Is no secret I'm a big fan of VIII and that I would rather have SeeD than all the WotG and Aht Urgan jobs put together, but I digress.
Anyway, in VIII you junction with GFs (along with magic) to gain stat boosts and abilities. Now, even though that would be difficult to implement on XI I was thinking maybe a good way to make it more desireble for SMNs to keep their avatars out (instead of the MP waste they seem to be for the most part outside BPs) would be making the Avatars enhance elementally aligned stats/attributes for all party members withing xp range (or maybe smaller range, it would really depend on the implementation).
This would also depend on the Vana day of the week.
(Disclaimer: The following bonus amounts are for explanatory purposes only.
Also note the bonus would need to be based on SMN skill by tiers and not stackable if another SMN or /SMN has the same avatar out too, so only the stronger bonus would apply)
Say you have Shiva out, Ice alligned stats include INT and M. Att, so, if you had Shiva out everyone in the party could recieve an INT +10 and M. att +10 bonus on a regular day, +5 on Firesday and +15 on Iceday. As well as elemental resistence bonus/penalty with the amount varying depending on Avatar/day combo.
This would give smn a good excuse to keep avatars out (probably fighting) while providing tangible benefits to the party depending on the setup/situation.
I'm thinking on the lines of something like this:
Ifrit - STR/Att/R. Att
Shiva - INT/M. Att/(M. Acc?)
Garuda - AGI/Evasion/R. Acc/Enemy Critical rate down
Titan - VIT/DEF/physical dmg taken -4% (-2% and -6%)
Ramuh - DEX/Acc/Critical hit rate up
Leviathan - MND/M. Def/Resistence to status
Carby - CHR/MaxHP/Auto-Regen (+3HP/tick)
Diabolos - MaxMP/Dark magic bonus/Posibly Refresh (1mp/tick) or something
Fenrir - Lower boost to all stats (+4?) with said bonus varying depending on day of the week (+2 to +6), and direct bonus to acc/eva (+20 total) with distribution depending on Moon phase.
Also need to make the bonuses good enough to be worth the MP spent on keeping Avatars out instead of saving it for Cure III and Erase.
What do the SMNs here think about it?
I kinda hate the job as it is right now, but if something like this was done I think I'd like to play SMN again.
PS > Sorry if I got stat/element correlations wrong, I'm typing this from memory with very limited time. Yay work bored at work.
Anyway, in VIII you junction with GFs (along with magic) to gain stat boosts and abilities. Now, even though that would be difficult to implement on XI I was thinking maybe a good way to make it more desireble for SMNs to keep their avatars out (instead of the MP waste they seem to be for the most part outside BPs) would be making the Avatars enhance elementally aligned stats/attributes for all party members withing xp range (or maybe smaller range, it would really depend on the implementation).
This would also depend on the Vana day of the week.
(Disclaimer: The following bonus amounts are for explanatory purposes only.

Say you have Shiva out, Ice alligned stats include INT and M. Att, so, if you had Shiva out everyone in the party could recieve an INT +10 and M. att +10 bonus on a regular day, +5 on Firesday and +15 on Iceday. As well as elemental resistence bonus/penalty with the amount varying depending on Avatar/day combo.
This would give smn a good excuse to keep avatars out (probably fighting) while providing tangible benefits to the party depending on the setup/situation.
I'm thinking on the lines of something like this:
Ifrit - STR/Att/R. Att
Shiva - INT/M. Att/(M. Acc?)
Garuda - AGI/Evasion/R. Acc/Enemy Critical rate down
Titan - VIT/DEF/physical dmg taken -4% (-2% and -6%)
Ramuh - DEX/Acc/Critical hit rate up
Leviathan - MND/M. Def/Resistence to status
Carby - CHR/MaxHP/Auto-Regen (+3HP/tick)
Diabolos - MaxMP/Dark magic bonus/Posibly Refresh (1mp/tick) or something
Fenrir - Lower boost to all stats (+4?) with said bonus varying depending on day of the week (+2 to +6), and direct bonus to acc/eva (+20 total) with distribution depending on Moon phase.
Also need to make the bonuses good enough to be worth the MP spent on keeping Avatars out instead of saving it for Cure III and Erase.
What do the SMNs here think about it?
I kinda hate the job as it is right now, but if something like this was done I think I'd like to play SMN again.

PS > Sorry if I got stat/element correlations wrong, I'm typing this from memory with very limited time. Yay work bored at work.
