Re: 2 New Avatars CONFIRMED!!!!
You've never fought him?
In this game, he's a very dark blue, with very little to no bright colors or white on him. He's similar in color to chariots and gears and such, as those are pretty much the same thing as Alex. I mean, despite being the dark elemental, Odin is actually white, so it was probably done in an ironic sense that Alex would be darker colored since they're opposites.
Unless you thought they'd be giving us a new character model for Alex that would be different from the ToAU fight version. SE is far too lazy to do something like that at this point.
Originally posted by TheGrandMom
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In this game, he's a very dark blue, with very little to no bright colors or white on him. He's similar in color to chariots and gears and such, as those are pretty much the same thing as Alex. I mean, despite being the dark elemental, Odin is actually white, so it was probably done in an ironic sense that Alex would be darker colored since they're opposites.
Unless you thought they'd be giving us a new character model for Alex that would be different from the ToAU fight version. SE is far too lazy to do something like that at this point.