I'm pretty sure its DEX that helps stealing, considering that it helps lockpicking and that everyone told me DEX....
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Stealing Gold Beastcoins
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So what I lied about something that was going to happen but didn't (for reason that i'm not going to say).
don't speculate, it 's lame and giving out misinformation, how would you like if everyone on here starts BS'ing or posting on things they THINK or IF I DO THIS, and make it as if they did do it and pass it off as a fact, anyway, you're a liar, don't reply back to me, there's nothing further to add, back on topic,
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Originally posted by Trapezius
I'm pretty sure its DEX that helps stealing, considering that it helps lockpicking and that everyone told me DEX....Kore Leviathan
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im almost 100% sure Dex does not effect stealing.
I in a PT as THF/NIN with a RNG/THF
He had 49 dex and i had 56dex...
I was 0-7 with stealing, having rotton luck
He tried 3-0 ....got a coin each time he tried. I was getting so pissed and thats why i asked him his dex thinking that dex was the reason....nope....his was much lower (i consider 7 points a big difference)
I think the only way we will know is if SE actually tells us.
One side note though... my MND is -4 so it doesnt sound right, but maybe MND effects stealing...maybe thats why i am having such rotton luck.
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Originally posted by Trapezius
Okay...I also wanted to know one thing about stealing, would stealing from behind increase your chances of a steal or not? I've heard this floating around in game and just wanted to know >.>
Anyways, it's INT that effects Stealing rate 75% sure about that..and stealing from the back is suppose to help from what I hear. Although, 1/3 times I do that I get something, so still not sure.
Supertle please stay on topic.
You were never on topic so dont say, "back on topic"..Moronhttp://www.livejournal.com/users/zandria_/
Dra Bmyhad Ec Toehk - FF7
Final Fantasy XI - Zandria
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flaming liar JohnDoeII, your BS is apparently on topic, if false information is posted, it NEEDS TO BE POINTED OUT, if you fail to understand that, that's your problem, didn't i mention you don't need to reply to me, again, don't reply to me, refer to my last post, end of discussion, don't post any more of your Bs, stick to what u have done and seen in the game, if you're going to speculate, use words such as "I THINK", "IF", and based it on other facts
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Originally posted by supertle
flaming liar JohnDoeII, your BS is apparently on topic, if false information is posted, it NEEDS TO BE POINTED OUT, if you fail to understand that, that's your problem, didn't i mention you don't need to reply to me, again, don't reply to me, refer to my last post, end of discussion, don't post any more of your Bs, stick to what u have done and seen in the game, if you're going to speculate, use words such as "I THINK", "IF", and based it on other facts
Now, I really dont want to accuse most of you of being stupid..but this is probably the best example here. I have said well enough times that I was wrong and I lied ..for a change. I also said that you could equip two lust daggers, when I THOUGHT IT WAS something else. I already said I thought it was the dagger that had -7 Agi and -1 other stats. Have any of you memorized or known any of the 100 daggers in FFXI? Can you recall a dagger that was in Japanese? Say..was that the dagger that had the ƒc?@or the ƒŠ?@or maybe the ‚¹ at the start? Well, fuck I dont know maybe i'll take a guess. I dont even know the name of the level 1 dagger, who cares? Is anyone going to come by one day and say, what's the name of the lvl 1 dagger? I can't read it. If you guys are so smart and like correcting me, go ahead and buy the JP version and look at all the dagger names and tell me the name of 15 of them, oh wait then tell me more! Since your a genious!.
I said all these things 50 thousand times, yet half of you are posting off topic and are still! going off topic when this should have been dropped. And Anya, I really dont know what your talking about. Just becuase you waste away your life on this forum (posting in 50 different topics) and I see them, doesn't mean you can just say, "Actually his information has been unreliable for quite some time. He's been 'wrong' often enough, though this is the most.. exceptional example."
Unreliable? ROFL! ‚—‚—‚—‚—‚—‚—‚—‚—‚—‚—‚— “Ê?@‚—‚—‚—‚—‚—‚—‚—‚—‚—‚—‚—‚— Is that suppose to be a joke? Have you listened to Supertle yet? He's being just as stupid as most of these people that are flaming me.
flaming liar JohnDoeII, your BS is apparently on topic
Who exactly here is staying on topic for the past 3 pages? I've told every single god damn one of you to stay on topic and what have you done? FLAMED! rofl. Get a clue and read the posts. At least I flame and stay on topic at the same time instead of taking up space on this site. Be my guest if you want to flame back.
And if you go to Monastic Cavern watch out for the orcs that hit you twice. Be sure to use blink before each steal your you may get crushed becuase like someone posted before orcs dont go away with hide D; Also, if you are not resting for HP and have 5 minutes left to go, go search for coffers around there it helps.http://www.livejournal.com/users/zandria_/
Dra Bmyhad Ec Toehk - FF7
Final Fantasy XI - Zandria
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Originally posted by John Doe III
And Anya, I really dont know what your talking about. Just becuase you waste away your life on this forum
Date Registered: 01-29-03
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Originally posted by John Doe III
There is a HUGE difference between being mistaken and OUTRIGHT LYING!
When you said (in the 2nd post) that you thought Gold Beastcoins could be stolen from Altepa Goblins, THAT was a mistake. All of us have made mistakes. That is nothing.
When you said "I make 20k an hour stealing beastcoins with my two Steal+3 rings," that wasn't a "mistake." YOU JUST MADE IT UP. IT IS TOTAL FICTION.
Then, when you clearly get busted on it, you start up the excuse mill, making excuses about JP client, about how you were thinking about buying them at AH, blah blah. Totally irrelevant. You still lied.
You then try to play it off like it's not a big deal, or like everyone else lies too. News flash: this is a forum, and if people can't agree to the basic concept of not lying when they post, there is NO POINT in reading anyone's posts, at all. Who knows what's being totally made up?
In summary:
You lied about the equipment you have.
You lied about the results you got with said equipment.
You apparently see no problem with what you did.
Centurio X-I 1/1 - Celphie 1/1 - Deadly Dodo 0/2 - Doppleganger Dio 0/1 - Jaggedy-eared Jack 0/7 - Joo Duzu the Whirlwind 1/1 - Leaping Lizzy 2/16 - Mimas 0/1 - Odqan 1/9 - Orcish Wallbreacher 0/1 - Ose 1/3 - Sagittarius X-XIII 1/1 - Serpopard Ishtar 3/6 - Silk Caterpillar 1/2 - Tom Tit Tat 0/2 - Trickster Kinetix 0/2 - Valkurm Emperor 6/10 - Wyvernpoacher Drachlox 1/1
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Originally posted by Anya
Profile For John Doe III
Date Registered: 01-29-03
Status: Vana'diel Adventurer
Total Posts: 1893 (4.73 posts per day)
Profile For Anya
Date Registered: 12-27-02
Status: Vana'diel Adventurer
Total Posts: 235 (0.54 posts per day)
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Originally posted by Spider-Dan
When you said (in the 2nd post) that you thought Gold Beastcoins could be stolen from Altepa Goblins, THAT was a mistake. All of us have made mistakes. That is nothing.If it's the coins that i'm thinking off, go steal from the gobbies in Altepa D;
And yes there are Gobbies in Altepa for the 1000th time.
From stealing off the Bandits and gobs in Altepa I can make 20k an hour D;
Nice point Anya LOL way to add some laughter here. All I have to say is, reverse what I said XD and i'd just have to say, "DAMN!" I have posted wayyy to much....*Hopes to get 1 one day*http://www.livejournal.com/users/zandria_/
Dra Bmyhad Ec Toehk - FF7
Final Fantasy XI - Zandria
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Originally posted by John Doe III
If it's the coins that i'm thinking off, go steal from the gobbies in Altepa D;
And yes there are Gobbies in Altepa for the 1000th time.
From stealing off the Bandits and gobs in Altepa I can make 20k an hour D;
And of course, the topic of this thread is stealing MYTHRIL Beastcoins, right? Oh, wait, it's not. So either you were mistaken about stealing gold beastcoins, or you can't read the topic before you post. Just keep the lies and excuses rolling.
P.S. You didn't make 20k an hour, because you made that part all up while browsing through the AH. k thx
Centurio X-I 1/1 - Celphie 1/1 - Deadly Dodo 0/2 - Doppleganger Dio 0/1 - Jaggedy-eared Jack 0/7 - Joo Duzu the Whirlwind 1/1 - Leaping Lizzy 2/16 - Mimas 0/1 - Odqan 1/9 - Orcish Wallbreacher 0/1 - Ose 1/3 - Sagittarius X-XIII 1/1 - Serpopard Ishtar 3/6 - Silk Caterpillar 1/2 - Tom Tit Tat 0/2 - Trickster Kinetix 0/2 - Valkurm Emperor 6/10 - Wyvernpoacher Drachlox 1/1
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