Re: Saying no to burns?
Even before level sync, I've seen plenty of people who failed to learn these on their first job.
No new player is going to have the kind of gil needed to buy AF flow constantly anyway, except gil buyers. As a newbie player, pretty much only SMNs can AF burn all the way.
lol what?
RDM nuking is weak; most of the RDMs I've seen nuking in exp parties were heavily resisted on top of lacking better tier nukes like BLMs and SCHs. And, melee'ing? You'd need staves to nuke (and enfeeb)--are you going to melee with your HQ Ice Staff?
As for Skillchain, until Evisceration, exactly what good SC can RDM with dagger or sword open for a strong weapon skill from a DD to close? Gravitation? Still have to wait until DRG/SAM get Penta Thrust.
Most melee RDMs are so distracted by melee'ing, that they can't even keep up Refresh or Dispel, never mind casting cure and -na spells. I complain a lot, but the only person I personally booted out of an exp party in memory was exactly a melee RDM who couldn't dispel those fire crawlers' defense buff. His damage contribution? lol. Round-off error is the best way to describe that--certainly not worth the amount of damage output we lost because he couldn't pay enough attention to dispel Cocoon.
He wasn't the only lousy melee RDM, either; I've never seen a single melee RDM worthy of his party slot. Frankly, I'm less annoyed by a melee SMN than a melee RDM.
Are you expecting WHMs to go /RDM instead of /SCH? If there's a RDM in party, WHM should be on /SCH.
If you fight stuff which has no enfeebs, I can see SMN/RDM being better. Otherwise, /WHM wins for -na, Erase, and bar- spells.
And, where's /SCH?
What happened to the talk about "mana conservation" earlier?
Gimp is gimp; while it's nice to get extra damage out of /SAM, /NIN gimps no front line job.
The less damage the DDs take, the better Haste stay on them. I always haste the first provoke person first, then the DD/NIN. Haste on DD/SAMs are strictly for if-and-when I have MP/time.
In the lousy Sky LS I'm in, we usually have people who aggro and die to weapons every week--something they definitely have been near many, many, many times.
As I said, AF exp'ing doesn't make the idiots--it just attracts them like flies to a rotting corpse.
Originally posted by MrMageo
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No new player is going to have the kind of gil needed to buy AF flow constantly anyway, except gil buyers. As a newbie player, pretty much only SMNs can AF burn all the way.
Originally posted by MrMageo
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RDM nuking is weak; most of the RDMs I've seen nuking in exp parties were heavily resisted on top of lacking better tier nukes like BLMs and SCHs. And, melee'ing? You'd need staves to nuke (and enfeeb)--are you going to melee with your HQ Ice Staff?
As for Skillchain, until Evisceration, exactly what good SC can RDM with dagger or sword open for a strong weapon skill from a DD to close? Gravitation? Still have to wait until DRG/SAM get Penta Thrust.
Most melee RDMs are so distracted by melee'ing, that they can't even keep up Refresh or Dispel, never mind casting cure and -na spells. I complain a lot, but the only person I personally booted out of an exp party in memory was exactly a melee RDM who couldn't dispel those fire crawlers' defense buff. His damage contribution? lol. Round-off error is the best way to describe that--certainly not worth the amount of damage output we lost because he couldn't pay enough attention to dispel Cocoon.
He wasn't the only lousy melee RDM, either; I've never seen a single melee RDM worthy of his party slot. Frankly, I'm less annoyed by a melee SMN than a melee RDM.
Originally posted by MrMageo
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Originally posted by MrMageo
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And, where's /SCH?
Originally posted by MrMageo
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Originally posted by MrMageo
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The less damage the DDs take, the better Haste stay on them. I always haste the first provoke person first, then the DD/NIN. Haste on DD/SAMs are strictly for if-and-when I have MP/time.
Originally posted by MrMageo
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As I said, AF exp'ing doesn't make the idiots--it just attracts them like flies to a rotting corpse.