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Bloodpacts, which are usefull and which aren't?

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  • #31
    Re: Bloodpacts, which are usefull and which aren't?

    Whispering Wind vs. Spring Water - O.o; People like WW over SW? Thats just nutty. Only time that I have replaced SW is with Healing Ruby II, mainly because I can keep out Carby while I'm main healing for nothing in case I need an emergency hate-free AoE Cure.

    BPs I have found useful:

    Healing Ruby- Most people might overlook this, but having Healing Ruby I can be a really nice boost when main healing. When main healing I usually keep Carby out for Healing Ruby (until Healing Ruby II), and for a spare Meteorite when I have excess MP.

    Spring Water- Doesn't really need explaining does it?

    Crimson Howl- Some people might look over this, but I have actually used it in a party before when I was DDing. I'd use Crimson Howl when the mob was at about 50% HP, then the melees would do their Skillchain and I'd pull out a 200-350 damage Double Punch. Ifrit can actually be fairly useful for DDing post- Crimson Howl in the right party set up (namely one where you don't have to do much healing).

    Hastega- Actually just had a party last night in Mt. Zhayolm where I found myself using Hastega. Party setup was NIN, WAR, DRK, RNG, BRD, SMN (me). We were fighting Magmatic Erucas, party level range was 64-66. In this situation, normally I would be using Ecliptic Howl with an Earthen Ward tossed in every now and then, but the problem was that the Moon phase was about 15%, so Fenrir isn't very useful. Earthen Ward was decent, but the NIN was tanking so well it wasn't being used to its fullest potential. Wracking my brain for other buffs I could do, I finally decided to try out Hastega. I was able to keep up Hastega reliably while curing at the same time, and even had enough MP to toss in an Aero IV every now and then for extra damage. Worked out pretty well, have to admit.

    Ultimate Terror- For me, this BP shined around level 40 or so when I wasn't needed as a healer. I could reliably drain about 4+ stats from the mob. Not exceptional, but options are somewhat limited at that level. Not saying I'd use it now, but at that point in time it had its uses. I have heard that Ultimate Terror can be useful in Dynamis, but couldn't expound upon that personally.

    Shining Ruby- Towards the lower levels, and mid levels when I was keeping Carby out when main healing, Shining Ruby was decent. Doesn't really cost that much MP, AoE Def and MDef buff. Fairly useful.

    Aerial Armor- Incredibly useful in PLD parties, particularly in the 20's and 30's. Doesn't really need explaining, but loses a lot of its effectiveness at higher levels when over 1/2 your melees are NIN or /NIN.

    Sleepga- I'm suprised no one has mentioned this yet. I've been saved by Sleepga many times, mainly due to lazy BLMs in mission fights and on NMs like the Dobsonflies and such. Very useful to pop a Sleepga before using Diamond Dust.

    Crescent Fang- The Paralyze proc rate on this attack is actually fairly high. Coupled with it being Fenrir's highest damage attack until Eclipse Bite, I used it a lot from 20-65. Can reliably hit for 100-200+ damage in the 50's and early 60's.

    Ecliptic Growl/Howl- Towards Full Moon, they rock for exp. Towards New Moon, lol. But then again, everyone knows that

    Other BPs:
    Frost Armor- I've never really felt the urge to use this, really. There have always been better options open. I suppose it might be somewhat useful with a PLD tank, but thats about it.

    Megalith Throw- I've experienced about a 50% Acc rate (roughly) with this BP. Only time I really used it was when I was popping Titan out for Earthen Ward and wanted to toss in some extra damage as well. Haven't used it since I've gotten Stone IV though.

    Noctoshield- Haven't ever really seen much use in this. Even with a PLD tank, Fenrir's BPs and Earthen Ward are usually my buffs of choice. Just costs too much MP to be valid. Might be useful in certain situations at higher levels, but I have yet to see them.

    Dream Shroud- Don't party with too many BLMs nowadays, so right now its just a minor buff to Nether Blast. I have seen this work well in Dynamis, however.

    Nightmare- Haven't really used this much. For AoE Sleep I usually use Sleepga as I've personally found it tends to have a better stick rate. But like I said, I haven't used it a lot, so I can't say for sure.

    Rolling Thunder/Lightning Armor- lol >_>;
    RDM 75 - SMN 72 - WHM 37 - BLM 37 - DRK 37 -
    Bastok Rank 10 Completed
    Rise of the Zilart 16 "The Celestial Nexus"
    Chains of Promathia 8 - 1 "Garden of Antiquity"
    Treasures of Aht Urghan 13 "Lost Kingdom"

