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Greetings! Few quick questions.

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  • Greetings! Few quick questions.

    I am trying to read up on FFXI as much as I can before the release.

    I know I want to be a thief. Sounds like a REAL fun class to play in FF.

    The questions:

    1.) I was going to play a Elvaan or Hume thief but I see alot of negitive posts on them. Does 2 dex makes that much of a differance between Elvaan/Hume and Mithra? Do Elvaan/Hume's cap dex sooner or something?

    2.) Is there a listing of all the different abiltites of the thief and other classes? [Edit: NM Found the listing]

    3.) I see that there is multi-classing in FF but do you HAVE to multi-class? Is there a benifit in going pure thief vs. multi-classing?

    BTW great site... it has answered alot of my questions already and I am really looking forward to the release date.

    Thanks for your help!

  • #2

    Nice to see another person pumped up about thieves. Ive been playing mine for the past couple of weeks and I love it. Its great, especially after lvl 15. Im so looking forward to lvl 30 and yokodama. As for your questions.

    1. Theres no reason why you really should choose whatever race you like. Its a point of personal preference and expression. Sure Mithras and Tarus have high dex and agility, but in the end youre still going to be able to do pretty good damage.

    2. all good eh

    3. With subjobs they affect your stats as well, not just job ablities, so its always a good idea to take advantage of those. Im sure you can find tons of postings about subjob discussions, but if you want to know what Im considering (monk, ninja seem to be the forerunners)

    Anyways good luck, and most of all have fun. Its is a game eh :spin:
    Thanks to Kedo for the Sig

