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Do YOu Use Smn In A Party?

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  • #16
    Re: Do YOu Use Smn In A Party?

    Please ignore this. I want to start a new thread. Sorry about this. (I started posting a reply, but couldn't delete it afterwards)
    I'm Sorry.
    Last edited by Snowball; 07-16-2007, 08:38 PM.
    (\ /)
    ( . .)


    • #17
      Re: Do YOu Use Smn In A Party?

      lol DRG i personally dont like it. i feel to restricted. im currently a level 30 smn with all avatars except fenrir and diabolos. i still love it to bits and plan to take it all the way to lvl 75

      75 Summoner
      37 White Mage

      75 Red Mage
      37 White Mage

      Rank: 7
      Currently Leveling: WHM


      • #18
        Re: Do YOu Use Smn In A Party?

        Originally posted by emeraldpearl View Post
        lol DRG i personally dont like it. i feel to restricted. im currently a level 30 smn with all avatars except fenrir and diabolos. i still love it to bits and plan to take it all the way to lvl 75
        You see..... that's exactly the way I feel about Smn. I don't like the mp restrictions! And so I go and try for DRG instead. At least you can have the Wyvern out for "MUCH" longer than a few seconds at a time, which is more than can be said for a plain, dull Smn!

        I really love the look and style of all the weird and wacky Smn pets, I think they're all really great too, but like I said before..... damned horrible mp resrictions! /big sigh!

        Now, DRG has this really cool ability called "Jump!"
        I can't wait to try THAT one out for size!

        Edit : Btw, I really love your avatar, especially your sig too.
        I can't take my eyes off all those beautiful pets.
        Last edited by Snowball; 07-17-2007, 11:00 AM.
        (\ /)
        ( . .)


        • #19
          Re: Do YOu Use Smn In A Party?

          emeraldpearl, your sig takes up pretty much my entire computer screen.


          • #20
            Re: Do YOu Use Smn In A Party?

            Originally posted by Feenicks View Post
            emeraldpearl, your sig takes up pretty much my entire computer screen.
            lol, everyone keeps saying that. Again, I suggest using a spoiler block.

            Smn by far requires more dedication to obtain than any other job. It's not something you can just pick up and play. It takes a lot of work. And one of my lvl 75 smn friends explained how high level summoners get more respect from people, because everyone knows how hard it was from them to get to that point.

            And for the first time today I got to see my smn friend in action, and she had leviathan out for at least a minute or two and I hardly noticed a dent in her mp. The mp drain isn't so big of an issue higher up.

            So basically, in the long run smn pays off, but you are never going to get there if you don't have the patients and willingness to do so.


            • #21
              Re: Do YOu Use Smn In A Party?

              Originally posted by emeraldpearl View Post
              lol DRG i personally dont like it. i feel to restricted. im currently a level 30 smn with all avatars except fenrir and diabolos. i still love it to bits and plan to take it all the way to lvl 75

              lolDRG, what? >.> How can DRG feel restricted? Cause you enjoy the prospect of main healing from 30-75? Really though, you can party well w/Drg, one of the few that open light and dark skillchains, solo even from lower levels right up through 75 for a crazy fun time actually, then pop an aggressive wyvern sub job up and go catch a party to break the monotony if you get bored...
              DRG has a wide range of bits really. But that's not what this threads about. ; p

              SMN is an easier job to catch if you understand the basics of mage-type jobs, managing your mp and all that. Additionally I love how it keeps you on your toes keeping all the SMN buffs up, hitting your Bloodpact: Rages, backing up your main heal.. Personally, I don't feel SMN should be main heal till much later, like maybe till Garuda and/or Leviathan's Healing Wards. Without a solid tank it's just far too easy to pull a mass amount of hate spamming Cure IIs, not having emergency Cure III, Regens, and godforbid Raise.

              Additionally, it requires LOTS of research. Course I'm a book-geek so reading's no stress on me. YMMV


              • #22
                Re: Do YOu Use Smn In A Party?

                Originally posted by fencingkitty View Post
                Additionally, it requires LOTS of research. Course I'm a book-geek so reading's no stress on me. YMMV
                What exactly needs to be researched with SMN? Like you said, you just need to understand the basic mechanic of any mage job, mp conservation. The job does get boring, but if you can actually multi-task properly, it is alot more hands on than most melee jobs. Meaning, you have to actually sit there and pay attention to your PT and deciding which BP would benefit them most, and also trying to keep everyone alive.


                • #23
                  Re: Do YOu Use Smn In A Party?

                  I will say this: SMN is definatly easier to level if you already have a level 75 job. Being able to get the Celestial Avatars from their Prime versions is much less of a hassle than doing the 20 fights (although I am rather bummed I didn't earn them from the 20 fights... might have to go back and do them.). Getting the Carby Mitts is tons easier than doing it as a 20 SMN. In addition, you'll be able to have Fenrir and Diabolos for your whole SMN career, not just when you get to 70+.

                  But on another note, I'll also say this: I have a ton of respect for people who take SMN as their first main job to 75. Its not easy at all, and takes a lot of dedication.
                  RDM 75 - SMN 72 - WHM 37 - BLM 37 - DRK 37 -
                  Bastok Rank 10 Completed
                  Rise of the Zilart 16 "The Celestial Nexus"
                  Chains of Promathia 8 - 1 "Garden of Antiquity"
                  Treasures of Aht Urghan 13 "Lost Kingdom"

