Ive been gone from the game for about a year or so. I just recently joined back after purchasing the new expansion pack. I have a lvl 41 SMN, but I stopped leveling it due to the fact that all these people have Fenrir and I cant get him because I dont have a lvl 75. Am I assuming this right? Is there any way I can get Fenrir without having a lvl 75 job? Also, what lvl do I need to be to get Diablos?
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Fenrir without lvl 75 job possible?
Re: Fenrir without lvl 75 job possible?
You can get Fenny without a lvl 75 job, you just need to have some people willing to take him out for you!!
As for Diablos, I believe you need to do some CoP missions for this...
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Re: Fenrir without lvl 75 job possible?
To get diablos you will have to fight him twice. once for CoP missions 2nd for avatar fight.
For Fenrir...maybe get a few of your 70+ LS mates to help you granted you have the items you need for the moon baubble or whatever you need...
Keeping Purgonorgo Isle clothing optional sine 2004
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Re: Fenrir without lvl 75 job possible?
Fenrir: Yes it is possible, but you need a very good team (or some 75 SMNs if you know enough of them) to take him out, as he can still destroy a full party of 75's with ease if he spams Eclipse Bite. Realistically, I'd wait to level SMN until you have a job at 70+ first. Fenrir is a very nice summon, and you're not living up to your full potential if he isn't in your spell list.
Diabolos: Wouldn't count on it. Diabolos is a damn hard fight for a full party of 75s as it is, not to mention having a leech. You can easily play SMN without having Diabolos, though... he just helps to have sometimes.RDM 75 - SMN 72 - WHM 37 - BLM 37 - DRK 37 -
Bastok Rank 10 Completed
Rise of the Zilart 16 "The Celestial Nexus"
Chains of Promathia 8 - 1 "Garden of Antiquity"
Treasures of Aht Urghan 13 "Lost Kingdom"
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Re: Fenrir without lvl 75 job possible?
For Diabolos you have to complete CoP up to mission 3-5 Darkness Named, then beat him in an uncapped Diabolos Prime fight called Waking Dreams.
Erecia's CoP Guide
FFXIclopedia Chains of Promathia mission articles
FFXIclopedia Waking Dreams article
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Re: Fenrir without lvl 75 job possible?
Step 1.
Find 3-4 summoners.
Step 2.
Offer them 100k - 200k per person to fight Fenrir for you
Step 3.
Get Fenrir.
This is assuming you have all your other avatars and have gotten all of their items necessary to have access to Fenrir. Doing the Mini battles don't get your those items, you need to have Fame in most of all areas to have access to do all those avatars as well. Good Luck.Hacked on 9/9/09
FFXIAH - Omniblast
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Re: Fenrir without lvl 75 job possible?
You don't need summoners to get the fight done but a couple of people capable of keeping up shadows is a big bonus. I've tanked him numerous times on ninja with either a ninja or thief partner bouncing hate back and forth. Granted it is kind of Russian Roulette but it's good old messy fun.
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Re: Fenrir without lvl 75 job possible?
I've been told that a LV75 RDM/NIN can solo Fenrir.
As far as strategy is concerned, I'm rather lost but people say it can be done. I'll wager it invovles the usual Bio2/Poison2 and Grav+Bind, but I wonder how effectv Grav/Bind is on Fenrir lolz. Maybe with capped Enfeebling + Merits/Eq?
So, possibly, find an intelligent RDM with alot of solo-ing experience and have that RDM solo Fenny for you.
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Re: Fenrir without lvl 75 job possible?
Originally posted by Shinhiryu_Kage View PostI've been told that a LV75 RDM/NIN can solo Fenrir.
As far as strategy is concerned, I'm rather lost but people say it can be done. I'll wager it invovles the usual Bio2/Poison2 and Grav+Bind, but I wonder how effectv Grav/Bind is on Fenrir lolz. Maybe with capped Enfeebling + Merits/Eq?
So, possibly, find an intelligent RDM with alot of solo-ing experience and have that RDM solo Fenny for you.
Keeping Purgonorgo Isle clothing optional sine 2004
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Re: Fenrir without lvl 75 job possible?
Originally posted by Malevolent View Postmaybe with max merits for the job and also some AF2 and endgame equipment...not every 75 Rdm/nin can solo it...they'd need lots of items to accompany them too on top of 1-2 hours...maybe...
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Re: Fenrir without lvl 75 job possible?
Originally posted by Shinhiryu_Kage View PostI've been told that a LV75 RDM/NIN can solo Fenrir.
As far as strategy is concerned, I'm rather lost but people say it can be done. I'll wager it invovles the usual Bio2/Poison2 and Grav+Bind, but I wonder how effectv Grav/Bind is on Fenrir lolz. Maybe with capped Enfeebling + Merits/Eq?
So, possibly, find an intelligent RDM with alot of solo-ing experience and have that RDM solo Fenny for you.It can be done, but it's not easy. I don't know if the guy had any merits but I didn't see any Dia IIIs or Paralyze IIs being used so I would think maybe not. Just someone very skilled in using shadows, Bind, DoT, and the other stuff and just wearing him down. I was impressed, that's for sure ... but I wouldn't recommend it unless you are really confident in your RDM soloing abilities.
I haven't fought him myself yet, as I still need some of the avatars and no one seems to want to do them when I am available. (>.<) but I think at my level (66 RDM) I should be just fine to aid a party with Fenrir. Good luck!sigpic
~Aksannyi~~Hades~~75WHM~75RDM~75BLM~75SMN~73WAR~67SCH~47BRD~~Mama Gamer~~Quitted July 2009/Bannt October 2009~~Excellence LS~
~I has a blog~~http://aksannyi.livejournal.com/~
~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~
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Re: Fenrir without lvl 75 job possible?
I think the poster's name was Seijurhiko or something like that, if that helps.sigpic
~Aksannyi~~Hades~~75WHM~75RDM~75BLM~75SMN~73WAR~67SCH~47BRD~~Mama Gamer~~Quitted July 2009/Bannt October 2009~~Excellence LS~
~I has a blog~~http://aksannyi.livejournal.com/~
~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~
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Re: Fenrir without lvl 75 job possible?
That's why I suggested the Summoner method. It's usually a guaranteed win with Leviathan.
True a RDM/NIN can do Fenrir solo, and it doesn't take 1 or 2 hours. You have a time limit. I think time limit is 15 minutes, but I forget.Hacked on 9/9/09
FFXIAH - Omniblast
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Re: Fenrir without lvl 75 job possible?
That's all three parts of Seijurohiko soloing Fenrir on youtube. I think there's a thread about it somewhere on this site, but it involves the search function and nobody likes that.It also involves filefront, which is less convenient if you don't have an account.. and the actual thread just degenerates into people wondering how he was clicking his macros so quickly. Kinda pointless.
Basically it's a combined DoT-kiting and nuke-kiting strategy. I think he sticks Bio III and Poison II on Fenny while keeping him gravity'd and slow'd. He keeps stoneskin, shadows, haste, and refresh up, and binds Fenny when he wants to cast Blizzard III on him. Toward the end there's a chainspell-Blizzard III spam.
Completely avoids Howling Moon.
That's as best as I can remember it, anyway.
The time limit's half an hour, I think.Ho-hum.
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