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Need Help Macro For Summoner Please?!

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  • Need Help Macro For Summoner Please?!

    Im new to the whole macro thing because i ususally use my controler (xbox 360) but now im a summoner its a lot more complex so it would be harder to do it controler way so macros would be good.

    I dont know how to make them, could someone help me make them for me

    So far i have carbuncale, air spirit, ice spirit, earth spirit, water spirit.

    Could you help set it up so its easy for me to use? and able so i can copy and paste it for my newer summons.

    Also when do i get to absorb the mp from the spirits? if i can at level 1 could yu include it.


  • #2
    Re: Need Help Macro For Summoner Please?!

    Hi there...

    Wow, A lot of questions... where to start...

    When I first looked at Summoner, the best reference I every found was this site.


    It pritty much has all the answers for you, and also has a guide for macros.

    The only thing it does not have information on is the new ablilty "Elemental Syphon". This will allow you to take MP from your Elemental Spirts. You dont need to worry about this, because it is an level 50 ability.

    I hope this helps.


    • #3
      Re: Need Help Macro For Summoner Please?!

      Originally posted by Vatic View Post
      Hi there...

      Wow, A lot of questions... where to start...

      When I first looked at Summoner, the best reference I every found was this site.


      It pritty much has all the answers for you, and also has a guide for macros.

      The only thing it does not have information on is the new ablilty "Elemental Syphon". This will allow you to take MP from your Elemental Spirts. You dont need to worry about this, because it is an level 50 ability.

      I hope this helps.
      Thanks for the link it looks intresting ^^ Though umm ffxi wikipedia i looked and it looked very techincal switching books, changing sets. For a new person to that its a little


      • #4
        Re: Need Help Macro For Summoner Please?!

        Originally posted by Neo Android View Post
        Thanks for the link it looks intresting ^^ Though umm ffxi wikipedia i looked and it looked very techincal switching books, changing sets. For a new person to that its a little
        It really doesn't get that complicated until later on. At your level you can probably fit all the macros you will need in one set. Although once you get the other avatars it does get a bit difficult to fit them all on one set. Once you get to that point, an idea I see would be to have one default macro set. Example:

        Ctrl 1 (Ifrit)
        /ma "Ifrit" <me>
        /wait 6
        /macro set 2

        Hitting that will switch you over to your "Ifrit" set which includes all Blood Pacts for Ifrit. Then reserve a macro in your Ifrit set to bring you back to your default one, or just do the following:

        /pet "Fire II" <t>
        /wait 3
        /pet "Release" <me>
        /wait 1
        /macro set 1

        (The wait times are just guesses. I don't remember how long casting time is for these abilities.)

        I guess it does look kinda complicated... but like I said, you don't really have to worry about that until you get more avatars.


        • #5
          Re: Need Help Macro For Summoner Please?!

          This is a example set off that site i posted is it any good?

          So you have a book devoted to smn then in the sub bits you have the summons? And then a a spearate attack/blood pact/release button. Since im level 1 i dont have any real equipment to equip.

          Like this person has it

          Alt 1 Carbuncle
          /ma "Carbuncle" <me>
          /wait 9
          /pet "Assault" <bt> ===== shouldnt this be <t> so i could do a carby pull?

          The have a sepearate assault macro incase of switching targets?

          Ctrl 1 Release
          /echo ~~~ Avatar Released ~~~
          /pet "Release" <me>
          /echo ~~~ 32 seconds til next recast ~~~
          /wait 32
          /echo ~~~ Avatar Ready!!! ~~~

          Then for damamge have it all in 1?

          Alt 0

          /pet "Double Punch" <bt>
          /pet "Megalith Throw" <bt>
          /pet "Meteorite" <bt>
          /pet "Double Slap" <bt>
          /pet "Thunderspark" <bt>
          /pet "Tail Whip" <bt>

          also how do i add a little extra so when i summon carby i can use something for words that everyone see's?

          I have also been told its best to switch the <bt> to <st>


          • #6
            Re: Need Help Macro For Summoner Please?!

            Originally posted by Silent Howler View Post
            It really doesn't get that complicated until later on. At your level you can probably fit all the macros you will need in one set. Although once you get the other avatars it does get a bit difficult to fit them all on one set. Once you get to that point, an idea I see would be to have one default macro set. Example:

            Ctrl 1 (Ifrit)
            /ma "Ifrit" <me>
            /wait 6
            /macro set 2

            Hitting that will switch you over to your "Ifrit" set which includes all Blood Pacts for Ifrit. Then reserve a macro in your Ifrit set to bring you back to your default one, or just do the following:

            /pet "Fire II" <t>
            /wait 3
            /pet "Release" <me>
            /wait 1
            /macro set 1

            (The wait times are just guesses. I don't remember how long casting time is for these abilities.)

            I guess it does look kinda complicated... but like I said, you don't really have to worry about that until you get more avatars.
            This is a big thank you. I did not know you can switch to sets of macros. This will help me on blue mage because now I can set all my self skill chain macros to one set and jump to them after I do a CA.
            PSN ID: Kelshan
            Completed: F.E.A.R., Bioshock, Turok, The Darkness, Viking: Battle of Asgard, Timeshift, Folklore, Time Crisis 4, Dark Sector, Heavenly Sword, Resistance: Fall of Man, Ninja Gaiden Sigma, The Orange Box, DBZ: Burst Limit, Assassin's Creed, Lair, Overlord, Fracture, Condemned 2, Legendary, BattleField Bad Company 2, Infamous, UT3, Far Cry 2, Resistance 2, Borderlands
            Currently Playing: MW2 (Stuck in broken Phat PS3 ), Call of Juarez


            • #7
              Re: Need Help Macro For Summoner Please?!

              Here's what I did;

              I have all my summons on the CTR area of my 1st page, with my Astral Flow JA up there as well. I put assault, retreat and release on Alt.

              Then on my 2nd page, I made generic pact macros like the following;

              /pet "Crescent Fang" <t>
              /pet "Camissado" <t>
              /pet "Poison Nails" <t>

              That way, when I hit the macro, it will attempt to fire off whatever BP correlates to the pet that's out (VERY handy for astral flow, but you need 2 macros since there are 9 avatars) this way I end up saving space and I don't have to hop through a tonne of menus to reach each avatar's lists.

              Towards the higher levels you only use a few of their pacts anyway. I'll give you a few more.

              CTR+2 for example is labelled "Nuke"

              /pet "Stone II" <t>
              /pet "Water II" <t>
              /pet "Aero II" <t>
              /pet "Fire II" <t>
              /pet "Blizzard II" <t>
              /pet "Thunder II" <t>

              With this macro, regardless of which celestial avatar is out, I can just use this one macro to fire off their tier 2 nuke (rewrite to " IV " once you're 60+)

              And finally the healing macro;

              /pet "Healing Ruby" <st> (because you likely want to heal someone in the PT)
              /pet "Spring Water" <me>
              /pet "Whispering Wind" <me>

              and that's all 3 healing pacts in 1 macro. Now, Carby eventually gets Ruby II so you'll want to edit it later, and maybe change the target to yourself since it's an AoE idk.

              EDIT: Forgot the actual summoning macros.

              /pet "Release" <me>
              /wait 1
              /ma "Carbuncle" <me>
              /wait 9
              /pet "Assault" <t>
              Last edited by Malacite; 06-30-2008, 08:28 AM.

              "BLAH BLAH BLAH TIDAL WAVE!!!"


              • #8
                Re: Need Help Macro For Summoner Please?!

                Well the whole book would be for Summoner. There's a reason why they give us 20 books when there are 20 jobs in the game. But you would have to reserve the first set in your Summoner book as your "default" set, which you use to swap to your other avatar sets within the book.

                They explain the <bt> part on the Summoner site. "Having <bt> battle target means it doesn't matter what you have targeted, the avatar will attack only the monster whose name is red, unless no monster is red then it will attack what ever you have targeted" So yes, you can still pull with <bt>.

                The macros they have seem a little... confusing, but it looks like they have a summon macro (which includes "Assault." I guess the reason for that is usually the Summoner is in the back row, so using the Assault command pushes him closer to the enemy), a release macro, and a damage macro for each summon.

                Personally I don't think you should ever use <st>. I would use either <stpc> (select target player character) or <stnpc> (select target non-player character). I guess it depends on whether you are using Rage or Ward. <bt> is the quickest, but if you're dealing with more than one mob then you may want to use <stnpc>.
                Last edited by Silent Howler; 06-30-2008, 08:32 AM.


                • #9
                  Re: Need Help Macro For Summoner Please?!

                  Damn it's been a while since I saw that site. For a while it was down, and someone had posted the macro info on Alla (that's where I got it from originally) nice to see it's back up.

                  "BLAH BLAH BLAH TIDAL WAVE!!!"


                  • #10
                    Re: Need Help Macro For Summoner Please?!

                    Okay well what i have done is put all the summons on one set (set 1) then carbys abilitys i have on set 4 so when i summon him, he goes automatically to the set where his abilitys are. I have a release thing on his healing ruby but i also have a release macro on that set. Does that sound okay, i mean its working fine. The elementals different story im guessing.


                    • #11
                      Re: Need Help Macro For Summoner Please?!

                      As long as it works, it's fine. I suppose you could just put your spirit avatars in your first set, but I really can't remember the last time anyone used one for something other than Elemental Siphon. That's pretty much their only purpose now.


                      • #12
                        Re: Need Help Macro For Summoner Please?!

                        Originally posted by Silent Howler View Post
                        As long as it works, it's fine. I suppose you could just put your spirit avatars in your first set, but I really can't remember the last time anyone used one for something other than Elemental Siphon. That's pretty much their only purpose now.
                        I was going to the spirit avatars into a set i have free once i get to level 50, etc at the minute there too much of a drain on mp

