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How does Hide work?

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  • How does Hide work?

    (Sorry if I'm off on the names of these, I'm not that high a level yet, and I didn't get that far in the Beta either)

    I've been leveling Thief since I got the game (with a little time out to level White Mage), and I played Thief in the Beta as well, so I've seen quite a bit of what Thieves have to offer. But I have some questions about some of the abilities that I never got to use in the Beta. Mainly Hide (or whatever the invis ability is called).

    I've heard that you clear all the hate towards you when you use Hide, and soon after that monsters will walk away and leave you alone. Is this true? If so does this mean if you link something while pulling, you can flee back the party and then Hide to make the add go away? Or better yet, bind/sleep/whatever the link and then Hide after your party has started on the monster you wanted to pull.

    Also, is it just invis, or does it give you the effects of sneak and deodorize as well? If it doesn't give you sneak, and the monster doesn't agro by smell, can you use Hide and then stand still to not agro something? Or do they hear you breath or something =)?

    And one last thing, I have a question about Triple Attack. Is it possible, if you have warrior subbed, to get lucky and have both Double Attack and Triple Attack go off at the same time, giving you 6 hits? Or any other multi hit skills/abilities?

    Anyway, thanks for any answers. I suppose I could have just waited to learn the ability to try this stuff out... but oh well, I know it exists, so there's no surprise left in it, I might as well know what it does =P

  • #2
    I believe you only lose hate with few monsters, such as Gobs and Yags. If you pull 20 or so gobs and yags and there are fighting you, just do Hide and you lose all hate and go invisible. D; ....
    Dra Bmyhad Ec Toehk - FF7
    Final Fantasy XI - Zandria


    • #3
      Hide works on sight-only monsters, the most common of which are goblins and yagyudo. So what that means is you can run up to a goblin, steal from him, mug him, then hide and you immediately go invisible and they stop beating on you.

      It doesn't work against monsters that track via smell or sound, so orcs which are sight aggro, but track by smell are hard to hide from. You need some distance before you can use hide.

      Hide duration varies from 10secs to 3 mins, usually closer to 2 minutes.

      And no, you can't double AND triple attack on a single swing. The abilities are mutually exclusive.
      You know I'm right.


      • #4
        Cool =) I never thought of Stealing and Mugging then Hiding. ... If you Steal while Hiding, you draw hate right?

        Against monsters that track by smell, could I use a combination of Flee, Hide, and a Flask of Deodorizer (or the spell)? Or do I just forget about the Hide and just Flee and deodorize? How about forgetting the flee and just Hide and deodorize? Or, better yet, could I just flee to the party and have the mage Deodorize me?

        Also, if I Steal and Mug a Goblin and then hide, does he then go attack my party members? Or does he just walk away?

        And it's too bad you can't double and triple attack at the same time =) I didn't figure you could, but that would be awesome to be a high level Thief/Warrior using a Kraken club =P That would be a chance of... 48 hits? =) Hah, oh well, I guess that would be a bit to powerful.


        • #5
          Originally posted by Theiry
          Cool =) I never thought of Stealing and Mugging then Hiding. ... If you Steal while Hiding, you draw hate right?

          Against monsters that track by smell, could I use a combination of Flee, Hide, and a Flask of Deodorizer (or the spell)? Or do I just forget about the Hide and just Flee and deodorize? How about forgetting the flee and just Hide and deodorize? Or, better yet, could I just flee to the party and have the mage Deodorize me?

          Also, if I Steal and Mug a Goblin and then hide, does he then go attack my party members? Or does he just walk away?

          And it's too bad you can't double and triple attack at the same time =) I didn't figure you could, but that would be awesome to be a high level Thief/Warrior using a Kraken club =P That would be a chance of... 48 hits? =) Hah, oh well, I guess that would be a bit to powerful.
          Ok, going down the list:
          1. Taking any action while hiding breaks hide, so yes, you'd draw hate.

          2. I don't think I've ever used deodorizer, ever. vs orcs, just flee, steal, mug, run a ways, then hide. Once you're about 20 feet away (you'll have to feel this out) you can hide and he won't be able to track you.

          3. No, if you steal/mug/hide, he won't go after your party, he just scratches his head and moves on.
          You know I'm right.


          • #6
            Originally posted by guyincorporated

            Ok, going down the list:
            1. Taking any action while hiding breaks hide, so yes, you'd draw hate.

            2. I don't think I've ever used deodorizer, ever. vs orcs, just flee, steal, mug, run a ways, then hide. Once you're about 20 feet away (you'll have to feel this out) you can hide and he won't be able to track you.

            3. No, if you steal/mug/hide, he won't go after your party, he just scratches his head and moves on.
            Haha =) I can't wait, that makes stealing and mugging much easier. I don't have to deal with them after I've got all their stuff. I suppose this means you could steal/mug an IT and then get away alive right? If you could actually get something from them..

            Does Rangers Camouflage do all this too?

            Thanks for all the answers =) You guys are great. I love this board.


            • #7
              Originally posted by Theiry
              Does Rangers Camouflage do all this too?
              No, the only thing that Camoflauge does it makes you harder to detect. So if you have it up, walk right infront of a sight-based mob, you'll still get aggro.


              • #8
                Wow, really? What is it used for then? Less hate or something?


                • #9
                  Camouflage doesn't reset hate either.

                  I mainly use it when pulling. It isn't COMPLETELY useless.

                  For instance, lets say a Goblins normal sight distance is 10 yards. The alertness job trait shortens the distance to 8 yards. Using camouflage reduces it to 4 yards. Good if you're pulling and a Goblin pops up in the path back to camp.

                  Also, those numbers are random. I have no clue how much camouflage really helps.


                  • #10
                    Ah, so at least it has some use =) Too bad it doesn't drop hate though, it would have been cool for me to play Thief/Whatever when my brother plays Warrior/Ranger and and we could do whatever we wanted and still walk away from the monster with no hate =) (after level 40). Talk about an easy way to get out of fights we are loosing. Oh well =P

                    So, just to make sure I got Hide correct now, you can do whatever damage you want in mid battle, then Hide to clear it all away? (Like Super High Jump) But, it doesn't work on smell tracking monsters. If you flee away (far enough) then hide, even smell trackers will forget about you (after awhile). But you can't loose the hate off of those monsters without running away? Could Deodorize then hide work mid battle to make you loose hate?

