Back when I was a 35 WHM there was a SMN in the party with Titan doing mega throw (I think) and it was hitting the mobs for 200-350. Which was hella nice... I wouldn't quiet lable that as strong DD, but doing that much dmg every minute and throwing in a few Cure II's however is a nice upgrade to a party..
Anyway... If I leveled up SMN I don't mind doing the Cure spam to level up seeing as how I'm used to WHM.. But what BP's would I have to look forward to that'd be worth while to use every minute til 70.
And @ 70+ what kind of DMG would a summoner be doing? (In general)
Anyway... If I leveled up SMN I don't mind doing the Cure spam to level up seeing as how I'm used to WHM.. But what BP's would I have to look forward to that'd be worth while to use every minute til 70.
And @ 70+ what kind of DMG would a summoner be doing? (In general)