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Having problems soloing Titan

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  • Having problems soloing Titan

    I have tried 4 times to solo Titan and have had no luck with it(1 time I got him down to 50% hp, the others not close to that). I am using the 3 searing light tactict(at least trying to) but I seem to have problems getting to do the 3 searing lights. I am usually able to get 1 searing light off but after that it usually goes down hill. The problems I am having are:

    1) after searing light hits I am not able to get carby out before Titan kills me
    2) cannot get carby to last long enough to do a 2nd searing light(he usually gets killed and then #1 usually happens)
    3) I am getting killed because carby gets killed before I can get astral flow to work(I am usually waiting to do astral flow until carby attacks Titan to give a few extra secs if I can get to do 3 searing lights)

    For the fight I have been taking 4 Hi-Ethers, 4 Yag drinks, and steamed crab(no steamed crayfish available)(using it for the + def)--I haven't been bringing any potions(+ hp) because I figure that if I do the fight right I shouldn't need them(plus I have cure)

    I have been casting barstone and protect before the fight

    the gear I have been using is:
    Hermets wand(I think it is this 1-the wand that gives -25% spell inturreption)
    onix earings x2 and onix rings x2
    silk neck thing(sorry that I can't remember the name)
    Zilots mitts
    mage's sandels
    the lvl 7 cape(def of 1)
    black cape(I think)
    legs(I forget-nothing special)

    I am wondering:
    why carby seems to be dying so quick and why I am having so much trouble re-casting him with a -25% spell inturreption equiptment? Also, would I be better off trying to spam Banish and poison nails instead of trying to get searing light to stick 3 times.
    u have to know when to hold them, know when to fold them

  • #2
    Re: Having problems soloing Titan

    Originally posted by DR2D2 View Post
    For the fight I have been taking 4 Hi-Ethers...
    That might be your problem right there. From the advice I've gotten, most people actually suggest that you don't use Hi-Ether, but regular Ethers instead. This is because Hi-Ethers take so much longer to use. There are times where you can pull off using a Hi-Ether, but it's generally a safer bet to go with normal Ethers.

    Originally posted by DR2D2 View Post
    I haven't been bringing any potions(+ hp) because I figure that if I do the fight right I shouldn't need them(plus I have cure)
    Edit: Oh, and this is another thing... Potions are very important. I would have lost my fight against Ifrit if I didn't bring any. (He's the only one I have so far.) Remember, you need at least 44mp to be able to use Carby's Searing Light. You might have cure, but after you use your first Searing Light your MP drops dramatically. And in my experience, I have never used Cure because I always needed the MP for Searing Light. Potions are highly recommended.
    Last edited by Silent Howler; 08-09-2007, 04:50 PM.


    • #3
      Re: Having problems soloing Titan

      Potions are probably the most important things, next to yagudo drinks, of course. For my fights, all I have are 2 yagudo drinks, and 7+ potions (or was it hi-pots?) to be safe. With the Yagudo drinks alone you will be fine in terms of generating enough MP for searing light. The pots are what keeps you alive.

      My methods were:

      1) Cast your buffs, use yagudo drink
      2) Just a step before the "crack" on the ground of the "third partition", start casting carbuncle. Even at that distance the casting aggro will pull the avatar. Carbuncle will intercept the avatar without you having to cast assault.
      3) Once Carbuncle hits the avatar once, move close to the avatar, use Astral Flow and immediately cast Searing light. (Having them on macros makes it easier)
      4) Run immediately to the lower crystal. You can use an either if you want, but you don't have too.
      5) Once carbuncle disappears, immediately cast him again. He should be out long before the avatar gets to you. The avatar may swing at you a few times. Wait until Carby gets aggro back. Hang around there until you have 44 MP.
      6) Cast Searing light a 2nd time. Check your HP. If you have under 200 HP, use a potion (or two) to gain back 100 HP. You'll need the HP just in case you get hit by the 2-hr ability.
      7) Run like a mad man to the center partition. Use another ether or Yagudo drink if you think the first one is running out, or just to be safe. Be ready to cast carbuncle.
      8) Once carby dies, immediately cast him again. If for some reason you don't have time to recast, like if he died because of the 2-hr, just keep recasting and use pots if your HP get low. Once you cast carby hang around until you have 44 MP.
      9) Cast Searing Light and watch the cut-scene.

      Here is a youtube video of the method I am describing:


      • #4
        Re: Having problems soloing Titan

        Yeah, a word of warning about the avatar's 2-hour blood pact. From what I hear, there is a pretty good chance that right when you use your second Searing Light, or shortly after, the avatar will get ready to use their own. Don't freak out and run away when that happens. Remember, you should stand near Carby until he jumps up into the air. If you run off too quickly, the avatar will follow and could move out of range of Carby before he finishes using Searing Light. Not a good thing. So, there is a pretty good chance of you being hit by their 2-hour blood pact when your second Searing Light comes around. You might be safe with 200 HP, but if you have time, it would be a good idea to use a potion just to make sure you don't get killed. And if you do get hit, that's when it's nice to have Hi-Potions.

