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Avatar battle 20

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  • Avatar battle 20

    Getting ready to take on Shiva and looking for some feedback on the approach. (The gear is a recient update I got tired of losing and improved what I had, but haven't tried the new setup yet. Also only tried /whm before)
    Also mentioning where they came from in case anyone else reading this wants to get ahold of one of the gear items. Note: The barons gear is a bit pricier than I would of gotten if not for the current plunge in prices and me planning to keep this as a 20 cap event set for my mage jobs. (Garison, Echo warrior, exc). Also leveling thief to 46 to be able to eat the cost of medicines exc was helpful.

    Made this a new post since the previous one about what someone did in the avatar fights was a closed thread and there may be newer items/strategies due to updates. If anyone sees what I could improve including by hunting rare/ex drops please drop a comment what gear and where to get it. Thanks in advance

    My Current gear setup is
    Weapon: Hermits wand DMG 6 Delay 216 Int+2 Mnd +2 Spell interupt -25%
    (Purchased 7k)
    Head: Compound Eye circlet Def 4 Evasion +5
    (Quested in Windy)
    Neck: Black Silk Neckerchief Def 2 Int +1 Dark +3
    (Quested in Bastok to Rollenbery for Silk Catapillar)
    Body: Baron's Saio Def 15 Int +1 Mind +1
    (Purchased 151,000g)
    Legs: Baron's Slops Def 11 +1 MP recovered while healing
    (Purchased 80,001g) Would have bought the cheeper Mages slacks with Def 11 +1 int (60k), but I'm
    keeping these for 20 cap events like garison and eco warrior and plan to level sumoner with most
    of this gear after the solo battles are done.
    Feet: Mages Sandles Def 5 MP+3 Agi +1
    (Purchased long time agao cant remember how much)
    Hands: Battle Gloves Def 4 Accuracy +3 Evasion +3
    (given by a higher level character when still new. I'ld quest the
    scentless armbands in Windy if I didn't already have these since
    they also give evasion, but not sure on the exact stats)
    Waist: Silver obi +1 Def 3 Spell interupt -8%
    (Purchased from 10-20k awhile ago)
    Back: Cape +1 Def 2
    (Purchased curent price 3k Can't remember when I got it)
    Ring 1: San d'Orian Def 2 str +1 Mind +1
    (Starting Sandy item)
    Ring 2: Knowledge ring +2 int +4 ice
    (Purchased 7k)
    Earing 1: Energy Earing +3 MP +3 Dark
    (Under 10k)
    Earing 2: Energy Earing +3 MP +3 Dark
    (Under 10k)
    I am an Elvan and below are the stats for each combo at 20

    Sum/Whm: |Sum/Rdm |Sum/Blm |Sum/Pal
    HP: 265 |HP: 270 |HP: 259 |HP: 275
    MP: 219 |MP: 213 |MP: 224 |MP: 202
    str: 21+1 |Str: 21+1 |Str: 20+1 |Str: 22+1
    Dex: 18 |Dex: 19 |Dex: 19 |Dex: 18
    Vit: 20 |Vit: 19 |Vit: 19 |Vit: 21
    Agi: 17+1 |Agi: 17+1 |Agi: 18+1 |Agi: 16+1
    Int: 20+7 |Int: 21+7 |Int: 22+7 |Int: 19+7
    Mnd: +9 |Mnd: 27+9 |Mnd: 26+9 |Mnd: 27+9
    Chr: 24 |Chr: 24 |Chr: 24 |Chr: 24

    Spells of note in each sub below.
    Whitmage sub gives: Cure, Dia, Paralyze, Protect, Aquaveil
    Redmage sub gives: Cure, Blind, Dia, Protect, Paralyze
    Blackmage sub gives: Bio, Blaze Spikes, Blind, Bind, Poison
    Paladin sub give: Cure, Protect
    Foods: Boiled Crab for defence
    Yagado drinks (Correction edit)
    Drink: 2 MP Regen every 3 seconds for 180
    Pae au lot HP regen not sure on /tick
    Eathers and hi potions for instant MP/HP
    Summoning skill capped.

    Any pointers, tips, and constructive critism on subjob, equipment would be appreciated. Already familiar the use of searing light, run and recast carby when Shiva finishes slaughtering him, along with doing this on the avatars elemental weak day or lights day which I've tended to be closer to victory on lights day.
    I took my worst pounding on firesday. (Even worse that when I goofed and tried her on iceday by mistake). I'm 0/4 Shiva so I'm all ears on any advise. Thanks in advance.
    Last edited by Theyaden; 10-05-2006, 04:36 AM.

  • #2
    Re: Avatar battle 20

    Erk. That's a lot.

    To be honest the avatar fights aren't really that hard. You just need to stay calm and not get angry when you die. When people die and vent it out on the forums it creates an impression that these fights are infact hard.

    Try to pack in 2 physical earrings for an extra +50 HP. The main point of these fights is to: FOCUS ON HP. You can win the fights easily with about 100MP (just need 45-50 for Astral Flow/Searing Light to work). Carbuncle Mitts help if you can obtain them, I'm not sure what your rest of the jobs are (if this is your first advanced job). Try to pack in a Mist Silk Cape (DEF 10, +3 Eva, MND+1).

    Eat a boiled (steamed?) crab to increase your DEF. Ditch the +2 INT ring you got there and go for a VIT+2 ring. A Happy Egg (given out at Easter Event) helps with its +1 VIT and +1%HP.

    Basically MP is not the focus here, you just need HP to live through the hits while you're trying to resummon Carbuncle.

    For Shiva, take your time .Bring your MP Refresh drinks and such. Let Carbuncle melee it for a while. I basically took my time in the 2nd attempt and done it slowly before I started Astral Flowing. This fight is the only one which I didn't take the normal approach to and I basically let Carbuncle wear Shiva down for a bit before going down the Astral Flow path. A few Hi-Potions will help a bit here as well as Hi-Ethers/Ethers. Over prepare for the fight as you would want to find a good time to start Astral Flowing.

    Yagudo Drinks are 2mp I believe, not 3.
    Soloed to 75

    [DRG | BST | PLD | NIN | RDM | THF | DRK | WHM | SAM]

    all done via BST sub where applicable (no DRG/BST!)
    .:|The Prototype BST|:.
    Xtreme Precision Soloing [XPS]


    • #3
      Re: Avatar battle 20

      46 thf is my highest so I'll use your other 2 sugestions for the gear Physical earings and the Mist silk cape which sound like a good investment for this since it will improve both defence and hp for several avatar fights. Thanks for the advise

      As you segested I'll also try letting Carby work on her a bit I'ld been Astral flowing sicking carby and searing light right away to go for the 3 searing to get the kill. Should be interesting in any event.

      The earings aren't supper bad at roughly 20-25k each in Jeuno. Since the Mist Silk Cape is still at 80-100k I think I'll camp that catipillar near windy for a bit until I get it or enough silk thread to buy it. (Correction the cape has droped to 45k definately just buying it at that low price yay)

      Any advice on the which subjob?
      I'm thinking whm for protect, aquaval & dia, other than that Paladin for the added vitality, hp, and still getting protect.

      As far as the detail I included it's not that I'm venting a bad experience I haven't fought Siva for awhile I just like providing as much information as possible when asking advice to make it easier for others to guage where I am and answer with that in mind. Additionally if information posted helps me out it would make it easier for the next summoner facing the avatar fights including where to find stuff.

      As for the fights being hard, if they weren't difficult they wouldn't have the level of satisfaction I'll feel when I beat them. Once I've got a couple sucessfully under my belt I will doubtless find them easier, but first time at a new task is normally difficult, but then again it's what makes it something to strive to beat, but I like comparing advise from others when my own methods have been unsucessful since I may need tweeking.

      BTW your right on the yag drinks my bad edditing post above to note correction
      Last edited by Theyaden; 10-05-2006, 12:33 PM.


      • #4
        Re: Avatar battle 20

        I didn't say you were venting, it's ok, but the majority of other people that did and complained is what made the hard seem like a much harder fight than it is.

        Is Shiva your last avatar to get? There is a lot of time to fight her and there is no need to rush. By just spending that little bit more money on food and medicine you can turn the fight around in your favour.

        Subjob? Go WHM. You can go PLD for Defense Bonus, Protect and Cure I guess. Make sure you recast Carbuncle quite far away from Shiva so it doesn't attack you while you are doing it though.

        Just remember you have a LOT of time to fight Shiva. There is no need to rush. I forget the time limit but I think it was 15 minutes? (or 20/30?)
        Soloed to 75

        [DRG | BST | PLD | NIN | RDM | THF | DRK | WHM | SAM]

        all done via BST sub where applicable (no DRG/BST!)
        .:|The Prototype BST|:.
        Xtreme Precision Soloing [XPS]


        • #5
          Re: Avatar battle 20

          For the avatar battles, you may want to follow the advice and go with /whm. This becomes very important if you ever go to fight Ramuh as he has that nasty little ability to paralyze both you and Carby.

          Good luck to you!

          Just remember to have fun and not to stress out. With each battle, it's a learning experience.


          • #6
            Re: Avatar battle 20

            Just wanted to thank those that sent me PM's and posted in here I've just completed my Final Avatar battle today and have the 20th soloable ones
            Titan 1/1
            Shiva 1/6
            Ramuh 1/1
            Leviathan 1/1
            Garuda 1/1
            Ifrit 1/1
            The 4hp/tick drink per tick made a huge difference (Per something or other) A cheaper one would've probably helped get the job done, but cost more high potions so it was a gil saver in the long run.

            Thankyou to all who contributed.
            Ironic note: I will probably be main healing in Quflin Island soon, but I should be able to sneak my avatars out for some manabursts at least ^..^


            • #7
              Re: Avatar battle 20

              Nice man, good to hear you got em done. I was also 1/6 on Shiva heh.

              I would suggest useing only carby to posion nails and healing ruby for a while. Your gonna be main healing alot but you have to conserve mp. And with the new update its not so hard to use all your MP in seconds.

              GL man hope to see you at 75 soon.



              • #8
                Re: Avatar battle 20

                here's my funny thing: I beat Rahmu on Lightingsday and he wqasn't even that hard XD
                Shadowneko's FFXI Newbie Guide 2009
                (have fun MMO players ^^)
                Jon Davies AKA: Shadowneko of Midradsomr...soon to be transferred to Quetzalcoatl


                • #9
                  Re: Avatar battle 20

                  Congrats on the Mini-Fights.

                  My hat goes off to anybody who levels SMN to Lv.20 with ONLY Carby, and has to spend 80% of their time as Main Cure. I went and did all of the Avatar Primes so I had all the Avatars at Lv.1. (Outside of Diabolos, but I haven't even touched SMN in the least. They released Diabolos the week AFTER my Ls took down Fenrir. lol)

                  Once you have all the avatars, can you go back and get the Mini-fork and do the Lv.20 battles? Might be something to do one day when I'm board. Or I could just go solo the Primes again. ^^
                  PS2 Beta tester - Cactaur - Rank 4
                  RDM32 - BLM17 - DRK11 - RNG11 - BRD9 - BST7 - WAR6 - MNK4

                  Lakshmi: Windurst Rank 10 - Zilart, CoP, ToAU COMPLETE - WotG
                  SAM90 - DRK90 - MNK90 - WAR90 - RNG90 - BST90 - RDM83 - NIN50 - THF46 - DRG42 - BLM40 - PUP23 - WHM20 - PLD13 - BRD13 - BLU10 - SCH10 - DNC7 - COR5 - SMN1


                  • #10
                    Re: Avatar battle 20

                    Originally posted by tdh View Post
                    Congrats on the Mini-Fights.

                    My hat goes off to anybody who levels SMN to Lv.20 with ONLY Carby, and has to spend 80% of their time as Main Cure. I went and did all of the Avatar Primes so I had all the Avatars at Lv.1. (Outside of Diabolos, but I haven't even touched SMN in the least. They released Diabolos the week AFTER my Ls took down Fenrir. lol)

                    Once you have all the avatars, can you go back and get the Mini-fork and do the Lv.20 battles? Might be something to do one day when I'm board. Or I could just go solo the Primes again. ^^
                    Yup you can go back and do them again just re-get the tuning fork. Also you can use it as a free teleport to the area's although I think you need to have summoner mainjob to get the teleport.

                    BTW someone mentioned Ramuh. He wasn't too bad I actually forgot to restock my Yagado drinks only had one and had to finish in melee for the win with sereph strike and banish while carby got ignored once astral flow wore off.

