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Do i need to be a lv 30 to be able to find the ruby or can i do it whenever

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  • Do i need to be a lv 30 to be able to find the ruby or can i do it whenever

    Do i need to be a lv 30 to be able to find the ruby or can i do it whenever.

    I am a lv 27 Blm while i wait for parties it would be nice if i can get the ruby.

  • #2
    Re: Do i need to be a lv 30 to be able to find the ruby or can i do it whenever

    You can find it at any level. So long as you can kill the leeches that drop it. Or have someone else kill them for you.


    • #3
      Re: Do i need to be a lv 30 to be able to find the ruby or can i do it whenever

      ohh ok i am a lv 27 blm/10 rdm would i be able to solo or should i get a thief and a Pl to find the ruby


      • #4
        Re: Do i need to be a lv 30 to be able to find the ruby or can i do it whenever

        You might be able to solo them. They will be DC to you most likely. It would be easier if your sub was fully leveled, also. But hey, if you want to get a THF and a PL to help you, that's certainly your call. I wouldn't advise it, but everyone does things differently.


        • #5
          Re: Do i need to be a lv 30 to be able to find the ruby or can i do it whenever

          Originally posted by Thoris
          ohh ok i am a lv 27 blm/10 rdm would i be able to solo or should i get a thief and a Pl to find the ruby
          SMN will require WHM sub... parties will require your BLM to have a fully leveled subjob...

          I'd start by leveling RDM to 15 so your BLM is able to get to 30, then level WHM to 15 or so to use as your subjob for SMN.

          I'm not meaning to poke at you, but being a SMN requires A LOT of patience... collecting avatars (winning the battles) questing for equipment, making intricate macro's, leveling Summoning Magic etc...

          If you're not able to level your subjobs up you may get awfully frustrated with SMN as a main job =(


          • #6
            Re: Do i need to be a lv 30 to be able to find the ruby or can i do it whenever

            You may want to level WHM to the mid 20's. Past lvl 22 SMN is very often asked to main heal, leveling whm first would give you experience as a main healer, and it would help level the magic skills that come with the WHM job.


            • #7
              Re: Do i need to be a lv 30 to be able to find the ruby or can i do it whenever

              You should be able to solo them fine, as an aside, as others have said, level your sub!

              I soloed the leeches at Buburimu as WHM30/BLM15 quite comfortably. Usually there are a lot of high level players on Fenrir going through to Bibiki, so if you camp right at the cave entrace to BB you can always zone if you are getting wailed on, or some kind passer by may group with you to help out.

              I was over the moon when a 75THF/37NIN offered to help me out - we popped one after about 15 minutes or so (after two hours solo killing)

              Which FF Character Are You?


              • #8
                Re: Do i need to be a lv 30 to be able to find the ruby or can i do it whenever

                while finding the ruby having a thf will help a lot, when i was looking for mine i was without a thf, i killed over 70 leeches, still no drop, so i called on a thf friend got one quite quickly. It's pretty random you could get one first drop or 100th kill, but a thf will shorten the odd significantly. I'd hate to try and kill 100+ DC leeches.

                And levling your sub (or multiple subs) will help you with all sorts.
                Kylestie was defeated by Curiosity.


                • #9
                  Re: Do i need to be a lv 30 to be able to find the ruby or can i do it whenever

                  i see all your points but i hate healling i will not main heal i will be a full feldged sum/blm or BLu. If they need a whm i will be a whm but i will not main heal


                  • #10
                    Re: Do i need to be a lv 30 to be able to find the ruby or can i do it whenever

                    Originally posted by Thoris
                    i see all your points but i hate healling i will not main heal i will be a full feldged sum/blm or BLu. If they need a whm i will be a whm but i will not main heal
                    Good luck on getting invites. If your going to be that stubborn about not playing the job, why take it up at all?
                    I use a Mac because I'm just better than you are.

                    HTTP Error 418 - I'm A Teapot - The resulting entity body MAY be short and stout.



                    • #11
                      Re: Do i need to be a lv 30 to be able to find the ruby or can i do it whenever

                      Originally posted by Mhurron
                      Good luck on getting invites. If your going to be that stubborn about not playing the job, why take it up at all?
                      You have a point that he wont get invites. But you're dead wrong about healing being a Summoners job. SE has tried time and time again to get people to stop making SMNs main heal. Their job is their avatars, not to heal. That's how it works out though, if you're going to be a SMN you ARE going to have to be main healer at some point. I've never met a 75SMN that didn't main heal.


                      • #12
                        Re: Do i need to be a lv 30 to be able to find the ruby or can i do it whenever

                        does a whm have any kind of spells that damage baddie. The other thing is i am a designer i like to think out of the box by me doing sum/whm it is to common


                        • #13
                          Re: Do i need to be a lv 30 to be able to find the ruby or can i do it whenever

                          Yes, WHM get Holy, Banish, Banish II, and Banishga I and II.

                          You being a designer doesn't help the fact that you wont get invited to parties as anything but a SUM/WHM.


                          • #14
                            Re: Do i need to be a lv 30 to be able to find the ruby or can i do it whenever

                            You can most certainly go SMN 1-75 as SMN/whatever, but if you dont use /whm and main heal some, getting to 75 will take a forever, seriously........FOREVER!


                            • #15
                              Re: Do i need to be a lv 30 to be able to find the ruby or can i do it whenever

                              dude i just did a search on your name in-game. blm26/rdm06....did rdm level down four times? but the main agruement on using /whm for smn is that you can also benefit the party with healing and curing effects to ease the burden off of the white mage. Going /blm doesn't really allow you to do that, your main party help with blm sub would be escape(really nice though).

