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Video SMN solo it okay?

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  • Video SMN solo it okay?

    So I decided to make a video on SMN Bomb soloing via carby kite. I think I either did too much or too little. Any suggestions?

    (I don't know how to embed in forums quite yet ><)

  • #2
    Re: Video SMN solo it okay?

    It's a nice visual guide. I'm sure it will help some summoners who are new to carby kiting.
    You look like you're lagging a bit though /comfort


    • #3
      Re: Video SMN solo it okay?

      Is kiting with Carbs pretty much the only way SMNs solo? I had a go at it the other day at Lv52 on Snolls in Uleguerand and found it incredibly tedious, not to mention dangerous. Are there other options or is that more or less it?

      After soloing quite happily on my BLM, I can't help but wonder if there are better options open to SMN as well. Have any SMN tried soloing low HP mobs like Qiqirn yet or has the idea already been proven to be a waste of time?


      • #4
        Re: Video SMN solo it okay?

        looks good to me. As an aspiring summoner that actually answered a few of my questions about it. Thanks!


        • #5
          Re: Video SMN solo it okay?

          You could try soloing pet mobs using non-carby avatars.
          I don't know how well it would work though.


          • #6
            Re: Video SMN solo it okay?


            There you go.

            Edit > It's a really nice video too.

            Edit +1 > I haven't played SMN so I don't know if it lacks something, but that guide will definitely help me if I ever decide on leveling the job. ^^
            Last edited by Raydeus; 10-13-2007, 08:13 AM.
            "In this world, the one who has the most fun is the winner!" C.B.
            Prishe's Knight 2004-Forever.



            • #7
              Re: Video SMN solo it okay?

              I've never bomb-kited (not at a point where I can do that yet), but this has answered the questions I had about it - {Good job!}
              Wii Number - 2810 2423 4673 3261 - Please PM me if you add me!
              How to ask smart questions:

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              • #8
                Re: Video SMN solo it okay?

                Nice vid ^^b

                Wish I had fraps ><

                "BLAH BLAH BLAH TIDAL WAVE!!!"


                • #9
                  Re: Video SMN solo it okay?

                  Originally posted by Wiseman40 View Post
                  It's a nice visual guide. I'm sure it will help some summoners who are new to carby kiting.
                  You look like you're lagging a bit though /comfort
                  Yep, I'm lagging. Stupid Antivirus program.

                  Originally posted by Feenicks View Post
                  Is kiting with Carbs pretty much the only way SMNs solo? I had a go at it the other day at Lv52 on Snolls in Uleguerand and found it incredibly tedious, not to mention dangerous. Are there other options or is that more or less it?
                  After soloing quite happily on my BLM, I can't help but wonder if there are better options open to SMN as well. Have any SMN tried soloing low HP mobs like Qiqirn yet or has the idea already been proven to be a waste of time?
                  There are other ways of soloing, but the video only covers carby-kiting bombs. Snolls tend to be particularly harder than Bombs, so therein lies your problem

                  Bombs have only two Feral Skills: Berserk and Self-Destruct. Assuming they choose their weapon skills at random, they have a 50% chance of self-detonating.

                  Snolls have three Feral Skills: Berserk, Cold Wave (AoE Frost effect), and Hypothermal Combustion (Self-destruct). Assuming they choose their weapon skills at random, they have a 33% chance of self-detonating.

                  There are some other mobs that aslo self-destruct:

                  Clusters are capable of self-destructing, but are far more dangerous than normal bombs and have quite a few more Feral Skills. I don't know much about clusters.

                  Magic Dolls are capable of self-destructing, but have several Feral Skills. They are suseptible to Hand-to-Hand damage if I'm not mistaken, so that can be an alternate way to solo them.

                  Bees have only three Feral Skills: Pollen (Curative), Sharp Sting, and Final Sting, the latter of which is self-destruct. I would not recommend trying to fight these suckers, since they can not only cure themselves but also tend to link in the upper levels.

                  Goblins are also a nice target, but there's only so much of a chance that Bomb Toss will be a kamikaze. They link anyway, so I wouldn't recommend it. Moblins aggro, link, and they don't self-destruct but they can be fun to fight since some of their Feral Skills backfire. *snrk*


                  • #10
                    Re: Video SMN solo it okay?

                    I love it!
                    "Kill One, Scare a Hundred. Kill a Hundred, Conquer a Thousand." - (Unknown)
                    "To remind that all humans make mistakes, and that all leaders are but human." - Leto Atreides II

