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Version Update: New Avatar Speculations

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  • #31
    Re: Version Update: New Avatar Speculations

    Originally posted by ShepardG View Post
    -They actually can't solo diabolos prime anymore, got nerfed recently -yeah their hand-2-hand sucks, but PUP/SCH has (especially with some of the mini-expansion equipment geared towards pet stats) great DD potential on alot of Endgame mobs, (Faf,KB(can chase and nuke which is awesome)Aspid, Tiamat, I'd be curious to see one at khim, DI with the ranged frame has some slight potential, um sandworm pup/sch would be great, etc
    I know what they're capable of, but in current 'popular belief' pup's screwed.
    Harder and deeper then people want to make you believe Summoner is.
    NIN can't DD better than a Dancer i'm calling it right now, or a thief either. As far as mitigating damge, DNC/NIN is way better a tank than NIN at this point. Fan dance every 3 Min's (with full merits) pulls that out, along with self Cure+erase+10%haste+drain samba III+ reverse Flourish. Sorry, saw your post and had to inject a little info, not being rude, but I dont' think people realize how underutilized DNC is, espeically endgame. I started playing the job and reading about the merit potential it has and I fell in love, so yeah there's some personal resentment there, but those numbers are acurate, I'll try and get some official parse numbers this weekend and post them in the dancer section.
    Passionate about DNC I see, I like that. All right, I'd love to see your parse vs. a ninja.
    However there are a few conditions I'll set right now:

    -I want to know what gear they are using for both TP and WS.
    I'd like to know your gear too as I plan to level DNC in the future myself.
    The same goes for merits.
    (As I have ninja leveled myself I know quite soon if you're parsing against a gimp.)
    -Colibri and Puks are out of the question!
    It'll have to be mobs where neither of the jobs' main weapons have a bonus or penalty on.
    -Food used.
    Last edited by Shirai; 02-26-2010, 10:30 AM.
    Quetzalcoatl Server | WHM 80 | SMN 76 | NIN 75


    • #32
      Re: Version Update: New Avatar Speculations

      Bawlin ^^ Love a good challenge, Gonna take this into a new thread in the dancer section, title: Dancer Vs. Ninja

      (I also have Nin @ 75, but dont' have super good gear for it, I believe my friend has a pretty sick ninja though, i'll try and get a Mammool party together tomorow afternoon and run some parses.) anyway on-to the new thread...


      • #33
        Re: Version Update: New Avatar Speculations

        Originally posted by ShepardG View Post
        NIN can't DD better than a Dancer i'm calling it right now, or a thief either. As far as mitigating damge, DNC/NIN is way better a tank than NIN at this point. Fan dance every 3 Min's (with full merits) pulls that out, along with self Cure+erase+10%haste+drain samba III+ reverse Flourish.

        ... so much ignorance in the community on this. Like this for instance:

        Originally posted by Shirai View Post
        Dancer, although nice to have in earlier level exp parties is no more then a handy soloing sub.
        They lack the damage to actually be considered in high end fights and they lack the buffing capabilities to actually fully replace a support job.
        Total misconception. But I don't bother anymore arguing this with people anymore. Like arguing with the blind over which shade of carpet best fits your drapes. There's entire threads devoted to that.

        And while we're totally off the OP's topic... Version update want for DNC...

        {Dance} of {Death} ~ 1 minute recast time, Raise 1, must {dance} on top of the <t>.
        FFxiv ~ (PS3 Beta) 24THM, 16LNC, 16CNJ, 15MRD/GLD/ARC/PUG
        FFxi ~ (Inactive) 99DNC/THF/SAM/BLU

        Any opinions expressed are my own, and potentially unpopular with others. Should this be upsetting, m
        aybe, read it again, insert smiley faces, rainbows, and glitter as needed.


        • #34
          Re: Version Update: New Avatar Speculations

          Just a minor nitpick, technically no one can out DD NIN, excluding extreme circumstances like zerging with multihit weapons. But Shuriken cost so much that NIN tends to fall behind in damage.



          • #35
            Re: Version Update: New Avatar Speculations

            Originally posted by Neverslip View Post
            {Dance} of {Death} ~ 1 minute recast time, Raise 1, must {dance} on top of the <t>.
            Yes... I have been wanting this for a while. Especially while the healer is a Pup/Dnc, and a dnc, and some one dies int he party, and there is no one that can raise.


            • #36
              Re: Version Update: New Avatar Speculations

              That picture can be of anything.

              It could even be "/ma "Haste" <me>" for all we know.
              Or worse, somebody who simply typed "/ma "Lakshmi" <me>" and took a screenshot.


              • #37
                Re: Version Update: New Avatar Speculations

                Dude in my LS regularly pulls off 2800 Dancing Edge in merit PT on his DNC and main heals.

                "BLAH BLAH BLAH TIDAL WAVE!!!"

