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summoner update ideal.

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  • #31
    Re: summoner update ideal.

    ya i hope they have an update darn u SE


    • #32
      Re: summoner update ideal.

      Also, not all blood pacts are physical. Some are spells, and if I'm not wrong, spells are never based on TP (some Blue Magic spells don't count).
      Err, you're how high lv a SMN now? A lot of magical (and ONLY magical) BPs are TP based.



      • #33
        Re: summoner update ideal.

        i only got lvl 1 smn but im doin some homework


        • #34
          Re: summoner update ideal.

          He was referring to me.

          Actually, I never knew that the magical BPs were based on TP. I know they had some Black Magic spells but I always thought those were strictly spells and weren't based on TP like Black Magic spells were. I didn't think much about the others. O.o

          You learn something new every day don't you...


          • #35
            Re: summoner update ideal.

            Yeah. Astral Flow isn't TP based I don't think, but it's oh-so-fun magic bursting it >.>b


            I used to have a site bookmarked that listed specifically which pacts use TP, but it got taken down or something...

            I believe it's all magical pacts (except Astral) that attack and heal that use TP. Buffs don't. (Tier 2/4 nukes, healing ruby etc)
            Last edited by Malacite; 12-22-2007, 03:27 PM.

            "BLAH BLAH BLAH TIDAL WAVE!!!"


            • #36
              Re: summoner update ideal.

              Maybe summoner and the rest of the jobs might get an update in jan 2008? Only time will tell.


              • #37
                Re: summoner update ideal.

                ya i hope so SMN really didnt get all that great of a chance to be a good class...


                • #38
                  Re: summoner update ideal.

                  It's a good class, it just needs an overhaul.

                  Everything it needs is there, we're just waiting for SE to their act together and shift the focus to summoning rather than curing.

                  "BLAH BLAH BLAH TIDAL WAVE!!!"


                  • #39
                    Re: summoner update ideal.

                    Only way i see that is make it so smn can't use spells while an avatar is out and 2, make it so they can't cast spells thats are not native to summoner have higher chances of resisting, like say, 80% chance.
                    Adventures of Akashimo Hakubi & Nekoai Nanashi


                    • #40
                      Re: summoner update ideal.

                      Originally posted by Akashimo View Post
                      1, Only way i see that is make it so smn can't use spells while an avatar is out and 2, make it so they can't cast spells thats are not native to summoner have higher chances of resisting, like say, 80% chance.
                      1. Well, that would be bad if you're out of an experience party since you're on your free will. In an experience party, it wouldn't make too much of a difference since Summoners usually don't even have an avatar out or never cast anything while an avatar is out since it would be better to release the avatar and then cast a spell. Also, either way, people wouldn't invite Summoners if we were unable to heal since no one considers us useful as a DD (I don't blame them sometimes) and the whole reason people invited us was because of that thought. "Summoner itself doesn't seem useful, so let's make it a healer for our party." "Didn't you read the update? They can't heal anymore." "Really? That sucks. I guess we just don't invite them unless it's the only job left in our level range."

                      2. That may defeat the purpose of Summoner being a backup healer in any kind of party if the party decides that the Summoner DDs and backup heals. Plus, the idea might cause frustration while soloing.


                      1. Summoner uses Cure III.
                      2. Summoner restores 40 HP leaving the Summoner with 238/683 HP.
                      3. Summoner uses Cure III again.
                      4. Summoner restores 56 HP leaving thw Summoner with 294/683 HP.
                      5. Summoner uses Cure III again.
                      6. Summoner restores 200 HP leaving the Summoner with 494/683 HP.
                      7. The Summoner jumps for joy since the last Cure II did not get resisted, but is disappointed in how much MP it took to finally get an unresisted Cure III.

                      Aaliyah is more than a woman and she graduated with a 4.0 GPA (she only had 1 "C" grade ever in her life).

                      I bolded and underlined the "is" just for you, Malacite.


                      • #41
                        Re: summoner update ideal.

                        1) multiply the dmg caused by avatars by 2 for both dot and BP, and add enchantment to their attacks.

                        2) or...make bp cost close to nil mana and/or more availability of -perp cost at lower level (or they can get rid of -perp altogether and just put a 1 min cooldown on any summons instead)

                        3) give summoners some basic base spells (i.e. cures, raise, and single elm nukes)
                        (Leo-Taru realizes his 'plants' withered away when the heater stopped working.)


                        • #42
                          Re: summoner update ideal.

                          Originally posted by Chucklez_1 View Post
                          1) multiply the dmg caused by avatars by 2 for both dot and BP, and add enchantment to their attacks.

                          2) or...make bp cost close to nil mana and/or more availability of -perp cost at lower level (or they can get rid of -perp altogether and just put a 1 min cooldown on any summons instead)

                          3) give summoners some basic base spells (i.e. cures, raise, and single elm nukes)
                          1. Too much. I know we're not considered a DD at times, but we're not that weak as to give us a 2x boost.

                          2. More perpetuaton gear at lower levels would actually be nice.

                          3. That wouldn't make Summoners unique. Plus, we have those spells, but it's just in a different form. Healing Ruby is like a cure, but the higher lvl you get, the more it will heal more. Other spells spells that we have are exactly alike but in AOE form. Example: Earthen Ward is an AOE Stoneskin, but it's treated as it's own spell rather than calling it Stoneskinga (with the exception of Hastega also).

                          Aaliyah is more than a woman and she graduated with a 4.0 GPA (she only had 1 "C" grade ever in her life).

                          I bolded and underlined the "is" just for you, Malacite.


                          • #43
                            Re: summoner update ideal.

                            1) Heh I can understand how it can be OP against lower level mobs, but imho, it's not that powerful compared to higher mobs because of 1) high inaccuracy 2) miss rate is just plain awful 3) BP are pretty crappy even w/ TP and 4) dmg is cut by at least 1/2. It just justifies the cost of the perpetuation.

                            3) It's true that we have such form through our avatars, but it's in a 1 min cooldown. Although, you are right about summoner losing their 'uniqueness' (heck scholars remind me of rdm pre convert/refresh/gravity days). I'd stick by my judgement though although, they can create factors of what spells you can only cast. For example, having shiva out will allow you to cast any ice element spells but only those spells and w/e spells that are activated through your sub. But I have a feeling that it would be way too OP (I can imagine the posts in the blm forums now: "They took our jobs!")
                            (Leo-Taru realizes his 'plants' withered away when the heater stopped working.)


                            • #44
                              Re: summoner update ideal.

                              Ok its a cool class and SE just needs to do an overhaul... So why if so many people complain, why dont they just do an update? May not be easy but it would be nice if they just said yes there will be an update in the future... Just saying it would be nice...


                              • #45
                                Re: summoner update ideal.

                                Originally posted by Chubsmgee View Post
                                Ok its a cool class and SE just needs to do an overhaul... So why if so many people complain, why dont they just do an update? May not be easy but it would be nice if they just said yes there will be an update in the future... Just saying it would be nice...
                                Just look at how long it took SE to fix DRG...

                                "BLAH BLAH BLAH TIDAL WAVE!!!"

