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Best summoner?

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  • Best summoner?

    Hello everyone,
    This is my 1st time talking in this forum & I'm interested in smn!
    I played FF1/5/6/7/8/9/10/11 & now 12~!

    maybe, FF is the greastest game talking about summons ( Avatars ) & that what makes me crazy about it!

    anyway, I would like to talk about ( How can I be the BEST summoner in the server ).
    I'm a Taru Lv75 smn with cap skills ( 269 ) in Bahamut Server & I would like to discuss this topic with ppl who are interested in smn!
    I did a small research & this is my results...


    Day : 11/19/2006

    Until this day, I didn't hear about something like ( The best smn in Bahamut server ) yet & I don't know if there is a best smn since that everyone has more than 1 job & they FOCUSED before last updates on meriting the other magic skills ( Ex: elemental magic, or enfeebling magic ) rather than increasing smn magic skills.
    To be the best smn; you need skills 1st THEN equipment.

    About meriting Physical Acc. & Physical Attack ++
    Or, Magic Acc. & Magic Attack ++; it's up to you as I think…

    I just calculated how much smn magic skill for best smn if he is existed NOW.
    Skill cap: 269.
    Full smn magic skill equipment: 56.
    Merits: 8 x2 = 16.
    Total: 341!

    Further more, for best blood pact equipment:
    Total: (Blood pact -14).
    So, it will be 46sec rather than 1min.
    After calculations, the results was: 13BP/10min. Rather than no (BP (-) )equipment: 10BP/10min.
    However, After update, smn can use (2) different types of BP/1min.
    1 buff & 1 attack.
    So, it will be about: 25~26BP/10min for maximum results.

    More over, About Avatar Perpetuation equipment:
    Avatar Perpetuation:-
    With all conditions ( without merits ) & with full equipment: ( -13 )
    Leviathen ( Besid.): (-14)
    Without any weather or day effection: ( -9 )
    Leviathen ( Besid.): (-10)
    Carbuncle with (carbuncle's mitts): (-50%)

    Also, about best equipment for hmp++ ( mp recover while healing ):
    (Without Besid. or assault):
    equipment: (+31)
    food: (+7)
    Clear Mind V: (+27, +30, +33)
    Total mp recover while healing per/tick: ( +65, +68, +71 )

    The question will be:

    1- What this smn can do ?
    2- Can he play solo more than blm ?
    3- Can he be independent?
    4- What do you think about it?
    5- Is there extra important equipment for smn? For example : EVA+ or Enmity- ?

    Thank you & waiting for your answers.

    I don't advise a Taru smn to use (Convert HP > MP) Equipments but, use MP++ & HP ++ equipments.

    writen by: Kakarotto.
    Last edited by Kakarotto; 12-14-2006, 04:22 PM.

  • #2
    Re: Best summoner?

    Best smn on Bahamut eh... As a Bahamutian, I'll pass on that question as I have my own opinions...

    Firstly, you can only upgrade summoning magic 8 times, not 10, so your calculations are off there.

    Smn solo over blm - each have to target different things, so it isn't really a valid question. Smn primary target tends to be things like bombs, or pots for Mountain Buster. Blm can't solo either of those easily, however blm can solo a lot more other stuff. So really, both are good soloers.

    Eva - smn can't evade much regardless (E class?), so equip won't help too much. Emnity, its more if you can keep hate focussed on your avatar. However, emnity- never hurt any mage!

    I'm not quite sure of the point of this post...

    Originally posted by Aksannyi
    "As a RDM, it should irk you to the depths of your soul when a mob had the audacity to buff itself in front of you."


    • #3
      Re: Best summoner?

      Thanks Kristeena for the info!
      you can only upgrade summoning magic 8 times, not 10.
      1st, I didn't get full merits in smn magic yet & I wasn't sure if it was 8 or 10 lol
      so, I didn't know about it.. Orz
      I'll recorrect the calculations ; ;

      I believe that smns need (Enmity -) equipments sometimes but don't they need another extra equipment?
      All what I know about it till now that smns need ( BP(-), Avatar Per. (-), smn magic(+), Enmity (-), & mp(+) Equipments )...
      nothing else?..
      Also, about the comlicated questions, let me be more simple & explain it in another way...

      If I used all that smn magic(+) equipments, what can I do in general? lol

      I know that I can beat some NMs solo, DD & healer in PTs & maybe almost independent...

      However, there is something I'm not sure about it till now...
      It's about meriting ( Physical Acc. (+) & Physical Att. (+) or Magic Acc. (+) & Magic Att. (+) )

      For example: when you are fighting one of the HNMs, most of the smns use Physical BPs rather than Magic Att. BPs but, there are some HNMs are week against Magic ( blms ) for example, let's talk about ( Aspid ).

      In that case, all of the HNMLSs will bring blms... But what will happen if we brought a smn with full merits in ( magic Acc. & Att (+) ) with the new BPs ?

      Can s/he do over dmg more than blm's new spells ?
      For example: "Freeze II" & "Heavenly Strike" ?

      This is one of the problems I faced when I wanted to merit my smn (--;

      That's all for today..
      maybe there will be extra questions later~!
      Thank you again, & Looking forward for your replies.


      • #4
        Re: Best summoner?

        Put points into Elemental Spirit cost if you're not going to be a BP spammer, i.e. you actually play summoner. Spirits are very useful in some situations, and cutting their perpetuation by 5 is quite substantial.

        With the new update, you shouldnt need to merit physical accuracy, since bloodpact accuracy gets bonuses from summoning magic skill.


        • #5
          Re: Best summoner?

          hmmm I don't think there's a way to be 1 best SMN you know. It's more about fitting best to your LS needs. Like, previously, many HNMs were kited. Making Diablo's Nether Blast the BP of choice. +Magic for avatar would be useful in this case. But lately a lot of HNM LS shift to PLD/Nin straight tanking stuff making Leviathan the BP of choice again. But not every LS have the man power to do so. So it really depends.

          Aspid, you're lucky if your LS can claim that thing for you to fight often. My LS last claimed it 2 years ago : / I still think SMN is pretty useful for it still. Stoneskin/blink is always welcome. And Magic attk bonus for Blm is really nice.
          There are painters who transform the sun into a yellow spot,
          but there are others who with the help of their art and their intelligence
          transform a yellow spot into the sun.

          - Pablo Picasso


          • #6
            Re: Best summoner?

            The best way to play summoner...
            A highly speculated but never proven by anyone. (And on a few forums this discussion would end in a huge disagreement and would leave the OP in confusion.)

            To become the best summoner in ffxi isn't a question of how you play like another person and do it better.
            It's how you think you can play it best yourself.

            Like any job you can have the best gear in the world and still play the job sub par, now summoner has the big advantage that gear doesn't really affect their performance like with a tank or melee job.
            We can go naked and still do the same damage, add buffs at the same strength,
            (skill above cap just makes them last longer.) Debuff all the same.

            Play summoner the way you like it and think you play it best.
            Quetzalcoatl Server | WHM 80 | SMN 76 | NIN 75


            • #7
              Re: Best summoner?

              Originally posted by Shirai View Post
              The best way to play summoner...
              A highly speculated but never proven by anyone. (And on a few forums this discussion would end in a huge disagreement and would leave the OP in confusion.)
              To become the best summoner in ffxi isn't a question of how you play like another person and do it better.
              It's how you think you can play it best yourself.
              Like any job you can have the best gear in the world and still play the job sub par, now summoner has the big advantage that gear doesn't really affect their performance like with a tank or melee job.
              We can go naked and still do the same damage, add buffs at the same strength,
              (skill above cap just makes them last longer.) Debuff all the same.
              Play summoner the way you like it and think you play it best.
              Very well said. But to the original poster, I understand your thought process. WIth a game like FFXI, a lot of people focus on getting good gear for their 75 job and then they move on to leveling a 2nd. My main concern is and always has been SMN, which means I'll take that extra amount of time to collect all the best gear I can get.

              I sat outside a KS30 run for 4 hours last night just to try and get Evoker's Boots from someone who didn't want them (no drop ; . I spend time with my linkshell(s) doing Carbuncle Prime fights as well as camping Lamia #9 for Evoker's Gauges. I continue to go to dynamis until I have a complete set of SMN relic (because each piece has a definitely advantage in AT LEAST one macro).

              In the future I'll spend a lot of time in sea and limbus making all my AF the +1 versions (most likely) and possibly a few of my relics. And let's not forget proto-ultima for Nashira Gauges.

              But as the poster above me said, having all this godly gear DOES NOT mean I'm the best summoner. And luckily, I realize that. I spend A LOT of time practicing in exp parties and taking every criticism people give me to heart so that I can be the best SMN they've ever partied with. And a few people have commended me on it (which feels great, by the way!)

              So if you really like being a SMN, then welcome to the club . We'll be spending a lot of time collecting all this rare gear, as would any other job that takes their job as seriously as we do. But make sure your skill level matches your gear


              • #8
                Re: Best summoner?

                Well, to start, i'm not a 75SMN, but have done extensive research on the job itself, and have so far accomplished much with my job of choice. I've done mission 2-3 solo, defeated various NM's solo that were above my level, finished my Avatar fights solo (Any level 20 summon should claim this, because i know people who haven't beaten their first, and have tried every day!).

                Play the job the way you want...and you'll be the best you can.

                On top of that...please learn to spell. Or at least, if that can't be done (english as a second language, etc), try to form coherent thoughts before you put it down on paper or post in a forum. My eyes were bleeding by the time i finished reading the first post.

                And...i don't mean to be rude...but does it (to anyone else) seem that he/she perhaps bought the account? Honestly, it sounds as if he never played SMN, or at least not enough to learn what was important. I don't was just a percieved notion, not that i'm trying to demean the OP.

                /cheers and continue that struggle to be the best SMN that you can be!


                • #9
                  Re: Best summoner?

                  Hello everyone!
                  Sorry for the late reply...


                  About Spirits, it's not a bad idea but when you are in a HNMLS, Elements are useless & you have to be a good DD...
                  & about smn magic, my smn magic is 314 atm but, Garuda misses sometimes... I need more physical Acc...

                  That's why I asked which one is better ? Physical Attack or Magical Attack?
                  Till now, all my results are guiding me to >> Physical... not sure 100% Orz
                  I always ask my self, (why did SE add new magical BB if they are useless not stronger than Lv70's BBs?)
                  I won't merit physical nor Magical Attack now..
                  Maybe I have to do some experiments @ HNMs lol
                  I need sometime; ;


                  I agree with you about Nether Blast & that's why I'm asking about magic Att. ++
                  However, most of the other HNMs are weak against physical Att. & few of them are weak against magic... But I'm searching for a good way to make my smn balanced between magic & physical... some f my friends told me to forget about magic att++ & Lv blm for magic Att+ lol.. not bad though.


                  We can go naked and still do the same damage, add buffs at the same strength,
                  (Skill above cap just makes them last longer.) Debuff all the same.
                  Well, I think there an obvious difference between someone who uses AF2 hands & AF1 legs with full smn magic skill equip & someone naked...
                  Please check it while fighting Cerberus, or Tiamat..

                  Leviathan hits more than 770 dmg sometimes @ Cerberus & Garuda hits more than 950 @ Tiamat if you are equiped...

                  & about smn magic, please check the last sub bullet ( point ) from the following link :

                  To become the best summoner in ffxi isn't a question of how you play like another person and do it better.
                  It's how you think you can play it best yourself.
                  Play summoner the way you like it and think you play it best.
                  Thank you! one of the best answers till now ^^


                  Thank you as well!
                  However, I think the one without skills is useless, but u need best equip to complete your smn... Don't you want to get all of the equipment?

                  For example:-

                  HMP++ equips:
                  You need as much as you can use hmp++ equip after doing BBs if you are in a PT.

                  Avatar Perpetuation (-):
                  You need it after using BBs so u can keep your Avatar out while soloing or in exp PT to keep hate @ it.

                  BB (-) equip:
                  You need it in exp PTs to keep chaining or while Fighting H/NMs so u can do more BBs than the other smns as I mentioned before.

                  I think that I already talked about smn magic equipment & acc++ so I don't have to explain again


                  but does it (to anyone else) seem that he/she perhaps bought the account? Honestly, it sounds as if he never played SMN, or at least not enough to learn what was important.

                  Did I say something strange that shows you that I'm a beginner or something?
                  Could you please point it out for me?
                  I want to know if there is something weird about me so I can change it...

                  & about buying the account... oh well, the same question goes for you (--;
                  I'm playing FF about 3 years.

                  Sorry but you didn't talk about something new...
                  Lv20 Avatars is an old story... In this thread, I'm talking about some important things about smn such as smn magic, & discussing about meriting Magic Att. or Physical Att. etc...
                  Btw, I soloed all of them when I used to be Lv20 so don't worry (--;

                  Well, to start, i'm not a 75SMN

                  Please reach 75 then think about what I said in this thread & tell me if you have any new idea..
                  You will understand what I said once you join a HNM LS...
                  Thanks anyway.

                  Thank you everyone for the nice info & looking forward for new replies! ^^


                  • #10
                    Re: Best summoner?

                    Originally posted by Kakarotto View Post

                    Well, I think there an obvious difference between someone who uses AF2 hands & AF1 legs with full smn magic skill equip & someone naked...
                    Please check it while fighting Cerberus, or Tiamat..

                    Leviathan hits more than 770 dmg sometimes @ Cerberus & Garuda hits more than 950 @ Tiamat if you are equiped...

                    & about smn magic, please check the last sub bullet ( point ) from the following link :
                    I described it a bit wrong but my point is although having good equipment makes difference, summoner isn't the job that needs the best equipment.
                    Of course equipment does make a lot of difference however we could play our jobs naked and still do a good job.
                    That is a feat not put away for everyone.

                    As I quote a wise summoner:
                    A summoner is only as good as his avatars.

                    (Psst. Garuda fairs greatly against Cerberus too )

                    Anyhow I thank you for that link, there's a little info in there that I didn't know yet.
                    Last edited by Shirai; 01-06-2007, 03:46 PM.
                    Quetzalcoatl Server | WHM 80 | SMN 76 | NIN 75


                    • #11
                      Re: Best summoner?

                      Originally posted by Kakarotto View Post
                      The question will be:

                      1- What this smn can do ?
                      2- Can he play solo more than blm ?
                      3- Can he be independent?
                      4- What do you think about it?
                      5- Is there extra important equipment for smn? For example : EVA+ or Enmity- ?

                      Thank you & waiting for your answers.
                      Didn't mean to upset just seemed to me that with the confusing wording (to me at least), it seemed as if you had just read about the job and hadn't been playing very long. It honestly looked as if you had searched for gear on allakhazam and merits, then tried to fit it all together (since some of your calculations were a bit off as well) Oh well, honest obvservation, regardless of how wrong i was ^^

                      As for playing FFXI, i've been playing since release here in Japan...and while i'm not a 75SMN, i just recently started playing again a month ago from scratch...prior to that...And sure, i bought my account^^ it cost 2350Y at Yamada Denki! w

                      Anyway, i tried to find a link from a japanese site to post here for you that showed how certain gear and merits affected the various avatar BPs and accuracy, etc...But it seems that the site is blocked from work. I'll try to post it for you later tonight...hopefully that'll help. /cheers

                      ps - sorry, i can't keep my mouth shut when something bothers you know what "Orz" stands for? If you do, please share it...
                      Last edited by Shinoe; 01-07-2007, 12:02 AM.

