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is there a way to keep up with ToD of Shikigami Weapon

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  • is there a way to keep up with ToD of Shikigami Weapon

    I know this is bit of a nOOb question, however I'm a devoted SMN & I'd really love to have this robe. How do I keep track of ToD for the Shikigami Weapon?

    Please bare in mind that I'm about 7-9 hours ahead of EST, so one has to be constantly calculating the time.
    Humpty Dumpty.....

    SMN 75

  • #2
    Re: is there a way to keep up with ToD of Shikigami Weapon

    Originally posted by Dracko Of South Africa View Post
    How do I keep track of ToD for the Shikigami Weapon? .
    Same way you track ToD for any [Timed Spawn] mob evar: witness the the time of death.
    or have someone else witness it for you, and then relay the message.

    bonus: or approximately 21 hours after last server maintenance.

    PLD75 DRK60 lots of other levels.
    Shackle their minds when they're bent on the cross
    When ignorance reigns, life is lost


    • #3
      Re: is there a way to keep up with ToD of Shikigami Weapon

      Thanks Ameroth, I'll try and camp this NM when I get off work. I just wish there was a site, that could keep a Real Time clock for the most common camped NM's.
      Yeah, has anyone successfully camped this nm? If so did you use the lucky egg, for THF?
      Last edited by Dracko Of South Africa; 02-25-2009, 12:26 AM.
      Humpty Dumpty.....

      SMN 75


      • #4
        Re: is there a way to keep up with ToD of Shikigami Weapon

        Problem with that idea is the site would be self defeating. Increased knowledge of pop timers = more campers = more competition; it would actually make it harder to get NMs, not easier.


        • #5
          Re: is there a way to keep up with ToD of Shikigami Weapon

          I see what you mean, rather claim with less competition of an NM. DAng, so much for that idea.

          Right now I have to keep track of some guy, who's been camping the Shikigami Weapon for 3 weeks now & he's 0/4 on Ifrit.
          I don't think I wanna get that depressed
          Humpty Dumpty.....

          SMN 75


          • #6
            Re: is there a way to keep up with ToD of Shikigami Weapon

            Yes My Linkshell on Diablos Keeps Shikis' ToD at all times. Since we are a SMN link shell it is important to have that ToD. Our method of keeping ToD is because of our Reputation of the SMN LS and its mega boss. He is very very generous and kind to all who camp or want YY robe. If we dont have the ToD from a shell member. Other's ALLWAYS /tell Fina (mega boss) the ToD or myself. our lot Rule are Lv 65+ SMNs can lot. That keeps many attendees and many very helpfull SMNs on our server. I also love SMN job as well as the other 30+ standard members.


            • #7
              Re: is there a way to keep up with ToD of Shikigami Weapon

              After reaching 70 & kicking Maats but, with gimped gear. I went on to join in the action for a double attack on Alzahbi. As I was purchasing a water staff, a smn sent a shout for Fenrir pt. So I figured I need the E.Ring, I may as well join in. To my surprise it's 5 smn & a nin. We made our way to Full Moon Fountain, needless to say we owned Fenny. Funny enough a smn71 wanted to take fenny on with carbies only & use AF (correct me if I'm wrong but that was the dumbest thing I've ever heard from someone that high), and he confessed that he does not have fenrir. Corrected the strategy, Spinning Dive FTW. The last smn arrives & to find out he was helping his mate with the Shikigami Weapon! Being a nice chap that he is, he gave me the pop time & ToD.

              So yeah, I finally got it. My LS is excited that we are gonna get this done, coz it would be the 1st time for them as well. Plus we only have 3 dedicated smn on the LS.
              Humpty Dumpty.....

              SMN 75


              • #8
                Re: is there a way to keep up with ToD of Shikigami Weapon

                Even with the ToD, getting this drop is somewhat of a pain.

                As is the NM for a few reasons. Roaming a good portion of the zone, doing so while invisible and untargetable, magic being the only thing that makes him appear (in a zone full of nothing but magic aggro mobs, to boot) and the fact he loves to spam Dia/Diaga among other things.

                If you're really serious about tracking and claiming this NM, hopefully you'll have some RNGs or BSTs on hand. Preferably RNG since they have a larger Wide Scan range than BST does. But RNG or BST, make sure either of them are subbing /WHM to aggro the NM with magic.

                The RNG should track, follow and aggro the mob with a fast spell, like a Bar-element spell. This will make the NM target the RNG and the RNG can whip out Shadowbind on the NM, allowing for a quick claim no matter which way the RNG is facing in relation to the mob.


                • #9
                  Re: is there a way to keep up with ToD of Shikigami Weapon

                  Originally posted by Dracko Of South Africa View Post
                  did you use the lucky egg, for THF?
                  Just to point this out, but if you're thinking of using a Lucky Egg for the rumored TH effect, I wouldn't waste time on that. Just like the Millionaire Desk, the TH effect is just a rumor, nothing more.

                  You're better off asking a THF to come along.
                  Last edited by LilithAngel; 03-02-2009, 05:49 AM. Reason: All the same, good luck to ya. My linkshell got through with that bastard a while ago, and he was, well... ...a bastard.


                  • #10
                    Re: is there a way to keep up with ToD of Shikigami Weapon

                    The key to quickly Claiming Shiki as a SMN is to have carby out with Sneak on at all times. Clear the one or two weapons near the lower ring and camp that spot with your wide scanner, I.E. (If you have a SMN 70 + u can /bst on it to give u a hugh grid range). Next Have several people start to clear the west area of weapons. should be about 5 weapons. I recommend to start the clearing about 10 mins till his ToD that should give your group just enough time to have the mobs cleared and a hugh space to start magic aggro when he pops. When he pops and u get claim, I suggest you fight near the first ring under pass area, by that group of rock debrie (westish). Good luck, YYR is a 50% drop rate so...


                    • #11
                      Re: is there a way to keep up with ToD of Shikigami Weapon

                      Damn I missed the pop time, thanks to my wife. I have to camp it today, as I have the estimated time. Provided that the nm was killed yesterday on the time that I had.

                      I appreciate & acknowledge all of the informaton you have furnished me with, I have taken note. My LS does have all the necessary jobs to kill the Shikigami Weapon.
                      Humpty Dumpty.....

                      SMN 75


                      • #12
                        Re: is there a way to keep up with ToD of Shikigami Weapon

                        Been Camping the Shiki for a week now & still have'nt managed to get a claim yet. The was a group of 3 Jap players that 2 successive claims & only got 1 drop. I know I'm competing with over 26 players at the moment & we all clutter the zone. The 1st time it popped right next to me & i was scanning at that time, while our teams whm was raising the PLD after aggoing a bomb type nms. I had to go as smn/rng, so I figure if I can find a RNG I can claim it faster than the other guys there.

                        Now I'm on track with the ToD, and it pops always on time. Frustrating, lack of sleep is taking its toll on me
                        Humpty Dumpty.....

                        SMN 75


                        • #13
                          Re: is there a way to keep up with ToD of Shikigami Weapon

                          I was asked to assist in looking for this NM last night. I was happy to becuase I'd never been there before. As a lvl 50 Bst with widescan I could see virtually the whole map I was pleasantly suprised.
                          My mates got the drop also so they were quite happy.
                          I know for a fact if I ever need that robe it's not going to drop first time nor will I get claim straight away. This game hates me lol.

                          Signature created by my good friend Naughtymistress, Remora server.


                          • #14
                            Re: is there a way to keep up with ToD of Shikigami Weapon

                            Yeah I hear you Satori, it's just the frustration of staying up all night or the pop happening while im still at work. I figure I'll get it sooner or later (though sooner sounds way better). I'll just continue camping Shiki, until i get it.

                            I know for a fact that my ls has at least 5 summoners, and the only 75 smn has this already. I the closest to the robe in terms of usage & it is a must have, I'm going to get my other smn friends to help me out with this
                            Humpty Dumpty.....

                            SMN 75


                            • #15
                              Re: is there a way to keep up with ToD of Shikigami Weapon

                              Originally posted by Dim Mahk View Post
                              Yes My Linkshell on Diablos Keeps Shikis' ToD at all times. Since we are a SMN link shell it is important to have that ToD. Our method of keeping ToD is because of our Reputation of the SMN LS and its mega boss. He is very very generous and kind to all who camp or want YY robe. If we dont have the ToD from a shell member. Other's ALLWAYS /tell Fina (mega boss) the ToD or myself. our lot Rule are Lv 65+ SMNs can lot. That keeps many attendees and many very helpfull SMNs on our server. I also love SMN job as well as the other 30+ standard members.
                              Right now I'm considering switching servers to Diablos, just for the robe. Camped it & nothing, depression is what's going to be the end result if I dont get it soon. Waking up at 4 o'clock in the morning to camp this nm is not a good sign!

                              How long does it take to switch servers & does it cost anything?
                              Humpty Dumpty.....

                              SMN 75

