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And once again.... NO Avatar!

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  • Re: And once again.... NO Avatar!

    BRD wasn't boring back when I played it at EXP levels, but then, I levelled BRD when we got by just fine on /WHM and weren't asked to /NIN ever. And that was before 75, not the endgame experience, which was rather dull. The job got dumber when BRD/NIN became the mainstream choice because it boiled BRD down to nothing more than a puller and the majority of its other talents went to waste.

    The problem with BRD isn't its mechanics so much as its power. BRD is like the C-student football player of the game, so long as he can catch and run with the ball, we'll let him get away with academic travesties and being a moron. BRDs power is dramatically disproportionate to its skill level, you don't even have to really make use of harps at all and using the proper instrument for the proper song is only mildly encouraged, so it ends up being mostly forsaken.

    COR came with a variety of options, but the community lets it go to waste in the opposite direction. It was scaled up to par with BRD in terms of power, even exceeding BRD if they hit 11s, but too many CORs play the job like the BRD/WHMs and swear up and down that the job is terrible at pulling or not an impressive damage dealer when I've seen more than enough cases to prove otherwise, so they seldom pull with /NIN or DD with /RNG or /WAR.

    I think that's some of the JP influence talking, though. They hate any kind of risky play and dimwits that slavishly look to JP players for every decision they make follow that, then the NAs that look to other NAs follow them. Its the lemming effect.

    There's really nothing wrong at all with COR's design at present, its just people are too stupid or cheap to play it to potential. With BRD, its not so much the design as its so overpowered that it makes the player an object that you must have rather than a skilled player you must have. And you seriously are treated like an object.

    There are days I even now pull back from COR because I'm just ashamed to share a class where I can only seriously identify three other good CORs on the server by name. I'm not even saying I'm the greatest, I'm just saying that because they went "Holy shit, another COR who actually knows what they're doing" when they met me. I'm not joking, I had them sending me tells. We could form a small party and still not amount to six on the most populated server in the game.

    Well, all that and I have less and less time to play these days, I'd rather be able to stroke my ego if I have less time to play and nothing says ego like RNG.


    • Re: And once again.... NO Avatar!

      I do have a lot of fun with COR/DD and having tried out COR/DD and COR/Mage in a bunch of different situations I only ever find COR/Mage useful in TP burns where you are literally only shooting once (twice if you're pulling) before the mob dies. Though in that situation /DNC would probably be more useful since you can toss out cures and you still have the Lv1 Accuracy Bonus that to help with the B in Marksmanship.

      I used to think that COR was a terrible puller and to be completely unbiased, pre-quick draw it is average at best at pulling. COR can do it well it's just there are a lot of jobs that can do it better (SMN, THF, WAR, RNG, DRK, SAM, DNC, NIN, BRD). After pulling in some TP burns I can see where COR can really excel at pulling with Light Shot and Shadows though I'm still a bit "meh" about pulling on the job. In all honesty I would prefer BRD pulling because of the fixed timer for Rolls and the inability for a Roll to overwrite itself. You can't just toss buffs back at everyone after the pull+sleep like on BRD. I also love having THFs and RNGs pulling purely due to status bolts. Nothing makes a TP burn go more smoothly than a well timed Acid Bolt.

      Honestly, there's nothing wrong with a COR pulling, pulling is just one of the many things that this very versatile job can do, I just personally find it inefficient. It's like asking a BLM to cure, sure they can do it and do it well but wouldn't you rather have them blowing stuff up instead?

      Really COR isn't as expensive as people say it is. The only expensive gear you will ever buy for it are guns (most of which are nothing compared to the Shark Gun if you have the assault rank to get it) and the endgame TP gear (which only applies if you're meleeing for TP anyway). Bullets aren't too bad if you can craft them or do act sensible and only buy the stacks you'll need for a party instead of buying full stacks of pouches for every party like some idiots do. That and Ranged Acc gear is very cheap, Squid Sushi is extremely cheap (compared to other types of sushi), and you get a ton of accuracy from your own rolls and a RNG or DNC subjob. People say they are saving money by buying crappy bullets, I save money on my Corsair by making every bullet hit.
      Rahal Gerrant - Balmung - 188 DRK
      Reiko Takahashi
      - Balmung - 182 AST, 191 BLM, 182 SCH, 188 SMN
      Haters Gonna Hate


      • Re: And once again.... NO Avatar!

        lol thiw wa supposed to be a smn thread


        • Re: And once again.... NO Avatar!

          My personal beef with BRD is how overly repetitive and dull the job is.

          1) Song Duration; Even with a +2 effect you still have to rebuff songs every other fight. Why can't BRD songs just last like pro and shell? This would free up a BRD to contribute tot he party in other ways and go a long way towards reducing the monotony of the job. COR's buff duration is just fine since the effects are random and instant, but with BRD it's a drag.

          2) Redunant Songs; Every god damn song sounds the same. This is what gets on my nerves most about BRD to be honest. It's probably yet another PS2-imposed limitation (or just plain laziness on SE's part) but why does a nocturne sound the same as a mambo or a minuet? SE would have been better off to have not included instruments as a weapon type at all. Instead, have just the one minuet song that gains strength as your singing skill progresses and give each song a distinctive tune. For me at least, it would make the job much more livelier and entertaining.

          So in a nutshell; songs that actually sound the way they should, less time spent singing, and maybe a buff to some of the less-used songs. It's not like BRD can't contribute to DD in a merit party either; I've hit 800+ Eviscerations on BRD/NIN at Bird Camp, and BRD does have access to some decent gear (Haidate, Osode...). Mordant Rhyme isn't too shabby either.

          That's my view on BRD. I love the job to death up until about the 50's when it really started to become a drag It's a bit more interesting at events, but I outright refuse to play it in dynamis or merits.



          • Re: And once again.... NO Avatar!

            Why can't BRD songs just last like pro and shell? This would free up a BRD to contribute tot he party in other ways and go a long way towards reducing the monotony of the job.
            This is the worst serious idea I've heard in a long time. I hope you're trolling.

            You honestly want BRD to put up its songs and have them last 30 minutes just so it can whack away at the mob?


            • Re: And once again.... NO Avatar!

              Here's a thought, and bear with me here, but what if BRD had nuking songs?
              Originally posted by Armando
              No one at Square Enix has heard of Occam's Razor.
              Originally posted by Armando
              Nintendo always seems to have a legion of haters at the wings ready to jump in and prop up straw men about hardware and gimmicks and casuals.
              Originally posted by Taskmage



              Originally posted by Taskmage
              However much I am actually smart, I got that way by confronting how stupid I am.
              Matthew 16:15


              • Re: And once again.... NO Avatar!

                BRD doesn't need more power. It's arguably too powerful as it is.


                • Re: And once again.... NO Avatar!

                  Can we go back to SMN discussion guys?


                  • Re: And once again.... NO Avatar!

                    You were doing nothing but whine about your job. And for all the wrong reasons, for goodness sake! No need to rerail a dead conversation.
                    Originally posted by Armando
                    No one at Square Enix has heard of Occam's Razor.
                    Originally posted by Armando
                    Nintendo always seems to have a legion of haters at the wings ready to jump in and prop up straw men about hardware and gimmicks and casuals.
                    Originally posted by Taskmage
                    GOD IS MIFFED AT AMERICA



                    Originally posted by Taskmage
                    However much I am actually smart, I got that way by confronting how stupid I am.
                    Matthew 16:15


                    • Re: And once again.... NO Avatar!

                      Can we go back to SMN discussion guys?
                      Was there anything left to discuss? Because it feels like a pretty dead horse, and neither side managed to see eye to eye with the other's view point.


                      • Re: And once again.... NO Avatar!

                        lol nice.

                        No not half an hour, but about 5 minutes or so would be fine for buffs. Elegy & Requiem etc should still be maybe a few minutes max as elegy is horribly powerful. The constant singing + same annoying, bland fucking flute tune = smash head against wall in frustration. Not because it's hard (BRD is a very easy job to play unless you're a retard or can't multi-task...) but because it just gets on my nerves.

                        I can enjoy almost every other job in the game, even WHM after that epic update. But BRD still makes me want to /wrist.

                        "BLAH BLAH BLAH TIDAL WAVE!!!"


                        • Re: And once again.... NO Avatar!

                          Well not really...

                          They can make a new ability whee you can have any avatar perpetuation "free" for like 20 mins or someting... and you can only activate that ability once per hour or something like that.


                          • Re: And once again.... NO Avatar!

                            Originally posted by Darkhound View Post
                            They can make a new ability whee you can have any avatar perpetuation "free" for like 20 mins or someting... and you can only activate that ability once per hour or something like that.
                            >- > Astral Flow

                            "BLAH BLAH BLAH TIDAL WAVE!!!"


                            • Re: And once again.... NO Avatar!

                              Bard is easily the most repetitive job, I'll agree with Malacite on that at least, but increasing the duration of songs is not the answer.

                              Almost wonder if Bard songs were single target instead of AoE if that would make the job more interesting? I mean think of RDM. We don't get to melee on RDM because we're too busy doing other things. Refresh/Haste, damn near constantly, and Cure. If I had to March everyone in the party individually, that would make the job a lot less boring.

                              It would highly increase the repetition factor, though, but look at RDM, it's pretty fucking repetitive in some situations.

                              There's probably no good fix for a job which spends its time doing AoE buffs almost constantly. Pulling added interest to it, though not much. If BRD had some way to DD the way COR can, it might be less boring. Maybe you can blow spitballs through your flutes or something, and shoot arrows off a harp. (IT WOULD BE HILARIOUS AND AWESOME) Do I expect that to happen? Of course not. But BRD meleeing for damage is not really practical. Even if song duration were increased I don't think it would be practical. I can't really see it.

                              I see CORs doing it but BRDs? I dunno. Maybe. But I guarantee the playerbase isn't going to embrace BRD melee.
                              ~Mama Gamer~~Quitted July 2009/Bannt October 2009~~Excellence LS~
                              ~I has a blog~~
                              ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~


                              • Re: And once again.... NO Avatar!

                                I wouldn't mind the repetitiveness quite as much if I didn't have to hear that god awful flute every time... Is it really too much to have each song sound like it's name sake?

                                I enjoy COR very much because I just toss up the roll and then get right back to pumping hot lead into the mob's ass. Can't do that with BRD, even with the stupid mythic weapon. It adds a measly 20-24 seconds to all songs. You sit there for about 20 seconds buffing the melee, then the same for mages. Then you get to twiddle your thumbs until a cure or sleep is needed or it's time for everyone's favorite melody again

                                The only way I'm touching this job again on XIV is if SE makes it interesting. If it's a damned carbon copy of XI's BRD with a facelift then it's getting projectio in profluentem.
                                Last edited by Malacite; 08-03-2009, 03:30 PM.

                                "BLAH BLAH BLAH TIDAL WAVE!!!"

