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Sub THF Stealing..

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  • Sub THF Stealing..

    Ok.. so in my davoi key PT we had two THFs with us.

    Every 10mins they would find the mobs that you can steal gold coins from, they would steal,mug,flee to the exit after.

    My question is..I have a 25thf and i sub that on my 60blm when i farm.

    Is it possible for me to steal from the gold coin mobs (there VT at 60) or does steal have some sort of lvl/chance thing.

    Like at lvl 75 youll have 4/5 chance of stealing instead of a 2/5 chance at 50? And does having THF subbed play a roll in this?

    I just wanna steal gold coins ; ;

  • #2
    Level does effect steal rate, and considering that steal is a THF move I think it's based on the subjob level when THF is subbed.


    • #3
      Well I knew it was based on the sub lvl, but does it worsen it to a more degree since its a subbed ability?

      I wasnt expecting to sub a 25thf on a 60blm to pull off i lvl 60 steal.

      The thing is.. is 25 a high enough lvl steal to beable to steal gold coins from VT mobs?


      • #4
        Let's put it this way, even with full AF (gives a lot of +steal) my friend has a hard time stealing Gold Beastcoins (level 69 THF, says he gets about 3-4 an hour). I'd believe it'd be damn near impossible without THF AF.


        • #5
          When I first started I played a taru thf, then went taru whm. Needless to say when I was 25whm/12 thf I stole silver beastcoins like 1/2 to 2/3rds of the time but as level 12 thf main I stole like 1/4-1/5 times. Might just be due to stats. I do however think int may play a role in steal, since our AF gives bonuses to int, that might just be to resist nuking though. I hear dex affects it so maybe that's why.


          • #6
            the gold coin orcs in davoi con EP to EM, mostly DC, and my sub is 34 thf, and my steal rate sucks. Maybe 10-15%? I remember a thief in a key raid crafted 4 gold ingots during the 3 hour hunt, so thats what, around 16 coins in 3 hours? Most i've gotten in a key hunt is 3 in about the same amount of time. So...I doubt getting level cap, and raising my thief from 34 to 37 is going to do much to be effective for gold coins.

            I have noticed my stealrate for mythril coins is about the same as my steal rate for silver coins. I would make a guess that there is a cap to steal success if you sub thief.

