read what sab said about Smn/blu mage working
This is what Sabaron wrote...
"My opinions were primarily regarding Thoris' propensity for melee rather than the use of BP in SC--closing Gravitation with Double Punch can be very nasty. I don't think it's wise for a SMN to be up front, but I'm also not of the mind that the SMN shouldn't either (a) use any blood pacts or (b) only use buff pacts. I feel that a SMN DD's from the back and have to make full use of their new double pacting (e.g. Buff & DD instead of one or the other which was the previous mode), not from the front unless this BLU sub thing works out provided a food switch to something like Rice Dumpling provides enough chutzpah to get damage/accuracy to acceptable melee levels.
/BLU is (at least to me) an intriguing backup-healer/front-line DD possibility for SMN. The large MP pool of SMN gives a nice amount of leg-room with Healing Breeze and Wild Carrot. Add to that Stoneskinga, Blinkga, or even Shining Ruby and Cocoon to prevent yourself from being a damage sponge and some freebie criticals from spells like Screwdriver and freebie Triple attacks from Bludgeon and you've got what might be a lively yet unconventional front-liner. Mob level should probably be primarily in the VT range for optimal accuracy since you will not have the luxury of Sushi since it provides no +hMP. Since your avatar will be doing the SC and not you (because you're always resting and draining your TP), you still have your part in the chain it's just not done by you. The biggest problem with Avatar BP SC is teaching the melees how they work since BP's take longer to go off compared with the instantaneous results of the traditional WS. This would optimally be a Juicing mage (to make up for the fact that you're not resting during battle like a BLM or WHM) until you get real refreshes in your party.
I think I might have to try this, myself...
A meleeing SMN could potentially do Self-Gravitation if he was conservative with his MP and had adequate refresh to avoid resting until after he discharged his TP:
/pet "Double Punch" <t>
/wait 1
/ws "Earth Crusher" <t> or /ws "Shell Crusher" <t>
Other possibilities exist:
Megalith Throw >> Starburst/Sunburst/Retribution = Fragmentation [2]
Full Swing >> Burning Strike = Fusion [2]
Heavy Swing/Rock Crusher >> Tail Whip = Detonation [1]
I'm not sure about the timing on this... maybe
/ws "Earth Crusher" <t> or /ws "Shell Crusher" <t>
/wait 1
/pet "Double Punch" <t>
would be the right combination instead"
This is what Sabaron wrote...
"My opinions were primarily regarding Thoris' propensity for melee rather than the use of BP in SC--closing Gravitation with Double Punch can be very nasty. I don't think it's wise for a SMN to be up front, but I'm also not of the mind that the SMN shouldn't either (a) use any blood pacts or (b) only use buff pacts. I feel that a SMN DD's from the back and have to make full use of their new double pacting (e.g. Buff & DD instead of one or the other which was the previous mode), not from the front unless this BLU sub thing works out provided a food switch to something like Rice Dumpling provides enough chutzpah to get damage/accuracy to acceptable melee levels.
/BLU is (at least to me) an intriguing backup-healer/front-line DD possibility for SMN. The large MP pool of SMN gives a nice amount of leg-room with Healing Breeze and Wild Carrot. Add to that Stoneskinga, Blinkga, or even Shining Ruby and Cocoon to prevent yourself from being a damage sponge and some freebie criticals from spells like Screwdriver and freebie Triple attacks from Bludgeon and you've got what might be a lively yet unconventional front-liner. Mob level should probably be primarily in the VT range for optimal accuracy since you will not have the luxury of Sushi since it provides no +hMP. Since your avatar will be doing the SC and not you (because you're always resting and draining your TP), you still have your part in the chain it's just not done by you. The biggest problem with Avatar BP SC is teaching the melees how they work since BP's take longer to go off compared with the instantaneous results of the traditional WS. This would optimally be a Juicing mage (to make up for the fact that you're not resting during battle like a BLM or WHM) until you get real refreshes in your party.
I think I might have to try this, myself...
A meleeing SMN could potentially do Self-Gravitation if he was conservative with his MP and had adequate refresh to avoid resting until after he discharged his TP:
/pet "Double Punch" <t>
/wait 1
/ws "Earth Crusher" <t> or /ws "Shell Crusher" <t>
Other possibilities exist:
Megalith Throw >> Starburst/Sunburst/Retribution = Fragmentation [2]
Full Swing >> Burning Strike = Fusion [2]
Heavy Swing/Rock Crusher >> Tail Whip = Detonation [1]
I'm not sure about the timing on this... maybe
/ws "Earth Crusher" <t> or /ws "Shell Crusher" <t>
/wait 1
/pet "Double Punch" <t>
would be the right combination instead"