Re: Smn/blu
Ok. As someone who is itching to try PLD/BLU (and WAR/BLU, but that's a totally different thing,) I figured I'd step in.
From my experience, Blue Magic, even when subbed, even against VT/(low) IT mobs, is cheap enough (who cares if your subbed Head Butt only landed for 40 when it cost you 12 MP?,) quick enough (0.5 sec cast time,) and spammable enough to put up quite a bit of damage over time. Just think of how many more hits you can squeeze in against a mob by casting spells that'll hit for 20-60 every 3 seconds or so. It's practically free damage. I've tried it in Eldieme/Beadeaux coffer key parties and against low VT mobs outside of Al Zahbi as 60 PLD/BLU and Blue Magic ends up doing from 3/4 to 100% of my melee damage. And it's not that my meleeing is weak, either; I have a Bastard Sword +1 (which is, unarguably, a very strong weapon; high DMG and high DMG/sec), a Haubergeon, Life Belt, Woodsman/Venerer Rings, R.G. Collar, and ate Sushi for all these little trial runs (with Cocoon, who needs defense food?) Being an Elvaan PLD, my STR is quite high.
Of course, that's all fine and dandy, but in my opinion (barring how willing others are to give the combo a try) /BLU is only viable (in theory; still haven't given it a shot in a real EXP party. Then again, we are all discussing SMN/BLU theorically as well, so I think it's fair) for PLD and DRK. Why? Well, for /BLU to work offensively, you need a good (i.e. higher-than-what-you-get-from-your-sub) MP pool. You pretty much have to spam your blue magic as often as your job will allow, or it just won't add up to anything meaningful. SMN has the max MP, for sure, but if I'm not mistaken SMN is a job that eats a lot of MP. Aerial Armor and Earthen Ward aren't cheap, and now SMNs can use both offensive and defensive pacts "simultaneously." The added MP strain from spamming blue magic may be too much. Also, how much time you can hit the mob with blue magic will be determined by how much time you can spend meleeing.
That aside, Blue Magic needs meleeing stats. PLDs and DRKs have A+ weapons, PLDs have access to most Acc gear DDs do, and DRKs are DDs so they should be geared for Acc anyways. Both can use sushi (Cocoon covers any defensive needs, and the DRK is probably going to eat sushi anyways, being a DD.) STR (something neither job lacks) is also fairly important. As far as I can tell, physical blue magic is about as accurate - or inaccurate - as one's own meleeing. This already makes SMN/BLU look like an iffy proposition.
Not that it has much relevance to SMN, but the other reasons why PLD and DRK can take advantage of blue magic and other jobs can't is because these jobs are going to be getting Refresh anyways. Even if other DD jobs had the MP pool to support /BLU, what RDM would want to have to refresh 5-6 people instead of 2-4?
The benefits from Healing Breeze and Cocoon are certainly there and at full power, but I don't see the DD'ing side of /BLU working very well for a SMN.
There's one more thing Blue Magic skill does that hasn't been mentioned. Blue Magic Skill serves as the "Attack" portion of PDIF. It's probably not a direct comparison - I'd assume your skill would be modified a bit in some way before plugging it into the PDIF formulas - but that's the real reason why /BLU spells hit for so much less than a BLU's (after all, you can cap your spells' DMG pretty quickly, and stats would be similar, so as far as DMG is concerned there isn't much of a difference between BLU and /BLU.)
One more little note: /BLU's DD aspect (as well as the entire pseudo-DD approach to PLD) totally falls apart if your party overhunts. The accuracy, damage, and MP-efficiency of your spells totally goes out the window.
EDIT: Oh, and the other reason DRK/BLU seems viable is using Bludgeon/Head Butt with Souleater up, while letting Cocoon do its thing XD
Ok. As someone who is itching to try PLD/BLU (and WAR/BLU, but that's a totally different thing,) I figured I'd step in.
From my experience, Blue Magic, even when subbed, even against VT/(low) IT mobs, is cheap enough (who cares if your subbed Head Butt only landed for 40 when it cost you 12 MP?,) quick enough (0.5 sec cast time,) and spammable enough to put up quite a bit of damage over time. Just think of how many more hits you can squeeze in against a mob by casting spells that'll hit for 20-60 every 3 seconds or so. It's practically free damage. I've tried it in Eldieme/Beadeaux coffer key parties and against low VT mobs outside of Al Zahbi as 60 PLD/BLU and Blue Magic ends up doing from 3/4 to 100% of my melee damage. And it's not that my meleeing is weak, either; I have a Bastard Sword +1 (which is, unarguably, a very strong weapon; high DMG and high DMG/sec), a Haubergeon, Life Belt, Woodsman/Venerer Rings, R.G. Collar, and ate Sushi for all these little trial runs (with Cocoon, who needs defense food?) Being an Elvaan PLD, my STR is quite high.
Of course, that's all fine and dandy, but in my opinion (barring how willing others are to give the combo a try) /BLU is only viable (in theory; still haven't given it a shot in a real EXP party. Then again, we are all discussing SMN/BLU theorically as well, so I think it's fair) for PLD and DRK. Why? Well, for /BLU to work offensively, you need a good (i.e. higher-than-what-you-get-from-your-sub) MP pool. You pretty much have to spam your blue magic as often as your job will allow, or it just won't add up to anything meaningful. SMN has the max MP, for sure, but if I'm not mistaken SMN is a job that eats a lot of MP. Aerial Armor and Earthen Ward aren't cheap, and now SMNs can use both offensive and defensive pacts "simultaneously." The added MP strain from spamming blue magic may be too much. Also, how much time you can hit the mob with blue magic will be determined by how much time you can spend meleeing.
That aside, Blue Magic needs meleeing stats. PLDs and DRKs have A+ weapons, PLDs have access to most Acc gear DDs do, and DRKs are DDs so they should be geared for Acc anyways. Both can use sushi (Cocoon covers any defensive needs, and the DRK is probably going to eat sushi anyways, being a DD.) STR (something neither job lacks) is also fairly important. As far as I can tell, physical blue magic is about as accurate - or inaccurate - as one's own meleeing. This already makes SMN/BLU look like an iffy proposition.
Not that it has much relevance to SMN, but the other reasons why PLD and DRK can take advantage of blue magic and other jobs can't is because these jobs are going to be getting Refresh anyways. Even if other DD jobs had the MP pool to support /BLU, what RDM would want to have to refresh 5-6 people instead of 2-4?
The benefits from Healing Breeze and Cocoon are certainly there and at full power, but I don't see the DD'ing side of /BLU working very well for a SMN.
Originally posted by Icemage
Originally posted by Taskmage
One more little note: /BLU's DD aspect (as well as the entire pseudo-DD approach to PLD) totally falls apart if your party overhunts. The accuracy, damage, and MP-efficiency of your spells totally goes out the window.
EDIT: Oh, and the other reason DRK/BLU seems viable is using Bludgeon/Head Butt with Souleater up, while letting Cocoon do its thing XD