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Paintbrush for Leviathan?

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  • Paintbrush for Leviathan?

    Well since my LS was busy getting ready for Fenrir, I realized I had to wait till tomorrow to get my last avatar (Leviathan) before I could get the rest of the whispers and get Fenrir.

    With this in mind, I decided to organize my own PT and get Leviathan tonight and be able to get all the whispers tomorrow, so I could get Fenrir. So I went to Jeuno, shouted for PT members and managed to get a lvl 59 BLM and a lv 69 NIN. I also go my LS mate Meo to come with us (lvl 52 SMN), and we went off to Norg to get the forks and then went to the Temple of Ugglepeigh (I can't spell it), to get the Paintbrush.

    ... It was a disaster, the NIN ended up bailing and my LS mate told me we were definately going to die. So I called it off and my LS mate was pretty pissed off (I didn't blame him, I messed up big time) and the BLM was nice enough to Warp us out.

    My question, whats the fastest way to get the Paintbrush and what PT setup should I have? I don't wanna mess up like last time and not even make it to the Protocrystal.

    Thank you

  • #2
    Re: Paintbrush for Leviathan?

    FFXIclopedia has a brief walkthrough on getting the paintbrush. Everyone that wants a paintbrush needs to get an Uggalepih Key. The mobs that drop it aren't that hard.

    As far as actually getting to the protocrystal, the most important thing is whoever has the paintbrush needs to be high enough level to avoid getting aggro from the tonberry in the room with the stone frame, which I believe would be anyone level 67+. Even that is a matter of convenience; you could just clear the room first, which isn't that dangerous as long as you have Sleepga in your group. Otherwise it's just a matter of keeping invis up through the temple, and both sneak and invis through the den. Looking over the maps is always a good idea since most people probably won't have them and getting lost can hamper your survival.

    For the avatar itself, I don't know much about party setups. The thing about the avatars is they can pretty much kill any tank if they want to. I went on my first runs with a very well-equipped 75 pld who we kept the appropriate bar- spell on at all times, but Leviathan got a lucky shot in with an unresisted Grand Fall or Tidal Wave or something and our best laid plans went awry. I think any well-balanced party of 65+ has a good shot at winning. It's probably doable with a lower level party (wasn't the level cap 60 when prime fights were introduced?) but you'd be running something of a gamble. The closer you are to 75 the less people you need. Blms are uber DDs in these so long as they know their elements and how not to get killed. A 75 nin and whm can duo these and a 75 rdm can solo them.
    lagolakshmi on Guildwork :: Lago Aletheia on Lodestone


    • #3
      Re: Paintbrush for Leviathan?

      I wasn't pissed, I just knew it was a waste of time after i found out the NIN was only 69 >.>;


      • #4
        Re: Paintbrush for Leviathan?

        A friend of mine recently helped me get a key, and if you know a 75 BST take him along. they have a widescan similiar to rng so no real need for a map. And if they use the pet to pull links, they just dismiss them and the links de-spawn. Another thing, that nasty move "Everybody's Grudge" just kills the pet, and call another (my bst friend is a cheap skate and never reset hate - he's killed a 1000+ of those things prob). Any way, we had a blast getting the key and getting a few more people for Levi (set a new record too with a mnk, whm, whm, bst).


        • #5
          Re: Paintbrush for Leviathan?

          The rough spot with Leviathan is Spring Water. Just when you get him down, he pops that and regens a chunk of his hp. With a good party it should be easy enough to take him down. He's one of the tougher ones to solo because of that regen though.

          Wii code: 6851 9579 6989 9039


          • #6
            Re: Paintbrush for Leviathan?

            yea spring water is a real bitch.
            i fought him once on watersday, which was pretty funny actually.

            we'd renkei on him, then he'd use spring water, we'd renkei again, he'd use spring water again. this went on about 9 times. XD
            Omni@Remora: NIN75 RNG75 MNK75 COR75 BST64 BRD53
            ♪♫ San d'Oria Complete ♪♫ ZM Complete ♪♫ CoP Complete ♪♫ AM Complete ♪♫


            • #7
              Re: Paintbrush for Leviathan?

              Yeah, a friend of mine soloed him a while back with me watching from the sidelines.... it took forever. lol

              Wii code: 6851 9579 6989 9039


              • #8
                Re: Paintbrush for Leviathan?

                Those fights are only designed to be challenging to a party of 55-60's. I've beat all the avatars a long time ago with not a single person above 60. 69 nin would have worked fine.

