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Level 60 Avatar battles?

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  • Level 60 Avatar battles?

    Right, got a few questions about these. I'm fed up of trying to fight the level 20 avatar fights because i've tried Shiva and Titan each around 8 times now and it's just becoming annoying and a big drain on my wallet

    I've seen level 15 summoners with all the avatars so therefore i figure they've gotten help from higher level characters to get them, so i figured i may as well do the same.

    First off, i just wondered if there are any people on the servers that actually go around helping guys like me fighting these battles? And if so what kind of price would i be looking at the get help??

    Second, i am aware that to get to the protocrystal to fight the mini battles i can use my mini tuning fork to warp, can i do this to gain access whilst in possesion of a tuning fork key item?

    Third, am i a quitter for giving up after 8 times?

    Any help would be appreciated

  • #2
    Re: Level 60 Avatar battles?

    1) Yes. You should be able to find people to help without too much trouble if you shout in whitegate. Many people will go for the rewards (gil, or things like Ifrit's Blade, or to collect whispers for Fenrir). Don't expect to have to pay anything, unless it's someone who's soloing them.

    2) The mini fork is only usable by summoners. So, unless you have a 60+ summoner, you can't use it. However, you can still get access to both the mini fork and the key item fork at the same time.

    3) Yes. Yes you are. Go after Ifrit, he's the easiest IMO. I got him after many (unsuccessful) tries with Titan and Shiva. I got them in that order after I got Ifrit. And remember: once you hit Astral Flow, do NOT MOVE FOR ANYTHING. It'll interrupt carby's Searing Light. Oh, and speaking of, you'll need at least 40 MP when it goes off, or it'll be extremely gimped.
    Kindadarii (Bahamut)
    90PUP / 90SMN / 90BRD / 90WHM / 59DNC
    70.3 + 2 Woodworking
    52.2 Synergy

    Breeding Chocobos? Visit to find chocobos in your area!


    • #3
      Re: Level 60 Avatar battles?

      Originally posted by Chro View Post
      Right, got a few questions about these. I'm fed up of trying to fight the level 20 avatar fights because i've tried Shiva and Titan each around 8 times now and it's just becoming annoying and a big drain on my wallet
      I've seen level 15 summoners with all the avatars so therefore i figure they've gotten help from higher level characters to get them, so i figured i may as well do the same.
      First off, i just wondered if there are any people on the servers that actually go around helping guys like me fighting these battles? And if so what kind of price would i be looking at the get help??
      yes, and you'll probably need to pay a pretty decent sum (back in the day it used to be ~100k per avatar, but with the economy as depressed as it is, it's probably less now) I'd likely do all 6 for 100k now, personally. if your whm job was closer to level 60 (most people would want a 75 still, but at 60 a whitemage has pretty much everything they'd use in the fight except raise III) you could just grab any of the numerous pickup shouts going on in whitegate. - this is how 'most' of those level 15 summoners you saw got their avatars.

      Second, i am aware that to get to the protocrystal to fight the mini battles i can use my mini tuning fork to warp, can i do this to gain access whilst in possesion of a tuning fork key item?
      yes, but it's fun to make the run too.

      Third, am i a quitter for giving up after 8 times?
      no. but don't give up just yet! it's probably worth considering how much this might cost, and try both avenues as you can.
      Grant me wings so I may fly;
      My restless soul is longing.
      No Pain remains no Feeling~
      Eternity Awaits.


      • #4
        Re: Level 60 Avatar battles?

        I wouldn't think that you'd have to pay to get help with the 6 main avatars, Fenrir and Diabolos though would require you have a higher level job and certain missions done.

        Red Mages and Summoners can solo most of the primes, and any Ninja and White Mage can duo them. If you know any higher level nin and whm you can ask them to help you get them and go that route. If your whm was level 40 you could probably just go with a nin. The only things the nin is haste, and maybe a raise if he's killed by Astral Flow. You'll want to have the nin pull the avatar down the ramp around the bend and you stand up on top to avoid being hit by astral flow.

        Alternativly is nin/rdm could probably solo it with out a whm to back him up since he'd have fast cast and stoneskin.

        Fenrir is a more difficult battle and harder to do with a leech so I'd wait on him. Diabolos is near impossible to do with a leech, and you'll need to be past the first diabolos fight in CoP to obtain him.

        For reward I'd offer a Reraise Gorget since you won't have Raise III on your whm, but I frown on people that charge to help. They're already getting either 10k from the fight or an item/whisper that they want.

        Some summoners think it's a "Right of Passage" to do the mini-fights, I don't really care though. Also, if I'm not mistaken about this, theres and advantage to doing the primes over the mini fights. I believe you'll lose your mini-tuning fork if you complete the mini battle. And you'll be unable to get another. Wear as you can just get the mini forks and do the primes, saving you a lot of time in travelling whenever you want to the primes as a higher level summoner later on.

        Good luck.


        • #5
          Re: Level 60 Avatar battles?

          Originally posted by Necropolis View Post
          For reward I'd offer a Reraise Gorget since you won't have Raise III on your whm, but I frown on people that charge to help. They're already getting either 10k from the fight or an item/whisper that they want.
          10k isn't enough to get most 75's to go run the route to several of the BC's; especially if they're doing them as a favor for some stranger. I charge to help because I'm being asked to do a mercenary task (being hired for my ability to win the fight) and expect a mercenary fee.

          I also can't remember the last time I needed an item from any fight other than fenrir.
          Grant me wings so I may fly;
          My restless soul is longing.
          No Pain remains no Feeling~
          Eternity Awaits.


          • #6
            Re: Level 60 Avatar battles?

            I'd be happy to solo them if someone were to ask (and I had the appropriate Whisper available). But I'm not everybody (some may say "thankfully").


            • #7
              Re: Level 60 Avatar battles?

              Well yeah i'm happy to pay if need be, but yeah i see what you mean they will get a whisper, item or 10k reward anyways so thats fair i guess.

              And yeah i did see it as a kind of "rite of passage" into summoner, but now after trying about 16 times for one avatar it's just become a pain!

              Thanks for all the info anyways!


              • #8
                Re: Level 60 Avatar battles?

                Originally posted by Necropolis View Post
                I wouldn't think that you'd have to pay to get help with the 6 main avatars
                You probably would if you're planning on leeching them from people who are not good friends or good ls mates.

                Personally, I like doing the Prime avatars when everyone going is at some level to help. I have done it with a 75 PLD, a 75RDM (myself), another 75 DD (MNK? can't remember) and 2 lvl 40 WHM. The WHM were a help, I don't remember having to do much curing except after the avatars 2h.On the other hand, I wouldn't go out and do it for someone who was just leeching. For that, you'd have to give me some incentive.

                Third, am i a quitter for giving up after 8 times?
                Well, there's an old man standing between you and lvl75, so you might want to get used to hard(ish), solo fights.
                I use a Mac because I'm just better than you are.

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                • #9
                  Re: Level 60 Avatar battles?

                  Originally posted by Mhurron View Post
                  Well, there's an old man standing between you and lvl75, so you might want to get used to hard(ish), solo fights.
                  is smn maat that hard? (with a smn at 39 I've obviously never fought him).

                  some of the fights are ridiculously easy (sup bard, ranger) and some are coin flips (sup blm) and some are stupid tough (redmage comes to mind, paladin isn't too easy either apparently.) but I'm not sure where summoner falls in that list.
                  Grant me wings so I may fly;
                  My restless soul is longing.
                  No Pain remains no Feeling~
                  Eternity Awaits.


                  • #10
                    Re: Level 60 Avatar battles?

                    I agree that the solo fights are a good soloing practice exercise, but I don't think they really apply that much to later on. At level 20 you don't have auto refresh, ying yang robe, elemental staves and evokers ring to bring down perpetual cost. Most smn soloing involves slowly meleeing it to death with carby or another cheap avatar of the day.

                    They will regardless give some experience into astral flow tactics and what not though.

                    Personnaly I leeched the avatar fights as a 50ish whm when I wanted to take up summoner (which I've yet to level past 25) and didn't have to pay anything for them. 2 of the fights I got help from a friend who's LS I later joined, the other 4 were just shouts that I either joined or shouted for help.

                    As for a reward, the reason I frown at the idea is that I received so much help along the way (Limit Breaks, AF, Rank missions and such) that didn't charge me so that I in turn help people when I can without expectation of payment. I suppose your views will vary depending on whom you met and got help from while leveling.

                    Personally I like to do some things like Prime fights just to prove that I can as a whm/nin. I can solo Titan, Ifrit, Ramuh, and Shiva. Garuda and Levithan I always time out on since they have those annoying healing moves and I just can't pump out enough damage in the time allowed. All I was trying to say is that there are a number of people that will do the fight for free if you can find them. But I would try to set it up in advance and don't expect them to do all 6 in one setting. It is boresome to run and get forks then run to all the cloisters, and Primes is not something I just hop up and gear up for on a whim.

                    As for what the reward should be given that you take that route, I would think 100k a fight is a bit much in todays economy. I often see 10k reward offered, meaning that the people helping would get 20k total. 20k in todays economy is a rather nice chunk of change, will at least pay for food in thier next party.

                    Good luck.


                    • #11
                      Re: Level 60 Avatar battles?

                      Originally posted by Amele View Post
                      10k isn't enough to get most 75's to go run the route to several of the BC's; especially if they're doing them as a favor for some stranger. I charge to help because I'm being asked to do a mercenary task (being hired for my ability to win the fight) and expect a mercenary fee.

                      I also can't remember the last time I needed an item from any fight other than fenrir.
                      I have to agree there, while I have no problem helping friends, and avatars are ridiculously easy fights as rdm/nin, and I'm pretty sure I could take them /drk as well...but, at the same time between the fights and travel that's a solid 2 hours to do a full 6-avatar cycle, and to collect the 60k for beating them would take another 30 minutes of travel, as well as cost of OPs and such, so yeah, some extra compensation would be appreciated.
                      Callysto of RamuhCaithsith - 75 RDM / BRD / COR / PLD / WAR / SCH / DRK

                      Formerly Callisto of Ramuh. | Retired 5.28.10

                      Callisto Broadwurst of Palamecia


                      • #12
                        Re: Level 60 Avatar battles?

                        I'll append to this thread if the OP doesnt mind, or mods break it off if they feel it is better to do so.

                        I just soloed my first avatar yesterday as RDM/NIN, and while it wasnt exactly "hard", it wasnt "riduclously easy" (which what I call something like killing Lesser Colibri).

                        I went 1/2 on Titan. The first time round I ran out of MP and got hit by Stone IV with SS down after Convert. Myabe bad luck, who knows.

                        Second time I beat him without Convert, plenty of MP left and in 15mins.

                        If you were on my server Id help you, since Im going on a marathon Avatar spree anyway to 1) prove to myself I can solo them and 2) Get fenrir


                        • #13
                          Re: Level 60 Avatar battles?

                          Originally posted by Necropolis View Post
                          I agree that the solo fights are a good soloing practice exercise, but I don't think they really apply that much to later on. At level 20 you don't have auto refresh, ying yang robe, elemental staves and evokers ring to bring down perpetual cost. Most smn soloing involves slowly meleeing it to death with carby or another cheap avatar of the day.
                          I am definitely not saying that if you beat the trial-size battles your good to go on Maat, or that if you don't your screwed with the old man, but that you are eventually going to have to get used to soloing something thats a little harder then a Tiny Mandragora.

                          That probably goes for all jobs really.
                          I use a Mac because I'm just better than you are.

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                          • #14
                            Re: Level 60 Avatar battles?

                            Originally posted by Callisto View Post
                            I'm pretty sure I could take them /drk as well
                            I tried Shiva as RDM/DRK. It didn't look promising, she was hitting too fast. Which of the Primes the easiest? I might try again with that one, unless people say Shiva.
                            I use a Mac because I'm just better than you are.

                            HTTP Error 418 - I'm A Teapot - The resulting entity body MAY be short and stout.



                            • #15
                              Re: Level 60 Avatar battles?

                              I heard the SMN maat was pretty much luck - see who gets off the first AF...

                              That what I heard tho, dont take it as absolute gospel.

