 times though :/
      Kore Leviathan
      RDM73 \\ THF75/NIN37
      Bastok Rank 10

      Dynamis Cleared: Bastok, Jeuno, San d'Oria, Windurst, Beaucedine

      Looking for: Scorpion Shells & Demon Horns.


      • #4
        1/6 @_@ your lucky hehe.
        oh well i hope it isnt 1/100 ('A')
        Beacause ten billion years' time is
        so fragile, so ephemeral...
        it arouses such bittersweet,
        almost heartbreaking fondness.


        • #5
          LL = 0/13
          Emp = 0/3
          Golden Bat = 0/7

          Have yet to try this mob and tbh, doubt I will, my luck w/NM's is aplorable as you can see from the results above. Its gotten to the point I go out of my way to avoid going thru Gustav area as much as I can so Im not tempted to waste hours camping it to continue my bad luck streak. (May I add, every time I call it quits, its usually not 10 min later LL would spawn, and drop boots again)...damn Lizard.
          Kissa R4/2 *RETIRED*
          Mistress of Mischiveous Deeds
          AF1- Complete
          AF2- Activated

          Lexia R8

          Healer Extrodinaire
          Drow - Recruitment Officer
          Genkei I, II, III, IV- Complete
          AF1- Complete
          AF2- Complete
          AF3- Complete
          Dark Spark - Complete
          Crawlers Nest Coffer - Complete
          Garliage Citadel Coffer - Complete


          • #6
            haha i am the same way, every time i kill something i never get a drop T_T
            and when i leave, i get a /tell "xxxx poped and droped xxxx"
            ; ;
            Beacause ten billion years' time is
            so fragile, so ephemeral...
            it arouses such bittersweet,
            almost heartbreaking fondness.


            • #7
              woot! 0/11


              • #8
                whats your experience of spawn cycle? some say every 2 hours, others say it can take up to 8 hours until he pops...
                and are only pursuers placeholders or other tonnies as well?


                • #9
                  Originally posted by LunarCry
                  whats your experience of spawn cycle? some say every 2 hours, others say it can take up to 8 hours until he pops...
                  and are only pursuers placeholders or other tonnies as well?
                  Placeholders (PHs) are Tonberry Pursuer, you can steal Thief testimony from them.

                  Around the small room where the NM pops, there's always like 2-3 pots and 2 tonberries (stabber and pursuer).

                  My teory is that if you kill the pots or the stabber, it delays the pop of the NM, so what I did is go afk in the small room until 15 mins passes and the PH pops (or the NM).

                  The minium interval I've seen it pop was 1h 45 mins or so, the maxium was... no pop after 4 hours (there was skillup/coffer key/farming PTs there).
                  Kore Leviathan
                  RDM73 \\ THF75/NIN37
                  Bastok Rank 10

                  Dynamis Cleared: Bastok, Jeuno, San d'Oria, Windurst, Beaucedine

                  Looking for: Scorpion Shells & Demon Horns.


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by Kastel
                    before this NM drives me insane, i decided just to camp once a day for 1 spawn. So far 0/9 ...

                    I am 0/12 on Leaping lizzy... so i dont expect to get this until like maybe 1/100
                    Can you really call yourself Queen of Thieves if you're 0/11 on Sozu and 0/12 on lizzy?

                    How about Baroness of Thieves? Or maybe Duchess...
                    You know I'm right.


                    • #11
                      ive had it pop after 3 tonberry kills,45-50 mins
                      or up to 5 hours @_@
                      Beacause ten billion years' time is
                      so fragile, so ephemeral...
                      it arouses such bittersweet,
                      almost heartbreaking fondness.


                      • #12
                        lol.. working on it!

                        yeah smallest pop was about an hour and a half and longest for me has been 4-5 hours... i usually watching anime on other comp with alarm set for 15 min after i kill the PH


                        • #13

                          How much is a TH knife worth on your servers?

                          On garuda, theres 1 going around for 10-12 mil, but I suspect its being fixed since it use to be around 4-5 mil until recently.

                          The guy who bought it for 10 mil, re sold it for 12 mil ;p Seems fishy.
                          Character Profile:


                          • #14
                            they were selling for even 6mil for a while. then last one jumped to 10mil! Greedy mofos!


                            • #15
                              No one really "sold" a Thief Knife on the AH, except maybe for one that went for 9.000.000, the rest of the story are sales made from the owner of the knife to him/herself for like 200k or some ridiculous ammount
                              Kore Leviathan
                              RDM73 \\ THF75/NIN37
                              Bastok Rank 10

                              Dynamis Cleared: Bastok, Jeuno, San d'Oria, Windurst, Beaucedine

                              Looking for: Scorpion Shells & Demon Horns.

